- 时间:2023-02-20
- 作者:网络
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Click to register/download the Euro Exchange, with a maximum value of $60,000 worth of a digital currency blind box waiting for you
The method of operation is as follows:
Method I, registered account number and account number settings
1、首先,我们需求找一个操作便利产出坚定的比特币矿池,然后经过挖矿客户端软件衔接到指定的效力器上挖矿。这里以“ BTC Guild ”网站为例,先翻开这个网站,点击左边的用户注册。注册进程比拟冗杂,输入英文用户名,密码和确认密码即可。
First, we need to find an operational-friendly-out pond
2、注册胜利之后,我们会在网页上看到一条这样的音讯“ Your account has been successfully registered and logged in! ”,意义是注册胜利并已登录。 After the registration victory, we will see a message on the web page, “Your account has been completed and logged in!”, meaning the registration victory. 3、我们点击左上角的“ Dashboard ”按钮,可以看到账户的整个监控外形,如图所示 3. We click on the "Dashboard" button at the top left corner to see the whole monitor shape of the account, as shown in the graph. 注: 在这个监控仪表盘中我们最为关心的是“ Total Earnings ”,这就是我们以后账户所挣的比特币。以后只需我们翻开网站,进入监控仪表盘就可以看到自己账户的相关音讯了。 Note: The most important thing we care about in this dashboard is "Total Earnings," which is the bitcoin that we earn from our future accounts. After that, we just have to turn over the website and go into the monitor and see what's going on in our accounts. 4、接下去请点击页面导航栏中的“ Settings ”。在设置页面中,我们可以设置电子邮件地,比特钱包地址,更改密码等。 4. Click on " Settings " in the page navigation bar. In setting the page, we can set the e-mail address, the Bit wallet address, change the password, etc. 5、假定在帐户中设置电子邮件地址,日后要是遗忘密码大约被盗的状况下,可以经过设置的电子邮件来恢复密码。首先在“Email Address”一栏输入我们的常用的电子邮件地,然后点击“ Change ”按钮。 5. Assuming that an e-mail address is set in an account, the password can be restored by setting an e-mail when it is forgotten that the password has been stolen. First enter our usual email address in the " Email Address " column and then click on the " Change " button. 6、接下去页面中会显现一封确认邮件曾经发送到我们之前设置的邮件中。 On the next page, a confirmation mail has been sent to our pre-set email. 7、然后我们翻开自己的电子邮箱,找到 BTC Guild 发送的邮件。点击确认链接即可,之后会在页面中显现我们的邮箱曾经成功设置。 7. Then we turn our emails and find the message sent by BTC Gild. Click on the confirmation link and then show us that our mailbox was set successfully on the page. 8、假定我们在帐户设置中设置了电子邮件的话,我们还可以对开采矿工的行为设置邮件通知。在设置页面上找到“Idle Warnings”一栏,点击下拉列表,选择想要发送邮件的时间,然后点击左边的“Change”按钮即可。当我们设置10分钟以后,假设有矿工中止开采,系统会在10分钟后自意向我们的邮件发送一封通知邮件,收到邮件以后,我们就知道精细是那个矿工停工了。 If we have an e-mail in the account set, we can also set an e-mail notice for the behaviour of the miners. If we have an Idle Warnings column on the setup, click down on the list, select the time you want to send the mail, and then click on the "Change" button on the left. If we set it 10 minutes later, assuming that a miner stops mining, the system will send a notification mail from our mail in 10 minutes, and when we get it, we'll know that the miner is not working. 9、另内在设置中,我们比拟关心一个是“Bitcoin Wallet”即钱包地址。这个地址可以先不用设置,等我以后真正开采到了比特币是再填写也不迟。 On the other hand, we are more concerned about the address of the “Bitcoin Wallet” or wallet. 10、帐户设置完成以后,接上去我们要对“Worker”中止设置。什么是 Worker 呢?就是我们之后在比特币开采客户端上要用到的登录矿工帐户名。系统会默以为我们创立一个矿工名,矿工名是以我们注册帐户名加一个下划线和数字组成。比如我们注册的帐户是XXX,那第一个矿工名就叫“XXX_1”。 10, when the account is set up, we'll take it up and we'll suspend the Worlder. What's Walker? That's the name of the login miners' account that we'll later use on the Bitcoin mining client. The system will think we're creating a miner's name, which is a delineating and numerically composed of the name of our registered account. For example, the account we register is XXX, and the first miner's name is “XXX_1”. 11、假设我们要设置多个矿工名的话,在“Create Worker”一栏中输入一个数字如“2”,再点击“ Create ”按钮即可增加一个新矿工的帐户名。 