That's a signal to the bottom, that his current price is already going down, that's about $64,000, that's going back close to $3350, that's going back to the key node, that's where the settlement is going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's going, that's where it's where it's going, that's where it's where it's going, and that's where it's where it's going, and that's where it's where it's going to go, and it's where it's where it's going to go, and it's where it's where it's going, and it's where it's where it's where it's going, and it's where it's where it's going, and it's where it's where it's where it's going, and it's where it's going, and it's going, and it's going, and it's where it's where it's going, and it's where it's where it's going, and it's going, and it's where it's where it's where it's where it's where it's where it's going, and it's where it's where it's where it's where it's where it's where it's going and it's going and it's where it's where it's going and it's where it's going and it's where it's going and it's where it's going to sell it's where it's where it's where it's where it's where it's where it's going and it'
That bitcoin didn't have a more profound echo in the wave was still in this position, and it had a rebound in the last walk, which fell to a position of more than $56,000 below, and now it's rebounding, and he's going to fall close to 10 per cent, and it's not going to give you good news. Of course, we're going to look at a situation at the level of the sun. If the current price doesn't go through that position of over $56,000, it's still a good sign that it's still very strong, so I'll tell you in this area of over 64,000, 65,000, you don't buy anyone who doesn't buy who doesn't buy him, you'll regret it if you don't buy $100,000 behind you in this position, you're going to buy it when you move back to $90,000, you're going to cut off your dick, and it's easy that you want to make his money.
It's not his top, it's probably more than $7,000, it's probably the best place in the house, it's likely to reach $10,000, so it's got to be a little bit bold in this position, and I'm not going to say who's going to say who's going to say who's going to tell you that you can't even eat shit, twice your shit, twice your shit, two times what, $6,800, so it's not his top, it's probably more than $7,000, and you won't regret it until it's starting.
前段时间去抄底以太经典已经出现一个下跌了,我们在25美金附近加金买的,目前跌到23了, 那确实是出现回调了,有亏损了,那亏损的空间还是有限的,大家不要去割肉,你越割肉你越害怕,淡定一点,我们买的是现货,因为它现在还没有去反弹,空间大的是,随便看随便砸。你不要拿一个币拿两天你就拿不住了,我们有时候拿一个币拿两年了,才赚十倍,你说容易吗?不容易,钱有那么好赚都不去抢了。我叫你拿几个月你都拿不住你还想赚钱?牛市还没开始,最强的一波攻击第四季度,美联储降息美国总统大选,各个央行放水,那些资金灌胶,那你不流向加密货币流向哪里呢,流向黄金吗?白银吗?石油吗?美股吗?你看美股现在长成这样黄金长成这样白银长成什么样,自己去想自己去思考。虽然行情出现了一个回调是吧但是已经出现了没有关系,所以非常看好这一波,你等过几天你再回看今天的行情,你不买我不买谁不买谁傻逼。不说了。
It's been a fall in the past couple of days, and we've bought it in the middle of 25 dollars, and it's now down to 23. That's a rewind. There's a loss. There's still room for the loss. You don't cut meat. You don't want to cut meat. You're afraid the more you cut meat. We're buying cash, because it's not going back, because it's not going back to the US Presidential elections, the central banks, the money syrup, the money, the gold, the gold, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money, the money you's going to, the money you're going to, the money you're going to, the money you're going to make, the money you don't have today.
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