DeFi data
1. Total market value of DeFi: $5.3201 billion
Source of total market value data for DeFi: coingecko
2. Transactions to centralized exchange over the past 24 hours: $4,143 million
Source of transaction data for the last 24 hours to centralize the exchange: coingecko
3. Locked assets in DeFi: $11.52 billion
金色晚报 | 5月24日晚间重要动态一览:12:00-21:00关键词:MakerDAO、BCH、灰度比特币信托、英国央行
An overview of important developments in the evening of May 24th: 12 noon-21:00 keywords: MakerDAO, BCH, Greytime Bitcoin Trust, British Central Bank
1. MakerDAO通过最新执行投票,现已支持负基数费率。
1. The negative base rate has now been supported by MakerDAO through the latest performance ballot.
2. 数据:灰度比特币信托2020年Q1平均每周投资达2990万美元。
2. Data: The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust invested an average of $29.9 million per week in Q1 in 2020.
3. 数据:经历首次减半后,BCH基本面指标持续下滑。
3. Data: After halving the first time, the BCH fundamentals indicator continued to decline.
4. 中国移动董事长:加快区块链技术在数据交易流通中的应用。
4. China's Mobile Chairman: accelerating the application of block chain technology in the flow of data transactions.
5. 日本参议员:在后疫情时代,加密货币和区块链会愈发重要。
5. Senator of Japan: In the post-epidemiological era, the importance of encrypted monetary and block chains becomes even more important.
6. 《卫报》:英国央行或采取负利率措施,比特币将获得更多主流认可。
6. The Guardian: Bitcoin will receive more mainstream recognition either by the British Central Bank or by taking negative interest rate measures.
7. 数据:2018年4月至今,82%的时间里对冲基金作为一个群体都在做空比特币。
7. Data: From April 2018 to the present, 82 per cent of the time the hedge fund is working as a group on empty bitcoin.
8. 数据显示:Bitfinex上的投资者强烈看涨ETH。
8. The data show that investors on Bitfinex view ETH strongly.
9. 雅典大学论文类比天体物理学来解释加密货币的迅速崛起。[2020/5/24]
9. Thesis of the University of Athens explains the rapid rise of encrypted currencies by analogy with astrophysics. [2020/5/24]
DeFi locks top ten asset rankings and locks warehouse data source: defillama
NFT data
1. Total market value of NFT: $23.758 billion
金色午报 | 4月17日午间重要动态一览:7:00-12:00关键词:腾讯、钓鱼账号、深圳、Libra
An overview of important developments in the afternoon of 17 April: 7 p.m.-12 noon keywords: tethers, fishing accounts, Shenzhen, Libra
1. 腾讯安全领御区块链-北京方正公证取证平台正式发布;
1. Security custody of the chain of blocks - official release of the Beijing public fair evidence platform;
2. 部分Voice钓鱼账号已非法获利9,044个EOS;
2. Some of the Voice fishing accounts have illegally earned 9,044 EOS;
3. 首例涉农区块链项目 股权在德阳成功转让;
3. The first case involving the agricultural block chain project was successfully transferred in Deyang;
4. 深圳前海发布国内首个区块链法律纠纷分析报告;
4. Publication of the first legal dispute analysis report on the chain of blocks in the country in the Shenzhen Sea;
5. 江西南昌将推进一批包括区块链等领域在内的数字产业项目;
5. Jiangxi Namchang will promote a number of digital industry projects, including in areas such as block chains;
6. 加密交易员:加密货币在这段时间内的表现与传统市场的不同;
6. Encrypted traders: the behaviour of encrypted currencies during this period differs from that of traditional markets;
7. Libra项目负责人:将调整重心到稳定币钱包;
7. Libra project manager: to adjust the focus to a steady currency wallet;
8. 分析:比特币隐私受限、集中式开采和缺乏可伸缩性等问题可转化为优势。[2020/4/17]
8. Analysis: Bitcoin privacy limitations, centralized mining and lack of scalability can translate into advantages. [2020/4/17]
Total market value of NFT, top 10 item data source: coinmarketcap
224-hour NFT transactions: $5.654 billion
分析 | 金色盘面:BTC2小时背离反弹:金色盘面综合分析:BTC在过去15分钟,多头主力发动攻击,一举站上6300美元,2小时背离形成,短线趋势走强,请投资者保持理性投资,做好风险控制。[2018/9/9]
Golden plate: BTC 2-hour retreat: BTC composite analysis: BTC over the past 15 minutes, multiple main forces launched attacks, one stand, $6,300, two-hour deviations, strong short-line trends, requesting investors to keep their investments rational and manage their risks. [2018/9/9]
Source of data on top 10 items with total market value of NFT: Coinmarkketcap
3.24 hours top NFT
NFT data source for top ten sales increases within 24 hours: NFTGO
NFT hotspot
BAYC floor price recovery to 101.75 ETH
According to, the total market value of Bored ApeYachtClub is $1.16 billion, with 6,263 addresses. The NFT project has traded more than $2.41 million over the last 24 hours, an increase of 23.53%, and the floor price has risen back to 101.75 ETH, an increase of 4.09%.