11. Assuming that we have multiple miner names, enter a number such as "2" in the column "CreateWorker" and click on the "Create" button to add a new miner's account name. 12、在 Worker 设置页面里,我们还可以区分对矿式帐户的开采支付方式中止设置。Payment method,即开采支付办法。这里有二种类型可供选择,PPS和PPLNS,区别在于开采方式和手续费上。PPS的手续费为7.5%,而PPLNS的手续为3%。系统默以为采用 PPLNS,如果要更改,请点击 Payment method 下方的“ change ”按钮。 12, in the Worker page, we can also distinguish between mining payments for mining accounts. Payment method, the method of mining payments. There are two types of options, PPS and PPLNS, which are different in terms of mining methods and fees. PPS charges are 7.5 per cent, compared to 3 per cent for PPLNS. The system pretends to use PPLNS, and if you want to change it, click on the "change" button below Payment method. 13、另外我们还可以对开采形式的难度中止挑选,如果我们的电脑有多个显卡GPU,大约一些公用的机器的话,可以在 Minimum Difficulty 下对区分对矿工帐户名停止设置。 We can also suspend the selection of mining forms of difficulty, and if our computers have multiple visible cards of GPUs and about some common machines, we can stop setting up the name of the miner's account under Minimum Difficulty. 方法二、下载挖矿客户端软件 Method II. Downloading miner client software 1、当我们注册设置完成以后,接上去请点击页面导航菜单中的“ Support ”,我们会看到客户端的下载链接。 1. When we register the settings, click on " Support " in the page navigation menu. We will see the download links of the client. 挖矿客户端软件有二种类型: There are two types of mining client software: BFGMiner: 命令行操作界面,可直接下载。 BFGMiner: Command Line Operation Interface, which can be downloaded directly. CGMiner: 也是命令行格式操作的,不过下载方法过于冗杂。 CGminer: It is also in command line format, but the download method is too cumbersome. 我们这里以下载 BFGMiner 为例,点击如图所示下载。 Here, for example, we download BFGminer and click on the download as shown in the graph. 2、随后会跳转到挖矿工具的下载页面,挖矿工具有二种格式,一种是32位系统,另一种是64位系统。依据自己的系统位数,下载相应的工具版本。 2 then jumps to the download page of the mining tool, which has two formats, one 32-bit system and the other 64-digit system. 3、挖矿工具客户端大小缺少5M,是一个 ZIP 紧缩文件。下载完成之后,找到并打开文件。点击鼠标右键,挑选 “复制” 选项。 3. Digging tool client size is missing 5M, a ZIP austerity file. After downloading, the file is found and opened. Click on the right mouse button to select the " Copy " option. 4、这里我以粘贴提取到桌面为例。 4. Here I take the example of pasting to the desktop. 方法三、挖矿客户端软件精细设置 Method III. Fine-tuning of mine-mining client software 1、打开挖矿目录以后,双击点击打开目录下的 “bfgminer” 文件。 1. After opening the excavated directory, double-click to open the " bfgminer " file under the directory. 2、接上去来看到 BFG minier 的窗口,在 URL 处输出矿池的地址。矿池地址可以在 BTC GUILD 的 support 页面中看到,如 stratum.btcguild.com:3333 ,按回车键。 2. Connects to the BFG Minier window and exports the address of the pond at the URL. The address of the pond can be found on the BTC GUILD support page, such as stratum.btcguild.com:3333, press the return key. 3、然后在 Username 后输出自己先前在 BTC GUILD 网站上设置的矿工名,按回车键。 3. Then, after the Username, you will export the name of the miner that you have previously installed on the BTC GUILD website and press the return key. 4、随后在 password 密码处,可恣意输入。 4 then entered freely at the password password. 5、最后就可以看到下面有很少数字在变化,表示正在挖矿了。值得留意的是如图标注的中央表示以后机器按钮的速率。 5. Finally, it can be seen that very few numbers are changing below, indicating that the mine is being dug. What is interesting is the speed of the machine buttons after they are indicated in the center of the icon. 6、除了开采客户端软件上可以看当前开采的速度,我们还可以在 BTC Guild 网站上的 “Dashboard” 页面中的 “Active Worker Summary” 列表中看到每上矿工开采的精密速度。 6. In addition to the current rate of mining on the mining client software, we can also see the precise speed of mining per miner in the "Dashboard " list on the BTC Guid page. 7、如果要封锁挖矿工具,直接 X 掉即可,也可以直接按 Q 键参与。如果想要多开几个的话,在 BFG miner 目录中再打开一个挖矿工具即可。 