比特币价格一日腰斩 不只跟全球股市熔断有关!

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:42 评论:0
  伴随着包括美国在内的多国股市熔断,比特币价格也在24小时内腰斩。With the collapse of multinational stock markets, including in the United S...



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With the collapse of multinational stock markets, including in the United States, bitcoin prices were cut off within 24 hours.


On the night of March 12, Bitcoin prices began to jump, falling down from $7,300 to $6,000, the largest single-day fall in five years. On March 13, the table fell by $4,000, to $3,800, and the 24-hour fall was close to 50%, again refreshing the record of single-day falls.


What led to the bitcoin price cut-off? For a variety of reasons, some say it is related to the volatility of global capital markets and others to pledge operations and leverage transactions that have emerged since last year.

  比特币价格一日腰斩 头部交易所进出量大幅增加


Bitcoin prices rebounded after a big fall. By the time of the release, bitcoin prices had shaken around $5,000.


Indeed, since April 2019, the upward trend in bitcoin prices has been “zero”. If compared to the peak of $12,549 in 2019, bitcoin prices have fallen by nearly 60%. The last time Bitcoins fell below $4,000 goes back to the end of November 2018, when bitcoin prices fell by $3,000 in 10 days, and this time it took less than 20 hours.


The sudden collapse of Bitcoin on 12 March triggered the movement of data from and into the chain and the exchange of bitcoin. The chain's Chainsmap surveillance system found that there were 2371 large transfers of more than 100 bits of currency on that day, the highest since 22 November last year.

  同时,币安、火币等头部交易所进出比特币大幅增加,币安全天流入13549.53BTC,流出21482.54BTC,净流出7933BTC,币安热钱包甚至由于阶段性用户大量提币,出现了仅剩22枚比特币的少有场面。昨日,火币交易所净流入3363枚比特币。其中从币安交易所提出的比特币,有2167枚流向火币,排名第一,紧随其后的是Bitfinex,获得1420BTC。而火币流出的比特币,流向Bitfinex的达1433枚,位居第一,流向币安的为1273枚,位居第二 。

At the same time, there was a significant increase in the number of first-hand exchanges in and out of Bitcoin, the safe passage of currency into 13549.53 BTC, the safe flow out of 21482.54 BTC, the net outflow out of 7933 BTC, and the spread of hot wallets, even as a result of the large number of coins raised by stage users, resulted in only 22 bitcoins remaining. Yesterday, the price exchange netted 3363 bitcoins. Of these, 2,167 bitcoins flowed from the currency deal, ranked first, followed by Bitfinex, which received 1420 bitcoins. The amount of bitcoins that flowed out of the currency was 1,433 to Bitfinex, first, and second, 1273 to the currency.


In fact, the price of bitcoin began to fall in late February. The price of bitcoin peaked at $10415 in 2020, and fell to $9,000 on 6 March; $8,000 on 8 March; and $4,000 on 13 March.


Under the influence of bitcoin, the global market for encrypted currencies has also fallen, with 17 of the current top 20 currencies falling by more than 20 per cent.

  本次暴跌再次引发对于比特币避险属性的讨论。“投资者正纷纷撤出任何高风险资产,” 加密货币交易平台Luno驻新加坡的业务发展主管维贾伊?阿亚尔公开表示,“尽管有人认为比特币是像黄金一样的安全避险资产,但它的渗透率非常低,目前这种资产的持有风险甚至更高。”

“Investigators are withdrawing from any high-risk asset,” Wijay Arar, the business development manager of the encrypted money trading platform Luno in Singapore, stated publicly, “Although Bitcoin is thought to be a safe haven like gold, its penetration is very low, and the risk of holding such an asset is even higher today.”


Why did you crash? Besides the turbulence in the capital market, it's also connected to a large stock of debt that was forced out.


Bitcoin prices fell sharply, some said because of the turmoil in global capital markets, which led investors to sell their assets in exchange for cash. Others said that the price of bitcoins had risen steadily before, with pledge operations and leverage trading in the industry, leading to a large stock of debt that had to be thrown out after the price had fallen.



“The world’s financial markets are already in a state of serious panic, in which traders are panicking to sell all their assets to get cash. At present, the amount of cash may determine the survival of the institution, so that selling (bitcoin) does not take into account any profit logic.

  据路透社报道,芝加哥High Ridge Futures金属交易主管也持类似观点,其表示,交易员和投资者正在出售各种资产类别,这是急于套现和轻度的恐慌性举动。

According to Reuters, a similar view was shared by the head of the High Ridge Foundation metal trading in Chicago, who stated that traders and investors were selling various asset classes, which was a rush to present and light panic.


Another practitioner, Wang Xin (aliasing) said that the effects of the panic selling of the price of bitcoin, without the currency’s own off-the-shelf financing, had a strong chain reaction from the leverage model.


She said that since last year, with the price of bitcoins going up, currency circles have developed into virtual currency pledge business. Large households have been looking at the price rises, they've got the bitcoins in their hands, and they're taking the money out to leverage it.


According to Coin data, a total of $3.28 billion, or RMB 22.9 billion, was destroyed in 24 hours, with over 110,000 people. The largest single explosion bill was found in the tender, valued at $5.832 million. The top three of them were BTC ($150 million), ETH ($18.8 million) and EOS (31.14 million). Over the last 30 days, the full explosion was $7.88 billion, the vast majority of which was multiple.


During the night of 12, several digital money exchanges, such as the gun, the OKEx, and the currency, were in a state of disarray, covering both internal and external transactions. The founder of the currency and CEO, Chang Peng, assumed that the system capacity of the money security platform was five times higher than that of all previous peaks.


Wang Xin said that the fall in the price of bitcoin was also due to the pressure of some miners, whose production would be halved, whose prices would not go up, and who would have to sell in exchange for cash flows. “In this great volatility, only good cash-flow miners and mines would survive.” She said.


As the price of Bitcoin plunged to around $5,000, the electricity costs of the new generation of the 7nm mine were more than halfway through, with most of the machines, including the ant mine T17, the magic M20 and the core T3 series, being shut down and lost.


It is worth noting that, on 24 February, in an interview with the CNBC, Buffett again stated that “encrypted currency is worthless, does not hold bitcoin and any encrypted currency and will never be held”.




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