> In May of this year, Mr. Shine of Ming Shui Street, in Jinan City, when he was browsing the web page, discovered that a web page bought and sold bitcoin, and then invested in the nearly 190,000 dollars he was planning to marry, fortunately intercepted and recovered by the Anti-Fraud Center of the Château Division.
May 13, the Zhenan Public Security Bureau Anti-Treatment Hotline received a phone call from Mr. Hao, claiming that he had been deceived by $189.96 million when he bought Bitcoin online. “I'm getting ready to get married, comrade police must help me find a way to get back. The web page is closed and people can't be contacted. Without that money, I'm not going to get married.
民警进一步调查发现,冀先生被骗的钱流进了深圳倪女士的账户中,而当民警联系到倪女士询问其相关情况的时候,倪女士对自己账户多了这一笔钱却毫不知情,并且认为民警是诈骗的,一度将民警的电话拉黑拒绝接听。为了尽快追回被骗款,民警立即将警官证发送给倪女士,并简要说明了案件的情况,这时倪女士答应配合调查,但是需要民警到深圳的公安机关! a further investigation by the civilian police found that Mr. Hsiao's stolen money was in Ms. Deepak's account and that when the civilian police contacted Ms. Ning for information about it, Ms. Ning had no knowledge of the money in her account and thought that the civilian police had been defrauded, and at one time turned down the civilian police phone. In order to recover the stolen money, the civilian police immediately sent Ms. Ning's police card and gave a brief account of the case, which she agreed to cooperate with the investigation, but needed the civilian police to go to the public security office in Shenzhen! 民警最终约定于5月22日在深圳宝安区公安局某派出所与倪女士见面。5月21日晚,反诈中心民警韩冰、尹茂勇、辅警徐潮连夜赶赴深圳。22日一早,民警冒雨到达派出所与倪女士见面,经过详细询问,倪女士不买卖比特币,也没有参与洗钱,排除诈骗嫌疑,随后民警对其银行卡进行了解除止付,10时45分,倪女士将全部钱款(18.9968万)返还给冀先生。 这是一起境外犯罪分子利用市民的银行卡洗钱的典型案例,犯罪分子通过网站链接出售比特币,随后让受害人将钱打到市民银行卡中,再通过非法手段撤回比特币,以此来诈骗钱财。因此,警方提醒广大群众,买卖比特币是不受法律保护的!千万不要轻信一夜暴富的谎言,不动心不转账是对自己钱财最好的保护,一旦怀疑遇到电信诈骗,一定第一时间报警。 闪电新闻记者 宁佳 报道 lightning reporter Ningja & nbsp; coverage
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