If you want to block mining tools, you can simply X drop them, or you can press Q. If you want to open a few more, you can open another mining tool in the BFG mer directory. 步骤四、CGminger命令行客户端软件 Step four, CGminger command line client 1、如果真要想挖矿的话,官方是推荐我们用“CGMiner”,也就是在命令提示符下运转的。在 BTC Guild 页面上点击“ Support ”,再点击“CGMiner”下载链接页面,挑选对应系统的版本。 If you really want to dig, we are officially recommended to run with CGminer, which is under the command prompt. Click on the BTC Guid page on " Support ", then click on " CGminer " to download the link page and select the version of the corresponding system. 2、随后会跳转到 CGminer 的下载页面,点击如图标注的链接。 2 Then jumps to the CGminer download page and clicks on a link such as an icon note. 3、然后选择一个 CGminer 的版本,我这里下载一个 Windows 版本为例。 Three, then select a CGminer version, where I download a Windows version as an example. 4、这里以 Windows 版的 CGMiner 为例,下载完成以后,解压到电脑中。 4 Here is the example of the Windows version of CGminer, which is then downloaded and released to the computer. 5、打开CGMiner的目录,找到“ CGMiner ”。 5. Open the CGminer directory and find "CGminer". 6、用鼠标双击“CGMiner”会弹出一个命令行窗口,提示我们输入衔接效力器的 URL 地址。输入“stratum.btcguild.com:3333”,按键盘上的回车键。 6. Double-click " CGminer " will eject a command line window, prompting us to enter the URL address of the bridging effecter. Enter "stratum.btcguild.com:3333 ", press the return key on the keyboard. 7、然后提示我们输入“ Username ”即矿工帐户名,按键盘上的回车键。 7 then prompts us to enter " Username ", the name of the miner's account, and press the return key on the keyboard. 8、接着输入“password”密码,按键盘上的回车键。 8. Enter the password password and press the return key on the keyboard. 9、稍等须臾,当客户端与效劳在树立衔接之后就会看到机器末尾开采了。 When the client and service are connected, the end of the machine is mined. 10、若要参与开采,请在窗口上按键盘上的“ Q ”键。 10 To participate in mining, press "Q" on the keyboard in the window. 留意 Watch out! 如果你是用 CGminer 的话,显卡肯定要是支持通用计算规范的显现才行,否则会不能挖矿。 If you're using CGminer, the card would certainly have to support the emergence of a generic norm of calculation, otherwise the mine would not have been mined. (以小米手机8为例,基于安卓操作系统) (In the case of Mi cell phone 8, based on Andre's operating system) 首先注册一个数字钱包:在末尾挖矿之前,需求注册一个靠谱的数字钱包用来存储你的挖矿效果,这里可以依据自己的需求运用一些支持手机端的钱包工具,不过肯定要格外留意平安。目前最通用也最平安的数字钱包中,比拟推荐运用火币网的充币地址做数字钱包。 First, register a digital wallet: before digging at the end, you need to register a solid digital wallet to store your mining effects, where you can use some of the wallet tools that support the end of a cell phone, depending on your needs, but certainly with extra care. Among the most popular and safe digital wallets at present, they are used as digital wallets, as opposed to the coin-filled addresses that are to be recommended for use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 接着完整注册之后,在右上角找到充币提币,点击进入。 After full registration, a coin bill is found at the top right corner, click into it. 最后这里找到需求挖的货币,点击充币,出现的一长串代码就是你的钱包地址,将它输入挖矿工具软件中,挖矿收益就会活期取出你的火币账户。 At the end of the day, we find the currency that needs to be dug up, click on the coin, and a long code that appears is your wallet address, input it into the mining tool software, and the mining proceeds are expected to take out your gunn account. 拓展资料:1、比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最后由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式出世 。根据中本聪的思绪想象公布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。 The concept of Bitcoin was finally introduced by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008 and officially launched on 3 January 2009. Open-source software published on the basis of the imagination of the Chinese brain and the construction of its P2P network. 比特币是一种P2P方式的数字货币。比特币的买卖记载公开透明 。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。 Bitcoin is a P2P-style digital currency. Bitcoin's sales records are transparent. