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There is nothing more insane than an encoded currency represented by bitcoin.


On 26 February, more than 10 per cent of the digital currency of Bitcoin and Taipa fell as the United States and global bond markets plunged. At 1200 hours on 26 February, Bitcoin prices stood at $47,345.12, a decline of 5.73 per cent.


repeats mountain car fluctuations


Since the second half of 2020, Bitcoin prices have risen in a straight line, rising by more than 350 per cent in just six months. Since 2021, it has been a “crowding boom.” Last weekend, its market value was once more than $1 trillion, with prices getting closer to $59,000 and higher innovation.


However, Bitcoin, a virtual asset, is still unable to escape the frequent “climbing” movement. Unprecedentedly high prices are one of the incentives for this big jump.


Since 2021, the price of bitcoins has increased cumulatively by 80%, while the Bloomberg Galaxy index, which tracks bitcoins and other digital currencies, has more than doubled.


As digital currencies, such as bitcoin, have moved up, analysts argue that mainstream investors are increasingly interested in bitcoin, but should be wary of the high volatility and vulnerability of bitcoin prices.


On 21 February, the founder of Tesla, Ellen Mask, lamented that “the prices of Bitcoin and Ethio did seem to be a bit high.” In the 24 hours that followed, Bitcoin prices continued to fall from a maximum of $58,000 to a maximum of more than 20 per cent.


On 22 February, United States Treasury Secretary Ellen warned investors and the public that the legitimacy and stability of Bitcoin remained problematic and that it was highly volatile or could cause losses to investors.


In two days on 22 and 23 February, Bitcoin fell to a minimum of $44892. On 23 February, Bitcoin broke the six gates of $50,000, 49,000, 48,000, 47,000, 46,000, and 45,000 dollars.


In the run-up to this round, Bitcoin Homeline data show that, within 24 hours, more than 490,000 people exploded across the network, with the largest explosion worth more than $20 million. Some $4,628 billion of money was destroyed, and many investors lost their lives.

  受此影响,规模320亿美元的全球最大的比特币基金Grayscale Bitcoin Trust(GBTC) 本周已累计暴跌20%,超过比特币13%的跌幅。GBTC相对于标的资产曾经的大幅溢价消失无踪,周三收盘价格较标的资产低0.7%。

As a result, the 32 billion-dollar world’s largest Bitcoin fund, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), has accumulated a sharp fall of 20% this week, exceeding the 13% drop in Bitcoin. The GBTC’s previous large premium on the target asset has disappeared, and the cut-off on Wednesday is 0.7% lower than the price of the target asset.


According to Bloomberg aggregates, this is the first time that GBTC has experienced a discount since March 2017. According to the Bloomberg industry study, the loss of premiums suggests that investors are seeking to withdraw as they seek to participate in the alarming rise in bitcoin and invest large amounts of money in GBTC.

  “这是恐慌或获利抛盘。”彭博行业研究高级ETF分析师Eric Balchunas在研报中说。

"It's panic or profit to throw


Megashocks have become normal


In the history of Bitcoin, large fluctuations were not uncommon. Bitcoin climbed to nearly US$ 20,000 in 2017 and then fell by 80 per cent in 2018.


A senior industrial investor pointed out that the cyclical nature of Bitcoin was evident, with a historical retreat of -60 per cent and -70 per cent at various levels, and that because it did not have a fixed value anchor, the megashock was always the norm for encrypted assets.

  2月25日,伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司副董事长查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)在出席公司活动时发表讲话,直言资本市场有泡沫迹象,这反映出了一些投资者的“危险”心态,即像赛马一样赌股票。同时,他建议投资者远离比特币。

On 25 February, Charlie Munger, Deputy Chairman of Birkhshire Hasaway, spoke at the company’s event to speak out against signs of bubbles in capital markets, reflecting the “dangerous” mentality of some investors, that is, betting on stocks like horses. At the same time, he advised investors to stay away from Bitcoin.


Speaking of the value of Bitcoin's transactions, Charlie Manger doesn't think that Bitcoin will eventually become the world's medium of exchange. It's too unstable to be a good medium of exchange. He also believes that Bitcoin is actually a artificial gold substitute. "Because I never buy gold, so I never buy bitcoin."


