
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:29 评论:0
比特币挖矿什么意思?对比特币有所了解的会经常听到“挖矿”一词,“挖矿”就是比特币产生的方式,具体它产生的原理是怎样的呢?今天我们来了解一下。What do you mean by bitco...



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What do you mean by bitcoin mining? Bitcoin knows something about &ldquao; dig & rdquao; the word & & ldquao; dig & rdquao; that's how bitcoin is made, and what is the rationale for it? Let's see today.


The role of the traditional Internet is to achieve the free flow of information, while block-chain systems such as Bitcoin are designed to achieve the free flow of values. Virtual currencies such as bitcoins are similar to the actual dollar, renminbi, etc., and serve as general equivalents for the free flow of assets in block-chain systems.



How did Bitcoin dig?


As you may recall, bitcoin is not a central issuer. How is bitcoin distributed?


& & & ldquo; mining & rdquo; i.e. data collection, confirmation of transactions that have not been confirmed by the network over the past period, and then packaged into an information block of the transaction record that cannot be tampered with, thus completing a network-recognized transaction record and keeping it permanently.


In the network, about every 10 minutes a data block is recorded that contains all the transaction data in the last 10 minutes, and since each node wants to pack to confirm the data block, who is the final person to pack the data block is the competition. Finally, confirmation that the packaged piece will receive additional virtual monetary rewards, which are the newly generated bitcoin, which is the distribution of bitcoin.

挖矿是一个形象的叫法,因为在过程中会产生比特币奖励,它真正的名字是PoW(proof of work),即工作量证明。这是个经济学概念,它是一种策略,即防止对服务或资源的滥用。工作量证明系统可以看成是两个步骤,一个是工作,另一个是对工作的验证。

Mining is an image called because a bitcoin reward is generated in the process, and its real name is Pow (proof of work), i.e. proof of workload. This is an economic concept, and it is a strategy to prevent the abuse of services or resources. The workload proof system can be seen as two steps, one at work and the other at work.


The number of bitcoins is limited, and according to the bitcoin supply mechanism, the amount of bitcoins that each person can dig is proportional to the amount of bitcoins that they can calculate as a proportion of their net total. In the early stages, when there are fewer participants, mining is very simple. With the development of bitcoins, the competition for miner equipment has intensified, and it has become more difficult to dig bitcoins.


The bitcoin system is designed to produce a transaction block every 10 minutes. There are 50 bitcoins for each transaction block originally produced, so 7,200 bitcoins per day initially generated, but the reward is halved every four years, and ultimately there are only 21 million in the system until the mining incentive is finished.


BitcoinPoW’s consensus mechanism also has certain shortcomings, such as low network performance, long period of time for block consensus confirmation, and slow pace of transactions. Moreover, competition in many mining machines has led to a huge waste of resources, such as electricity.


In order to ensure that Bitcoin is distributed smoothly without the main issue, the founder of Bitcoin created an incentive mechanism for Bitcoin to issue bitcoin; this incentive mechanism is as follows: Bitcoin records transfers on the Bitcoin network every 10 minutes or so. Every bookkeeping is rewarded with a systematic bitcoin. There are many miners to account, and who are rewarded with that? In the interests of fairness, all miners involved in the right to account first need to answer a puzzle from the system. Whoever first finds the correct answer to the problem gets the corresponding bitcoin.


The process is called “ mining & rdquo; & & & rdquao; & & & & & & mine mining & & & mine machine, the process is like sending candy to kindergarten teachers: every time teachers come up with an arithmetic question, the teacher gives the right answer as quickly as possible; after the answer, the next round continues.


Of course, you can also understand that in the Bitcoin system, every time you get rights to bookkeeping, you have to solve the corresponding problems. The dilemma is like locking a password that needs to be unlocked, and the key that unlocks it is a random number. The first person to find the right number will get the right to bookkeeping and the corresponding bitcoin reward (which includes the system's block incentive and transfer user's fee reward).


The search for the right number is like & ldquo; mining & rdquao; receiving a bitcoin reward is like digging up gold; thus, the search for the right number is called mining, calling bitcoin & rdquao; digital gold & rdquao;


In order to ensure the smooth distribution of Bitcoin without the main issuer, Benz of the founder designed the distribution of bitcoin as a billing incentive for bitcoin miners: every time all miners dig through competition, the person who first finds a proper solution gets the reward.


As a result, the current public chain, represented by TRON, uses a consensus mechanism, the DPOS (a proxy certificate of interest). The mechanism is that every currency user has the right to vote for the proxy node, and the last most successful node will assume responsibility for generating the new node. The current 27 supernodes in the node significantly reduce the time that blocks are created and confirmed, the speed of the transaction will increase significantly, and the handling of Tron in the node now exceeds 2,000 seconds, and the processing of seven bitcoins per second, so that future commercial transactions have unlimited possibilities.




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