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system. 2、与大少数货币不同,比特币不依托特定货币机构发行,它根据特定算法,经过少量的计算发生,比特币经济运用整个P2P网络中众多节点形成的散布式数据库来确认并记载一切的买卖行为,并运用密码学的想象来确保货币凝滞各个环节安全性。 Unlike a large minority of currencies, Bitcoin does not depend on the issuance of a particular monetary institution, which, on the basis of a certain algorithm, takes place with a small number of calculations. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and document all purchases and sales, and uses cryptographic imagination to ensure that the currency is safe from each link. 3、P2P的去中心化特性与算法自身可以确保无法经过少量制造比特币来人为操控币值。基于密码学的想象可以使比特币只能被真实的具有者转移或支付。这十分确保了货币一切权与凝滞买卖的匿名性。比特币其总数量十分有限,具有稀缺性。该货币系统曾在4年内只需不逾越1050万个,之后的总数量将被永世限制在2100万个 。 The decentralized properties and algorithms of the P2P ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled by a small amount of bitcoins. Censorship-based imagination allows Bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This ensures the anonymity of all monetary power and sequestering. Bitcoins have a very limited and scarce total. 4、比特币挖矿,就是用于赚取比特币的电脑,这类电脑一般有专业的挖矿芯片,多采用烧显卡的方式义务,耗电量较大。用户用团体计算机下载软件然后运转特定算法,与远方效劳器通讯后可取得相应比特币,是获取比特币的方式之一。 4- Bitcoin mining is a computer used to earn bitcoin, which usually has a professional mining chip, which is more obliged by burning a visible card and consumes more electricity. Users use group computers to download software and then run specific algorithms, and communicate with remote serviceors to obtain the corresponding bitcoin, one of the ways to get bitcoin. 步骤一、注册账号以及账号设置 Step one, registered account number and account number settings 1首先,我们需求找一个操作便利产出坚定的比特币矿池,然后经过挖矿客户端软件衔接到指定的效劳器上挖矿。这里以“BTC Guild”网站为例,先打开这个网站,点击右边的用户注册。注册进程比拟冗杂,输入英文用户名,密码和确认密码即可 First, we need to find a bitcoin pond that can operate with a solid output, and then connect to the specified utility through the mining client software. Take the BTC Guid site as an example, open the site and click on the user on the right to register. The registration process is more cumbersome than it is, enter the English username, password and authentication password. 2注册成功之后,我们会在网页上看到一条这样的音讯“Your account has been successfully registered and logged in!”,意义是注册成功并已登录 Once registered, we'll see on the web page a message like, "Your account has been successfully registered and logged in!" 3我们点击左上角的“Dashboard”按钮,可以看到账户的整个监控外形 3 We click on the "Dashboard" button at the top left corner to see the whole monitor shape of the account 注:在这个监控仪表盘中我们最为关怀的是“Total Earnings”,这就是我们当前账户所挣的比特币。以后只需我们打开网站,进入监控仪表盘就可以看到自己账户的相关音讯了。 Note: The most important thing we care about in this dashboard is the Total Earnings, which is the bitcoin that we earn from our current account. After that, we just have to open the website and go into the dashboard and see what's going on in our accounts. 4接上去请点击页面导航栏中的“Settings”。在设置页面中,我们可以设置电子邮件地,比特钱包地址,更改密码等 4 click on " Settings " in the page navigation bar. In setting the page, we can set the e-mail address, the Bit wallet address, change the password, etc. 5如果在帐户中设置电子邮件地址,日后要是遗忘密码或许被盗的状况下,可以通过设置的电子邮件来恢复密码。首先在“Email Address”一栏输入我们的常用的电子邮件地,然后点击“Change”按钮 5 If an e-mail address is set in the account, the password can be restored by setting it if the password is forgotten or stolen. First enter our usual email address in the " Email Address " column and then click on the "Change" button. 6接上去页面中会显现一封确认邮件曾经发送到我们之前设置的邮件中 A confirmation mail has been sent to our pre-set e-mail on the 6 page. 7然后我们打开自己的电子邮箱,找到 BTC Guild 发送的邮件。点击确认链接即可,之后会在页面中显示我们的邮箱曾经成功设置 Then we open our own e-mails and find the message sent by BTC Gild. Click on the confirmation link and then show us that our mailbox was set successfully on the page. 8如果我们在帐户设置中设置了电子邮件的话,我们还可以对开采矿工的行为设置邮件告诉。