
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:33 评论:0



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根据市场公开信息及10月25日披露的机构调研信息公司排名期货,前海开源基金近期对4家上市公司进行了调研,相关名单如下: 1)海大集团(证券之星综合指标:3星;市...

On the basis of open market information and the institutional research and information companies disclosed on 25 October, the former Haiqai Foundation recently conducted a study of four listed companies, as follows: 1) Sea Grand Group (Specific Star Consolidated Indicators: 3 Stars; City...)


中证网讯(记者 李莉)国元期货有限公司(以下简称“国元期货”)协同风险子公司凭借在橡胶领域开发和服务客户的长期耕耘,日前成功辅导山东省某中小轮胎企业(A公司)首...

Chinese Internet (journalist Lee Lee) National Futures Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “National Dollar Futures”) has successfully mentored the head of a small and medium tire company in Shandong Province, in collaboration with a risk subsidiary, with the support of long-term farming in the field of rubber development and service to its clients.



Today, the main indicators of the Hong Kong stock market are running low, they're all red, they're up to 4%, they're up 2%, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up, they're up.



As of October 25, 2022, the above-certified index fell by 0.04 per cent to 2976.28 points; deep evidence indicates a decline of 0.51 per cent to 10639.82 points; and the start-up board refers to a decline of 0.95 per cent in permanent shares to futures.


新京报贝壳财经讯 10月26日,港交所公告,因外部供应商软件问题,香港期货交易所有限公司现暂停恒生指数期货,恒生中国企业指数期货,恒生科技指数期货,小型恒生指数...

On October 26, Hong Kong Revenue Agency announced that due to software problems with external suppliers, the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Company Ltd. is now suspending the HUSI futures, the HSIC futures, the HSIC futures, the small HSI...


中证网讯(记者 周璐璐)10月24日早盘,港股三大指数低开恒生股指期货。据Wind数据,恒生指数低开1.95%,报15894.75点;恒生中国企业指数低开2.3...

On the morning of October 24th, Chinese Internet (journalist Zhou), Hong Kong's three main indexes are low on futures. According to Wind, the Heungsong index is 1.95% lower, reporting 15894.75 points; Heungseng's Chinese business index is 2.3% lower...



On October 25, a three-quarterly report was released by the Open Trading Index Fund under the banner of Xu Xu Xiao Xiao, with a net growth rate of 3556% on futures for nearly a year. Compared to the previous quarter, the Fund's top ten heavy stock stocks added China to the movement...


文章来源:123财经导航00123.com 疫情 1.全球累计新冠确诊病例达623882256例恒生股指期货。 2.山西昨日新增本土确诊病例126例,本土无症状...

Source: 123 Finance Navigator 00123.com Epidemic 1. The cumulative number of new confirmed cases worldwide stands at 62388256 permanent shares in futures. 2. New indigenous confirmed cases were added yesterday in Shanxi, 126 non-symptomatic cases...



Today, the health-care index has dropped by 2.7%, the health-care index has fallen by 2%, the medical ETF (51360) has been paid close to $300 million, and there has been a steady flow of funds into the health-care futures for the last five days.

早报 (10.20)| 复星官宣!160亿“清仓”;美债收益率创新高,美股止步两连涨!2万亿元理财公司大动作!农银理财牵手法巴银行

各位早上好呀~,早报君先带大家看看过去24小时全球股市热点恒指期货手续费。 美股方面,截至收盘,道指跌0.33%,报30423点;纳指跌0.85%,报10680...

Good morning, everyone. The Morning News has shown you that the global stock market hotspots of the past 24 hours have always represented futures charges.



This paper focuses on the opening of intermediate options? Is there no threshold for opening? Recently, the intermediate 500ETF option was opened, and the Chinese 500ETF option was the first intra-field option based on the China 500 index and managed the small and medium-market stock market wind...


上周A股 过去一周(10月17日-10月21日),A股三大指数震荡走低期货外盘平台。截至10月21日收盘,沪指报3038.93点,周跌1.08%;深成指报109...

Last week, last week, Unit A (October 17-October 21), the three major indexes of Unit A hit the low futures outer disk platform. As of October 21, the collection was closed at 3038.93, with 1.08 per cent drop in the week.


来源:国投安信期货研究院 今年国内糖价冲高回落,上半年郑糖指数最高上涨至6155元/吨期货外盘平台。但随着国内利多出尽以及外盘价格回落,6月份开始国内糖价持续下...

Source: INIS, where sugar prices fell sharply this year, rising up to $6155 per ton of futures platform in the first half of the year. But, with domestic profits running out and foreign prices falling back, domestic sugar prices continued to fall in June...



According to the Business Association's monitoring data, in October, multi-air games, soybean oils first increased and then fell into mountain cars, and prices generally rose to the futures platform. On October 1, the market for soybean oil was averaged $10190 per ton, and on October 25, the market for soybean oil was averaged...

IPO参考:万达商管招股书再度失效 平安健康收购平安智慧医疗

香飘飘于湖州投资设立甄香创投公司期货外盘平台,注册资本1亿元 10月24日,湖州甄香创业投资合伙企业(有限合伙)成立,执行事务合伙人为童杰,注册资本1亿元,经营...

On October 24, a partnership (limited partnership) was set up for the establishment of a futures outer space platform for the luxurious luxurious investment company in Lake State, with an executive partner of Jing Jie, a registered capital of 100 million yuan, to run...