The former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank President Lagarde, has the same negative view about whether Bitcoin can become a trading currency as Yellen. Lagarde has argued that Bitcoin is a highly speculative asset, and that it is used for many “funny” transactions, even “illegal money-laundering.”


According to a recent survey by the Deutsche Bank, most investors now view Bitcoin as the most extreme bubble in financial markets. The leading economist Rubini has recently stated that Bitcoin and other digital currencies have no intrinsic value.


  摩根大通策略师帕尼吉特佐格鲁(Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou)日前亦发出警告,比特币的流动性正在下降。其在报告中表示,比特币的流动性低于标普500指数和黄金,意味着“即使很小的交易量也会产生较大的价格影响。”

Morgan Chase strategist Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou also warned that Bitcoin’s liquidity was declining. In his report, he said that Bitcoin’s liquidity was lower than the Pluto 500 index and gold, meaning that “even a very small amount of transactions would have a greater price effect.”


Institutional investors drive market volatility


Market analysis suggests that, in fact, the surge and collapse of encrypted assets, such as Bitcoin, are behind market volatility by some speculators, corporate financial managers and institutional investors.


On 8 February 2021, Tesla announced that it had invested $1.5 billion in bitcoins, and plans to accept this encoded currency as a form of payment. In addition, a number of firms and institutions, such as MasterCard and the New York Melon Bank, have recently announced investments in bitcoins, which have contributed to the increase in bitcoin prices.


Tesla’s announcement of investment in Bitcoin has led to a dramatic increase in the price of encrypted digital currencies such as bitcoin, tatcoin, and Leitecoin. According to the American newspaper Forbes, “We are witnessing Bitcoin normalizing as an asset.”


The Times reported that, since January 2021, Tesla had invested in Bitcoin with a book profit of approximately $930 million, almost 30 per cent higher than its annual revenue of $721 million in electric cars.


The sharp ups and downs of Bitcoin have also caused the “crushing” of supporters and skeptics who consider Bitcoin to be a risk-taking asset, such as the ability to hedge against inflation. The latter considers it to be a dangerous fanaticism facilitated by monetary and fiscal stimulus.


According to Morgan Chase’s strategy report, Bitcoin may compete with gold as a potential hedge against inflation in the new coronary pneumonia virus crisis. Lee argued that the recent rapid rise in Bitcoin’s prices was due to the inability of the global economy’s natural liquidity easing to enter the real economy into financial markets and to boost the prices of some of its scarce assets.


Global Regulator Warnings


Since digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, can go through any banking and financial transactions system while at the same time making global transactions free of charge, they have long been in opposition to global regulators.


Global regulators have issued successive warnings in the face of frequent and large fluctuations in bitcoin prices in recent days.


In January, the British Financial Conduct Authority warned that investing in encrypted assets usually meant that investors had to take very high risks.


In February, the German Banking Association called on the German government to regulate digital money more rigorously. Prior to that, the Bank for International Settlements warned that Bitcoin was not a real currency, but a speculative asset with a risk of collapse.


In December 2013, five ministries, including the People’s Bank, stated that Bitcoin was not a real currency and could not and should not be used as a currency in the market. In September 2017, seven ministries, including the People’s Bank, issued a joint letter calling for the immediate cessation of all types of ICOs (first issue of tokens), and the closure of related trading platforms.


At the same time, countries are studying and accelerating digital currency-building. The Digital Monetary Institute of the People’s Bank of China, on February 24, stated that the Digital Monetary Institute of the People’s Bank of China had joined the Multilateral Central Bank Digital Monetary Bridge project, which was designed to explore the use of central bank digital currency in cross-border payments.


US Federal Reserve official Eric Rosengren recently said that, as central banks gradually roll out their statutory digital currencies, there is no reason to buy bitcoin. European Central Bank President Lagarde also said that the promotion of digital euros would be accelerated, and the ECB would like to have the final say about the legal status of private stable currencies in the European Union.


Reporter Yu Xin Xin.

  编辑 韩业清

Editor Han Ye Qing







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