在设置页面上找到“Idle Warnings”一栏,点击下拉列表,选择想要发送邮件的时间,然后点击右边的“Change”按钮即可。当我们设置10分钟以后,如果有矿工中止开采,系统会在10分钟后自意向我们的邮件发送一封告诉邮件。收到邮件以后,我们就知道详细是那个矿工停工了。 8 If we have an e-mail in the account setting, we can also set up an e-mail message about the behaviour of the miners. The "Idle Warnings" column is found on the setup page, click on the list, click on the time you want to send the mail, and then click on the "Change" button on the right. After 10 minutes, if any miners stop mining, the system will send a message from our mail in 10 minutes. When we get the mail, we'll know that the miners are not working. 9另内在设置中,我们比较关心一个是“Bitcoin Wallet”即钱包地址。这个地址可以先不用设置,等我以后真正开采到了比特币是再填写也不迟。 On the other side of the setup, one is more concerned about the “Bitcoin Wallet” or wallet address. 10帐户设置完成以后,接下来我们要对“Worker”停止设置。什么是 Worker 呢?就是我们之后在比特币开采客户端上要用到的登录矿工帐户名。系统会默以为我们创立一个矿工名,矿工名是以我们注册帐户名加一个下划线和数字组成。比如我们注册的帐户是XXX,那第一个矿工名就叫“XXX_1” After 10 accounts are set up, we're going to stop setting up the Worlder. What's Walker? That's the name of the login miners' account that we're going to use later on the Bitcoin mining client. The system's going to think we're creating a miner's name, which is a delineation and a number based on our registered account. For example, our registered account is XXX, and the first miner's name is “XXX_1”. 11如果我们要设置多个矿工名的话,在“Create Worker”一栏中输入一个数字如“2”,再点击“Create”按钮即可增加一个新矿工的帐户名 11 If we want to set multiple miner names, enter a number like "2" in the column "Create Worker" and click on the "Create" button to add a new miner's account name. 12在 Worker 设置页面里,我们还可以区分对矿式帐户的开采支付形式停止设置。Payment method,即开采支付方法。这里有二品种型可供选择,PPS和PPLNS,区别在于开采形式和手续费上。PPS的手续费为7.5%,而PPLNS的手续为3%。系统默以为采用 PPLNS,如果要更改,请点击 Payment method 下方的“change”按钮。 12 On the Worker page, we can also distinguish between mining payments for mining accounts. Payment method, the method of mining payments. Here there are two varieties of options, PPS and PPLNS, the difference being in the form of mining and handling fees. PPS charges are 7.5 per cent, compared to 3 per cent for PPLNS. The system pretends to use PPLNS, and if you want to change it, click on the "change" button below Payment method. 13另外我们还可以对开采模式的难度停止选择,如果我们的电脑有多个显卡GPU,或许一些公用的机器的话,可以在 Minimum Difficulty 下对区分对矿工帐户名进行设置 13 We can also stop choosing the difficulty of mining models. If our computer has multiple GPU cards, perhaps some common machines, we can set the difference between the name of the miners' account under Minimum Difficulty. 步骤二、下载挖矿客户端软件 Step two. Download miner client software 1当我们注册设置完成以后,接下来请点击页面导航菜单中的“Support”,我们会看到客户端的下载链接。 When we register the settings, click on " Support " in the page navigation menu. We will see the download links of the client. 挖矿客户端软件有二品种型: The mine-mining client software is of two types: BFGMiner:命令行操作界面,可直接下载。 BFGMiner: Command Line Operation Interface, which can be downloaded directly. CGMiner: 也是命令行格式操作的,不过下载步骤过于冗杂。 CGminer: It is also in command line format, but the download process is too cumbersome. 我们这里以下载 BFGMiner 为例,点击如图所示下载。 Here, for example, we download BFGminer and click on the download as shown in the graph. 2随后会跳转到挖矿工具的下载页面,挖矿工具有二种格式,一种是32位系统,另一种是64位系统。根据自己的系统位数,下载相应的工具版本 2 will then jump to the download page of the mining tool, which has two formats, one 32-bit system and the other 64-digit system. 3挖矿工具客户端大小缺少5M,是一个 ZIP 紧缩文件。下载完成之后,找到并打开文件。点击鼠标右键,选择“复制”选项 The 3 mining tool client is missing 5M in size and is a ZIP austerity file. After downloading, the file is found and opened. Click on the right mouse button to select the " Copy " option 4这里我以粘贴提取到桌面为例 Here's the example of pasting to the desktop. 