K-line indicator xff1a; four main xff0c; xff1a; MACD, KDJ, RSI, boolean orbital line/BOLL:
[1] MACD: consists of a fast line and a slow line xff0c; both lines are average prices for a given period of time xff0c; but the fast lines have shorter cycles. The MACD lines are mainly foreclosed by the break-up of the slow lines and their departure from the mood.
[2] KDJ: xff0c, consisting of three lines: K, D, J; xff0c, based on price sensitivity; xff0c, top of J; xff0c, bottom of D; xff0c; the least sensitive is Kline. The basic use is to alert the risk of withdrawal xff0c, by over-buying, over-selling the area; and to seize opportunities through cross-cutting.
[3] RSI: RSI is a technical curve based on the ratio of the sum of the points of increase and drop points over a given period of time xff0c; RSI values are generally considered to vary between 30 and 70 xff0c; the risk of reversal is increased if this area is exceeded xff0c; the risk of reversal is increased.
[4] Boolean orbital line/BOLL: consists of three lines & #xff0c; top and bottom lines are price pressure lines and support lines & #xff0c; middle is mean lines. The method is used to judge behavior based on the location of different orbital lines.
i. The Boolean Line BOLL indicator concept xff1a;
xff08; Bollff09; indicator is a “standard deviation” in the calculation of currency prices.
The Boolean Line, which has multiple functions and is very efficient and easy to use, once it has a clear signal and is flexible in its use, is favoured by professional investors and is one of the most commonly used technology indicators in the international financial market.
iii. The method of use within the normal pattern of BOLL indicators xff1a;
the normal range usually operates within the bandwidth of a certain width and is characterized by a non-extreme large increase or drop and is in a relatively balanced state, at which time it is very simple to use the boolean line.
IV. Methodology for the use of BOLL indicators for unilateral upswings xff1a;
in a powerful market where currency prices continue to rise, usually running between UB and LB for a longer period of time, where currency prices are worn by UB and UB the following day, and further breaking the BOL, driving the UB curve, with a clear turning point from up to flatten, signal for sale at this point.
V. Significance of the BOLL indicator abbreviation #xff1a;
VI. Significance of the opening of the Boolean Line BOLL indicator #xff1a;
vii. Attention to the use of BOLL indicators in the Boolean Line xff1a;
一、DIF和DEA的值及线的位置 I. DIF and DEA values and location of lines 二、DIF和DEA的交叉情况 II. Cross-cutting aspects of DIF and DEA 三、MACD指标中的柱状图分析 III. Analysis of columns in MACD indicators 四、MACD的顶背离和底背离 IV. MACD Top and Bottom Departures MACD指标的背离就是指MACD指标的图形的走势正好和K线图的走势方向正好相反。 The deviation from the MACD indicator means that the trend in the graphics of the MACD indicator is exactly the opposite of that of the K-line map. 当K线图上的走势一峰比一峰高,一直在向上涨,而MACD指标图形上的由红柱构成的图形的走势是一峰比一峰低,即当的高点比前一次的高点高、而MACD指标的高点比指标的前一次高点低,这叫顶背离现象。顶背离现象一般是在高位即将反转转势的信号,表明短期内即将下跌,是卖出的信号。 When the K-line is moving at a peak above a peak xff0c; has been rising at xff0c; while the trend of the red column on the MACD indicator is one at a peak below a peak xff0c; i.e. higher than the previous high point and lower than the previous high point of the MACD indicator xff0c; this is called the top deviation. The top deviation is usually the signal that the height is about to reverse xff0c; it shows that xff0c is about to fall in the short term; it is the signal that is sold. 底背离一般出现在的低位区。当K线图上的走势,还在下跌,而MACD指标图形上的由绿柱构成的图形的走势是一底比一底高,即当的低点比前一次低点底,而指标的低点却比前一次的低点高,这叫底背离现象。底背离现象一般是预示在低位可能反转向上的信号,表明短期内可能反弹向上,是短期买入的信号。 The bottom deviations are usually lower than the previous low point xff0c; it is still falling xff0c; the bottom deviation is generally a signal that may be reversed at the bottom xff0c; it is a signal that may be refracturing up xff0c in the short term; it is a signal that may be bought in the short term. 在实践中,MACD指标的背离一般出现在强势行情中比较可靠,在高价位时,通常只要出现一次背离的形态即可确认位即将反转,而在低位时,一般要反复出现几次背离后才能确认。因此,MACD指标的顶背离研判的准确性要高于底背离,这点投资者要加以留意。 In practice xff0c; the deviations from the MACD indicators are generally more reliable in strong behaviors xff0c; at high prices xff0c; usually only in a pattern of one deviation will it be possible to confirm that the position is about to be reversed xff0c; at low positions xff0c; usually only after repeated deviations. xff0c; therefore, the accuracy of the top deviations from the MACD indicators is higher than the bottom xff0c; this is a matter for investors to notice. 五、MACD买入绝技 V. MACD Purchasing Technology 买入形态一——“0轴上二次金叉”形态 Purchase form I - "Golden Fork 2 on Axis 0" 在 0轴线上,白黄线出现“金叉”后,又出现“死叉”,但不下穿O轴线,几日后在O轴线上再次出现“金叉”,为“轴线上二次金叉”。此形态是主力洗盘所为,短 暂盘整后,将上扬,可视为积极介入的信号。如果第一次“金叉“后的红波小(红柱短且不长),第二次红波大预示较好的买入时机。 xff0c on the 0 axis; xff0c on the white yellow line after the “goldfork”; xff0c after the “goldfork”; xff0c without the xff0c; xff0c on the oax line; xff0c several days after the “goldfork” & xff0c; xffffp on the “axe”; xffffffffffp xrrc ; x # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 下跌行情中,在O轴线下,白线处于某一低点后向上,随后相继出现“金叉”,又出现“死叉”,其轨迹上在一个不同水平线上形成“W底”(双重底)的走势,当再出现“金叉”,既后(右)底出现时,预示见底反弹信号,可积极买入。 xff0c>; xff0c under the Oxyre; xff0c after a low point xff0c; followed by “goldfork” xff0c; xff0c on a different horizontal line xff0c on its trajectory xff0c; when “goldfork” xff0c; after (right) bottom xff0c; xffm0c; xff0c; actively available
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