The application of
Web3.0 consists of: 1 decentralised self-government organization (DAO); 2 decentralized finance (DeFi); 3 stable currency and central bank digital currency (CBDCs); 4, privacy and digital infrastructure; 5, creator economy; 6, Gamefi; 7, electronic chat; 8, Stoj; 9, Sapien; 10, Brave browser; 11, Ethlance.
DAO is a community shared by online members and is managed by consensus rather than by centralized leadership.
去中心化金融或 “DeFi “是指金融领域(储蓄、贷款和外汇兑换)的去中心化应用。
To centralize finance or & #8220; DeFi & #8220; refers to decentralised application of in the financial field (savings, loans and foreign exchange).
is a private-issued encrypted currency , which will remain stable for some time in relation to the United States dollar or the euro. Stable currencies with French-denominated collateral: for example, a stable currency pegged to the dollar, with a reserve of assets in French to match the issuing value of each currency. Other items are usually stable by mortgageing digital assets or automatically executing smart contract algorithms. The central bank’s digital currency (CBDCs) is a digital currency issued by the government, symbolizing national sovereignty and obligations.
The limitations of many of the current block chain networks are that the design is fully transparent. However, cutting-edge research in new areas of cryptography makes mathematical proof of the validity of the information possible without the need to provide the information itself.
创作者经济 (Creator Economy),是新兴的创作者社区,如艺术家、音乐家、游戏开发者等等,直接与支持者(粉丝)联系,在没有中介的情况下进行合作,创造者们能够获得独立收入来源。
Creative Economics, an emerging community of creators, such as artists, musicians, game developers, etc., directly connects with their supporters (facilitators), collaborates in the absence of intermediaries, and the creators have access to an independent source of income .
A block-chain-based game is a game built on block-chain technology .
This new generation of sector-based couriers provides high productivity and security. It uses point-to-point (P2P) technology, IPFS and MTProto encryption algorithms to provide decentralized and secure services.
基于云的服务,使用区块链安全地存储用户的文件。与Dropbox,Google Drive和其他服务相比,Storj的主要优势在于其对中断和隐私泄露的免疫力。
Cloud-based services, using block chains to store user files safely . The main advantage of Stordj over Dropbox, Google Drive and other services is its immunity from interruptions and leaks of privacy.
Sapien是一个分散的社交新闻平台,旨在通过分散,民主化,互操作性和标记化来打击假新闻。这个Web 3.0示例表明,社交媒体可以通过使用先进技术提供更值得信赖的无广告服务。使用Web 3.0应用程序,Sapien展示了消除审查,保护隐私和捍卫言论自由的可能性。
Sapien is a decentralized social information platform aimed at combating false news through fragmentation, democratization, interoperability and labelling. This Web 3.0 example shows that social media can provide more trusted non-advertising services by using advanced technology. Using Web 3.0 applications, Sapien demonstrates the possibility of eliminating censorship, protecting privacy and safeguarding freedom of expression.
This ‘strong’ integrated IPFS browser is characterized by fragmentation, efficiency, security and lower cost
This remote work platform uses as a technology. It allows users to recruit and work in taser currency as an encrypted currency. Unlike other services, Ethlance has no service fee and no restrictions on membership.
Web 3.0 的优势
- 效率:人工智能使网页浏览和互联网使用更加高效,使搜索结果更加精确和以用户为导向。对于寻求将客户体验提升到新水平的企业来说,更高的效率可能特别有价值。它也可以通过使用AI和神经网络进行业务决策来实现。
- 安全和信任:区块链等Web 3.0技术的分散性和分布式特性使它们不易受到黑客攻击和隐私泄露的影响。Web 3.0提供了消除垄断的机会,使用户能够完全控制数据并增强协作。因此,采用 Web 3.0 的企业可以享受更大的客户信任、更高的收入和竞争优势。
- 不间断使用: 由于 Web 3.0 中的数据存储在节点中,因此不存在服务中断的风险。此外,多次备份可确保数据得到有效保护。
- 访问:Web 3.0还打破了限制人们访问互联网技术和服务的障碍。由于区块链,用户的在线行为不会因其位置,收入,性别或其他人口统计特征而受到限制。
- 数据所有权:使用加密,Web 3.0允许用户完全控制和拥有数据。这意味着谷歌,Facebook,亚马逊等大公司将不再利用私人数据进行营销和广告。
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