- 比特币或再度大幅飙升 加密货币未来仍有保障
However, despite the optimism of the experts on Bitcoin, there is a group of people who do not believe that bitcoin and encrypted currency have investment value.
- 韩国将侧重确保加密货币交易透明度 推动区块链技术
Korea will continue to fight the illegal activities of the exchange severely; efforts will be made to enhance the cybersecurity of encrypted currency. The government is assessing the taxation of encrypted currency; plans may be ready soon.
- 比特币挖矿一年耗电485亿度:超越伊拉克全国
The Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index given by DigiConomist shows an increasing global investment of resources for Bitcoin, the latest figure being 48.5 terawatt-hours (TW/h), or 48.5 billion degrees, throughout the year.
- 意大利一加密货币交易所失窃Nano币 市值约1.7亿美元
The Exchange stated in a report on its website that internal checks had revealed that unauthorized transactions had resulted in a 17 million gap in Nano currency, which was part of BitGrail's management of the assets.
- 英美政府网站被植入恶意软件:电脑被迫挖掘加密货币
Thousands of websites, including United States and British government agencies, were infected by a set of codes for several hours on Sundays, resulting in computers accessing infected sites secretly digging for digital encrypted currency. IMF总裁:加密货币接受政府监管不可避免
- 人民日报:“炒币”热已引发监管层关注 该降降温了
Investors have no loss in the heat of Bitcoin, but the speculative, volatile, money-laundering and corruption risks and problems behind them have raised a high level of concern at the regulatory level.
- 巴克莱银行将禁止使用信用卡购买加密货币
In an interview with a senior manager of Barclay's credit card department, Barclay's bank revealed that Barclay was likely to follow the example of several major lending institutions in the United States: refusing to provide credit cards to users to purchase bitcoins or other encrypted currency.
- 法国德国财长呼吁:取缔比特币等加密货币
French and German finance ministers and senior central bankers have come forward as politicians, regulators, demanding the banning of bitcoin and other virtual currencies.
- 意大利加密货币交易所被攻击:损失1.7亿美元
The Italian Encrypted Currency Exchange BitGrail announced on its official network that it had stolen Nano coins worth $170 million.
- “比特币们”何以成为洪水猛兽?投机炒作是主因
Why did digital virtual assets, represented by Bitcoin, fall from the market pets of the new world, into the flood beasts that are now under regulatory vigilance and heavy fist clean-up? 美国税局盯上Coinbase:“加密货币税”征收在即
According to the foreign media, the United States Revenue Service (IRS) is stepping up investigations against United States citizens in order to clarify ways and means of concealing their cash during the tax reporting season.
- 基金巨头Vanguard:比特币归零是大概率事件
Davis states that Bitcoin's “price volatility affects its adoption, as fewer and fewer traders are willing to accept a currency with such volatility.”
- 卡塔尔央行宣布禁止银行交易比特币
来源:界面新闻 2月8日,据当地媒体MEM消息,卡塔尔中央银行(QCB)宣布禁止银行交易比特币,禁止比特币和其他货币进行兑换,禁止给交易比特币开户,禁止任何以买卖比特币为目的的转账。[详情]
Source: Interface News, 8 February, according to the local media MEM, the Central Bank of Qatar (QCB) announced a ban on bank transactions in Bitcoin, the exchange of bitcoin and other currencies, the opening of transactions in bitcoin and any transfer for the purpose of buying or selling bitcoin.
- 陪你一起暴跌 比特币与股市未来将“命运相连”?
As the stock market rebounded, the market risk level had reached a high level earlier this year. The stock market rebound showed investors a great potential for revenue from the encrypted currency market.
- 2017年Coindesk区块链报告:比特币的泡沫与过去不同
If Bitcoin is in bubbles, this is a few virtually non-credit-free bubbles in the history of the financial sector.
- 韩国最高院:将裁定政府监管加密货币是否违宪
At the end of December, a constitutional appeal against the government's encrypt currency legislation was submitted by the Constitutional Court to the Supreme Court of Korea.