分析 | 金色盘面:ETH期货合约若获批将对价格走势影响巨大:芝加哥期权交易所向美国商品和期货交易委员会递交了给与推出ETH期货合约的申请。金色盘面分析师称,类比之前的BTC期货合约,在2016年11月芝加哥商品期货交易所联合总部位于伦敦的加密货币机构合作并基于其CME CF比特币参考汇率推出了BRR指数,当月COINBASE数字货币交易所BTC价格报收742.69美元,一年后,也就是2017年12月11日首个btc期货合约正式在芝加哥商品期货交易所上线。上市当日因为价格大涨,造成熔断,从而引发业内人士对于价格泡沫的担忧。当月COINBASE数字货币交易所BTC现货收盘价格为13863.13美元,当月触及BTC历史最高价19891.99美元。可以预见如果美国商品和期货交易委员会批准了ETH期货合约申请,意味着给与了ETH和BTC同等的市场地位,对于ETH未来价格走势影响巨大。[2018/8/31]
Analysis: ETH futures contracts, if approved, would have a significant impact on price trends: the Chicago Stock Exchange submitted to the United States Commodity and Futures Trading Commission an application for the introduction of the ETH futures contract. Goldboard analysts claim that the BTC futures contract, which preceded the analogy, was launched in November 2016 in cooperation with an encrypted monetary agency based in London with the joint headquarters of the Chicago Commodity Futures Exchange and based on its CME CF bit currency reference exchange, and that in that month, the COINBASE digital money exchange BTC prices received $742.69, and the first btc futures contract, dated 11 December 2017, was officially posted at the Chicago Commodity Futures Exchange.
The cool bear NFT project, the OkayBears floor price, has risen to an all-time high of 247SOL.
On 16 May, it was reported that, according to MagicEden data, the Pause Bear NFT project, OkayBears floor price, had risen to an all-time high of approximately $93,398,650 for a total of 14,582 transactions, with an average transaction price of 249.44 SOL for the past 24 hours.
金色财经现场报道 金色财经记者在2018Coindesk共识大会现场参访BIGCHAIN CB展位:金色财经现场报道,2018Coindesk共识大会在纽约正式开幕,此次峰会规模空前,金色财经记者在峰会现场参访了BIGCHAIN CB展位。金色财经记者了解到,BIGCHAIN CB是一个分散的数据存储平台,如今的大多数知识产权都在互联网上,内容很容易被复制,通过该存储平台,所有的利益相关者都可以对作品的归属和来源进行区分。[2018/5/14]
BIGCHAIN CB booths were visited by Golden Financial Journalists on site at the 2018 Coindesk Consensus Conference: The Gold Finances Conference was officially opened in New York on an unprecedented scale, and the Golden Finance Journalists visited the BIGCHAIN CB booth on the occasion of the Summit. Gold Finance Journalists learned that BIGCHAIN CB is a decentralized data storage platform, and most intellectual property rights are now available on the Internet, easily reproduced, through which all stakeholders can distinguish between the ownership and origin of their works [2018/5/14].
Modern EC, a construction subsidiary under the Korea Modern Group, launched the NFT operation.
As part of this collaboration, modern construction will be involved as the holder of “MetaToy DragonZ.” To date, modern EC accounts have purchased 45 MethodNFTs. Earlier, modern cars announced community-based NFT markets in April, and their NFT platform hyundai-nft and the meta-cosmos HyundaiMetamobility in May.