上海期货交易所副总经理 陆丰在上衍场外衍生品论坛上的致辞

尊敬的各位嘉宾: 大家好!感谢大家参加上海期货交易所首届场外衍生品论坛中国期货监控中心,我谨代表上海期货交易所对大家的莅临和长期以来对我所的大力支持,表示衷心的...

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation in the China Futures Monitoring Center, the first off-site derivatives forum of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. On behalf of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, I would like to express our sincere support for your visit and for my long-standing support...


中证网讯(记者 林倩 马爽)8月26日,第十九届上海衍生品市场论坛开幕,上海期货交易所(简称“上期所”)党委委员、副总经理陆丰在场外衍生品分论坛上表示,近年来,...

On August 26th, the 19th Shanghai Derivatives Market Forum was opened by Chinese Internet (journalist Lin Jin-hyun) and in the presence of a member and deputy general manager of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “the previous Institute”) at the External Derivatives Sub-Forum in recent years...

港股低开低走 恒生科技跌超3.6% 阿里巴巴跌超5%再创上市新低

10月24日,港股低开低走,恒指低开1.95%,恒生科技指数跌3.21%恒指期货交易。截至发稿,恒生指数跌2.84%,恒生科技指数跌3.62%。 盘面上,科技、...

On October 24, Hong Kong's share dropped by 1.95%, and the constant rate fell by 3.21% for futures. As of the release, the constant rate dropped by 2.84% and the constant rate fell by 3.62%.

上海:支持集装箱运价指数期货上市 探索干散货、油轮等运价指数期货期权产品

中证网讯(记者 王可 见习记者 汪荔诚)10月21日,上海市人民政府网站公布《本市推动外贸保稳提质的实施意见》(简称《意见》)水期货。《意见》提出,畅通国际贸易...

On 21 October, the People's Government of Shanghai posted on its website "The City's Implementation Opinion for the Promotion of the Stability of Foreign Trade " ( " the Opinion " ).


由于投资者押注美联储从12月开始的加息步伐将放缓,美元和美国国债收益率回落,黄黄金格周二(10月25日)受到提振收高水期货。 美市尾盘,现货黄金收报1652...

As investors bet on the Fed’s interest increase starting in December, the dollar and the United States government debt returns will slow, and the yellow gold is boosted on Tuesday (25 October) to receive high-water futures.



A few days ago, it was reported that, as a result of China's favourable solar and clean energy policies, dozens of troubled solar companies in Europe fled the continent of Europe in a fierce competition from China and opened the London Stock Exchange in the United States.

伦敦证券交易所集团David Day:坚定将中国视为“未来增长市场”

中证网讯(记者 王辉)4月24日,伦敦证券交易所集团“2024市场展望论坛”在上海举行伦敦证券交易所。伦交所亚太区董事总经理David Day在开幕致辞中表示,...

On April 24, the London Stock Exchange Group's “2024 Market Outlook Forum” was held in Shanghai. David Day, Managing Director of the Asia-Pacific region of London, said in his opening address...


(全球TMT2024年5月16日讯)汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)宣布,它和黑石集团(Blackstone)旗下的一些投资基金共同出售了1730万股...

Thomson Reuters announced that it had sold 17.3 million shares together with some investment funds under Blackstone...


鞭牛士报道,5月16日消息,据英国金融时报报道,在线时尚巨头Shein 计划在未来几个月从美国转向伦敦上市伦敦证券交易所。 唐拒绝证实在伦敦上市的可能性,并表示...

Whipingers reported, on 16 May, that, according to the British Financial Times, the online fashion giant Shein was planning to move from the United States to the London Stock Exchange, which is listed in London, in the coming months. Don refused to confirm the possibility of listing in London, saying...


金融界3月28日消息,锋龙股份公告,公司已于2024年3月26日赎回联储证券发行的“联储证券【储金 1 号 305期】收益凭证”理财产品,投资金额为1000万元...

On March 28, the financial community announced that on March 26th, 2024, the company had redeemed the securities issued by the Federal Reserve as “revenue certificate” for 10 million yuan...



On 11 April, Sino-Sin securities (600030) announced that the company had received the Chinese Securities Commission's " Reciprocal approval for Sino-Sin securities S.A. to issue public registration of corporate bonds to professional investors " (CVR [2024] 539...

证监会就6项规则公开征求意见 涉及发行、上市、交易、证券公司监管等

本报讯 4月12日,证监会召开新闻发布会,证监会首席风险官、发行司司长严伯进表示,为深入贯彻落实中央金融工作会议以及国务院印发的《关于加强监管防范风险推动资本...

On April 12th, the CSRC held a press conference at which the CSRC Chief Risk Officer and the Director of the Department of Distribution stated that capital promotion with a view to further follow-up to the Central Financial Work Conference and the State Department's publication " Strengthening supervision to protect against risk... "



Intelligent finance issues circulars (01776), which publicly issue short-term company bonds with a face value of up to 20 billion yuan won in value, have been licensed by the Chinese Securities Supervisory Board (CMSC) 240...



The financial community reports that on March 20, the issue of public corporate bonds (third issue) by Seaton Securities Inc. has been closed. The current issue of bonds does not exceed $7.2 billion and is divided into two varieties, one of which is ultimately issued...



In the financial community, on May 30, the company bonds (second phase) issued publicly to professional investors in 2024 were changed. The company originally planned to issue corporate debt of up to $10 billion...




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