- 研究:近一半比特币交易涉及非法活动
According to a new survey in Australia, approximately one quarter of the Bitcoin users and nearly one-second bitcoin transactions are linked to illegal activities.
- Ripple从天堂跌落地狱:市值暴跌80% 共识机制被质疑
BitMEX's study carried out a “scramble skin” of Ripocom, and perhaps we should all look at the real face of this “virtual currency that will overthrow the status of Bitcoin as the Great Mountain King”.
- 日本金融厅将对多家加密货币交易所展开现场检查
According to the Japanese Current Affairs Agency, Japanese financial regulators plan to conduct on-site investigations this week into a number of encrypted currency exchanges that may have been hit by cyber attacks.
- 日本监管机构将检查更多加密货币交易所
Japan's financial regulators plan to conduct on-site inspections of several encrypted currency exchanges this week to prevent hacking similar to Coincheck's last month.
- 调查:约20%加密货币持有人通过信用卡交易
, the latest report, The State of Block Chains 2018, revealed that over 80% of respondents “will not borrow money to buy encrypted money.” But about half of those who borrowed have already paid off their loans. 世界银行行长:绝大多数加密货币基本是“庞氏骗局”
我们也在进行研究,但是据我所知绝大多数加密货币基本上都是庞氏骗局,”世界银行行长金墉周三在华盛顿的一个活动上表示。 “现在仍然不是很清楚它是如何运作的。[详情]
We're also working on it, but as far as I know, the vast majority of encrypted money is basically Ponzi's scam, and World Bank President Kim Yong-gi said at an event in Washington on Wednesday. "It's still not clear how it works."
- 高盛警告:大多数加密货币的价值可能归零
Global Investment Research Director of the Goldman Sachs Group believes that the total market value of encrypted currencies is currently evaporating by nearly $500 billion, but that the future of encrypted currencies may be worse.
- 高盛发重磅警告:做好准备!多数加密货币价值恐归零
Although he did not give a time frame for this situation, he indicated that recent price fluctuations indicated a bubble and that the trend towards convergence between different currencies was unreasonable.
- 全球股市暴跌 比特币却在低点震荡三个月后触底反弹
This Tuesday, Bitcoin rebounded three months after a low shock of less than $6,000, and bitcoin on the Bitstamp Exchange rebounded to more than $8,000.
- 是否应该限制ICO?美国监管者陷入挣扎
American regulators say to Congress that regulators will enter an entirely new field and that they will try to regulate the public distribution of legal virtual currencies.
- 比特币止跌回升 SEC主席称所有已见ICO均属证券发行
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席Jay Clayton在国会听证会上重申,他所看到的每一笔首次代币发行(ICO)都属于证券发行,SEC已经拥有执法所需的监管权。比特币价格随之企稳。[详情]
Jay Clayton, Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), reiterated at a congressional hearing that every first issue of a token (ICO) he saw was a securities issue and that SEC already had the regulatory authority necessary for enforcement. Bitcoin prices were stable.
- 虚拟货币监管不断升级 多家公司剥离挖矿业务
As domestic regulation of virtual currency and mining operations deepens, so do listed companies that have been involved in related business.
- 比特币摇摇欲坠之际 比特币期货交易激增
The hedge fund uses these two platforms to bet bitcoin down, and the number of empty positions on Cboe exceeds three to one.
- 北京互金协会:部分跨境虚拟货币平台面临被取缔风险
As Governments strengthen their regulation of the aforementioned areas, some offshore agencies are at risk of being forcibly banned by the host Government, and some offshore agencies have been restricted in their access due to obvious technical and compliance risks.
- 美国金融监管大佬齐聚 加密货币政策走向或将揭晓
J. Christopher Giancarlo, Chairman of the United States Commission on Commodity Futures Trading (CFTC), and Jay Clayton, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), will address Congress Hill.
- 比特币持续走低 分析师:价格定评调整为5000美元
Centtrip首席市场分析师Miles Eakers表示:“我们预计,这种下降趋势将持续下去,我们将下一个价格水平设定为5000美元一枚。”[详情]
Principal Market Analyst Miles Eakers stated: “We expect this downward trend to continue, and we set the next price level at $5,000.”