4. Spotify is testing NFT extension services for selected artists and fans can be viewed and purchased from outside markets
On 16 May, the music subscription service provider Spotify was testing the NFT extension service for a small number of artists, allowing artists to promote their NFT on their personal information pages, and the fans involved in the testing could view and purchase the NFT from the outside market.
5. CrystalPunks 24-hour NFT transactions exceeded $3.8 million and transactions increased by over 350 per cent
According to information received on 16 May, according to, the 24-hour NFT transaction volume of the CryptoPunks series was $3.84 million, with 354.80 per cent increase in volume. As of the date of issuance, the floor price of the series was 53.8 ETH, with a 13.62 per cent increase in 24 hours.
The first digital collection of the Starfire Cup, Stimulus Dynasty, was launched on 19 May.
On 16 May, at 16 o'clock, the China-Kiwan Block Chain Industry Union will officially launch the first digital collection of the “Start Fire Cup” – the Stimulus Dynasty. The Central-Kiwan Block Chain Industry Alliance will create two series of digital collections for the first Starcup block chain competition, and will publish the first digital collection, “Small Surges and Dynasty”, on the occasion of the national re-combinement.
DeFi Hotspot
1. 35 million dollars in bad debts for the DeFi loan agreement with Scream as a result of the severe breakdown of FUSD and DEI
On 16 May, it was reported that DesFi’s loan agreement based on Fantom’s failure to adjust the prices of the two unincorporated dollar stabilizers resulted in a bad debt of $35 million. The two stable currencies were FantomUSD and Dei, respectively. According to the Scream dashboard, the price of the two stable currencies was still US$ 1.
2. PeckShield: Rugpulls in Tom has fallen by 99.94 per cent
On 16 May, PeckShield tweeted that Rugpulls had been detected in Tom, and that the token had fallen by 99.94 per cent. Twelve hundred BNBs have now been transferred to TornadoCash.
Dollar cosmos hotspot
The meta-cosm block is going up and down. Hubei's wide-wave contact is going up and down.
On 16 May, news came of the rise of the meta-cosmos plates, the impact of Ukobei wide power, and the rise of American culture, Zhenya International, Orpheus Entertainment, Silk Road Visuals, etc.
AnANEO, a Japanese company owned by NAA, worked with Sompo, insurance company, to develop Yuan Cosmos insurance products
On May 16, the Japanese insurance company Sompo announced that it had entered into a partnership with ANANEO, Japan’s leading cosmos subsidiary, ANA, to provide insurance products and display services. It was informed that ANANEO had been established in 2009 to operate a virtual tourism platform, SKYWHALE, and announced the completion of approximately $33.8 million in financing in March this year.
Game Hotspot
1.STEPN Release 0.6.6: Add dual authentication, etc.
On 16 May, MovetoEarn, using STEPN, announced on social media that version 0.6.6 was officially online and that the main features added to the new version included: new dual authentication, optimized configuration file settings, increased daily ceiling increase options for the GST, new records of consumer account transactions, etc.
2. RPGNFT game Pixelmon was fraudulently attacked by fishing websites
On 16 May, it was reported that the RPGNFT game had been fraudulently attacked by fishing websites, and hackers had copied their official website,, to falsify a website called Pixelmongw. The fishing website would require players to download the game. Once executable files had been deployed, the passwords of the user applications would be stolen and the files matched by specific names would be searched on the computer and passed on to the attackers. According to data, the current price of the Pixelmon floor was 0.298 ETH, with a market value of approximately $1.866 million and a total transaction value of $4.424 million.
SquareEnix, Ancient Cemetery Game Development Corporation, will set up a new entity to distribute the Token game
It was also revealed that the company began piloting the NFT in the Shi-San-SeiMillion Arthur game in February this year, based on the introduction of the NFT in the second quarter of the game. In addition, SquareEnix indicated that it had been working with Web3 to explore the chainwalking market as part of the medium-term business strategy for 2022, and that it was expected to establish an overseas entity to deal with “distribute, manage and invest our own Token” in the near future, indicating that the company would begin to create a more expansive monetic economic model.
Disclaimer: Gold Books serve as a block chain information platform, with articles published for information purposes only and not as a recommendation for actual investment.
Label: SIS
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