步骤三、挖矿客户端软件精密设置 Step three. Explicit software set-up for mine-mining clients 1打开挖矿目录以后,双击点击打开目录下的“bfgminer”文件 After opening the excavated directory, double-click to open the "bfgminer" file under the directory 2接下来来看到 BFG minier 的窗口,在 URL 处输入矿池的地址。矿池地址可以在 BTC GUILD 的 support 页面中看到,如 stratum.btcguild.com:3333 ,按回车键 2 Next to the BFG Minier window, enter the address of the pond at the URL. The address of the pond can be found on the BTC GUILD support page, e. g. stratum.btcguild.com:33333, press the return key. 3然后在 Username 后输入自己先前在 BTC GUILD 网站上设置的矿工名,按回车键 3 then enter after Username the miner's name that was previously installed on the BTC GUILD website and press the return button 4随后在 password 密码处,可恣意输入,发图所示 4 Then at the password password, you can freely enter it, as shown in the sendout. 5最后就可以看到下面有很多数字在变化,表示正在挖矿了。值得留意的是如图标注的中央表示当前机器按钮的速率 At the end of the day, you can see that there are a lot of numbers changing down here, indicating that they're digging. What's interesting is that the center of the icon indicates the speed of the current machine buttons. 6除了开采客户端软件上可以看当前开采的速度,我们还可以在 BTC Guild 网站上的 “Dashboard”页面中的“Active Worker Summary”列表中看到每上矿工开采的详细速度 6 In addition to the current rate of mining on the mining client software, we can see details of the rate of mining per miner in the "Dashboard" list on the BTC Guid page. 7如果要封锁挖矿工具,直接 X 掉即可,也可以直接按 Q 键参与。如果想要多开几个的话,在 BFG miner 目录中再打开一个挖矿工具即可。 If you want to block mining tools, you can simply X drop them, or you can press Q. If you want to open a few more, you can open another mining tool in the BFG mer directory. 步骤四、CGminger命令行客户端软件 Step four, CGminger command line client 1如果真要想挖矿的话,官方是举荐我们用“CGMiner”,也就是在命令提示符下运转的。在 BTC Guild 页面上点击“Support”,再点击“CGMiner”下载链接页面,选择对应系统的版本 1 Officially, if you really want to dig, we use CGminer, which is running under the command prompt. Click on " Support " on the BTC Guid page, click on " CGminer " to download the link page, select the version of the corresponding system. 2随后会跳转到 CGminer 的下载页面,点击如图标注的链接。 2 Then jumps to the CGminer download page and clicks on a link such as an icon note. 3然后选择一个 CGminer 的版本,我这里下载一个 Windows 版本为例 3 then select a CGminer version where I download a Windows version as an example 4这里以 Windows 版的 CGMiner 为例,下载完成以后,解压到电脑中 Here's the example of the Windows version of CGminer, and when the downloads are finished, it's off to the computer. 5打开CGMiner的目录,找到“CGMiner ” 5 Open CGminer directory and find "CGminer" 6用鼠标双击“CGMiner”会弹出一个命令行窗口,提示我们输入连接效劳器的 URL 地址。输入“stratum.btcguild.com:3333”,按键盘上的回车键 Double-click "CGMiner " with the mouse will eject a command line window, prompting us to enter the URL address that connects the utility. Enter "stratum.btcguild.com:3333 ", press the return key on the keyboard 7然后提示我们输入“Username”即矿工帐户名,按键盘上的回车键 7 then prompts us to enter "Username ", the name of the miner's account, press the keyback on the keyboard. 8接着输入“password”密码,按键盘上的回车键 8 then enter the password password, press the return button on the keyboard 9稍等须臾,当客户端与效劳在树立连接之后就会看到机器末尾开采了 I'll be there in nine minutes, and when the client and the service are connected, they'll see the end of the machine being mined. 10若要参与开采,请在窗口上按键盘上的“Q”键。 10 To participate in mining, press " Q " on the keyboard in the window. 工具/原料 Tools/materials 带有独立显卡的PC 电脑 PC computer with a stand-alone graphic card 留意事项 Keep an eye on things. 如果你是用 CGminer 的话,显卡肯定要是支持通用计算规范的显示才行,否则会不能挖矿。 If you use CGminer, the card will certainly have to support the display of generic computational norms, otherwise the mine will not be mined. csdn论坛上找到一个 guiminer挖矿软件 这个我也在用很不错哟~ I found a primer mining software at the csdn forum. 很适宜新手!! It's perfect for a rookie!
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