- 比特币跌破7000美元 英美部分银行禁止用信用卡购买
Bitcoin briefly climbed to $9,000 on Sunday after falling $8,000 on February 2. On February 5, however, Bitcoin prices fell close to $2,000 and on the morning of February 6, $7,000, down 27% from its highest point.
- 比特币跌至6300美元 今年累计下跌60%
Industry website Cryptomarketcap shows that by 11.34 p.m. Beijing time, the price of Bitcoin stood at $6301.04, a new low since November 2017. The price of Bitcoin has declined by about 60% cumulatively since it entered 2018.
- 美国监管机构:对虚拟货币应实施更多监督
Two top market regulators in the United States will recommend to legislators that the regulation of digital currencies, such as bitcoin, be strengthened and may require a new federal regulatory framework.
- 比特币跌破7000美元 美国相关板块重挫
According to the Bloomberg synthetic offer, Bitcoin was hit 23 per cent on Monday, lost $7,000 and fell back to the level of mid-November last year.
- 币价下跌、“矿难”来临 华强北矿机卖家含泪割肉
Miner Sellers, who dug gold from the sales machine when Bitcoin soared, now also experienced a “mine disaster”: Bitcoin fell, the price of the mine went down, and a mine machine bought back at a high price fell in their hands.
- 比特币交易平台出海难逃监管:发现一家关闭一家
The Central Bank has recently reported in the media that the People's Bank will take a series of regulatory measures against ICO and virtual currency transactions, both inside and outside the country.
- 比特币一周跌超三成 监管将处置境内外交易平台网站
Although regulators, including central banks, have yet to comment on it, the digital currency circles generally agree that this is the signal that a new round of digital money regulation will come.
- 紧跟美国:英国禁止用信用卡购买加密货币
The British Lloyds Bank Group indicated on Monday that it was preventing people from using credit cards to purchase encrypted money. Last week, several major banks in the United States took the same measure.
- 美国酝酿虚拟货币监管路线图 市场行情跌势未止
The three largest banks in the United States - Bank of America, Morgan Chase and Citibank announced on 2 February that their credit cards would be banned from purchasing bitcoins and other digital currencies, indicating that banks were clearly taking stronger precautions against such risks. 币圈地震:ARTS被投资人举报诈骗 揭开ICO私募黑链
Everyone knows that the bubble will break sooner or later, but they don't know when or what the trigger is. But February 4th, 2018 can be recorded as a day in the history of the virtual currency ring.
- 一年来 韩国政府对比特币到底做了什么
On the issue of encrypt currency, political views within the Korean Government re-emphasized as a “play” of proclamations, denials, accusations, misreporting, clarifications, etc. 比特币正以每小时50美元速度“跳楼式”下跌
Bitcoin's current prices fell by almost 57% from its peak of US$ 20,000 last December. In January of this year, Bitcoin fell by 30%, the worst monthly performance in three years.
- 德国总统:需要警惕加密货币投机活动和泡沫
German President Steinmeyer warned on Thursday that the financial sector had a responsibility to prevent speculation and bubbles in the crypto-currency market.
- 日本财长:金融监管机构已进驻Coincheck交易所调查
The Minister of Finance of Japan, Taro Aso, indicated on Friday that the financial regulator is currently in Coincheck on an encrypted currency exchange for on-site investigations.
- 各国监管趋严:比特币跌破9000美元大关
is affected by the sharp fall in bitcoin, and other encrypted currencies are desolate. It falls by 7% to $1030, and by 11% to 99 cents.
- 交易所对加密货币期货态度分化:CME持谨慎态度
The CME Group does not intend to supply encrypted currency futures other than Bitcoin at short notice, but its competitor, Chicago Global Markets, has an open mind.
- 黑客攻击BeeToken 偷走价值100万美元的以太坊
BeeToken, an encryption start-up company, has been hacked into, targeted at ICO and used a fishing attack, successfully stealing Etheeum, worth more than $1 million.
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