
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:32 评论:0
获奖团队成员(前排左起)徐进英博士,吕伟生教授和薛帆博士;(后排左起)吴刘鹏飞和赵锐(原新闻稿已于10月20日发布)(The original press release was issued on 20 October)由香港大學(港大)...



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(The original press release was issued on 20 October)

由香港大學(港大)建築學院呂偉生教授、薛帆博士(助理教授)和徐進英博士(博士後研究員)領導的iLab團隊,在2021年度buildingSMART International(bSI)國際大獎賽的專業研究類別勝出,獲獎項目為 “OpenBIM: Opening the gate for BIM and blockchain integration (OBBi)”。比賽結果已於10月7日公佈。

The iLab team, led by Professor Liu Weiseng of the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Building School, Dr Xue Chang (Associate Professor) and Dr. Seo Jin-young (post-doctoral researcher), won the International Award for Building SMART International (bSI) in 2021, which was awarded the "OpenBIM: Opening the Gate for BIM and Blockchain Integration (OBBi)" on 7 October.


建築信息建模((Building Information Modeling, BIM)被認為是過去幾年全球建築行業最重要的發展,香港的施政報告中亦多次提及。BIM從建築的設計、施工、運行至整個建築周期終結,把各種信息整合於一個三維模型信息數據庫中,讓設計團隊、施工單位、設施運營部門和業主用家等各方人員可以協同工作,能有效提高工作效率、節省資源和降低成本,以實現建築業可持續發展。然而,在現有市場機制下,BIM往往被大型,以盈利為導向的私營供應商所壟斷,較為封閉,不利於整個技術的發展和應用。

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is considered to be the most important development of the global construction industry in the last few years, and has been mentioned many times in Hong Kong’s governance report. BIM has been built, built, built, operated to the end of the entire construction cycle, integrating information into a three-dimensional database of model information that allows design teams, construction units, design operators and homeowners to work together effectively to improve efficiency, save resources and reduce costs, so that real construction can continue.


 bSI是一個開放、獨立於供應商的非牟利機構,也被稱為“international home of BIM”(建築信息建模國際之家)。其成立宗旨是通過制定國際標準,促進公開建築信息建模(OpenBIM),保持BIM技術中立不受私營供應商操控,推動業界操作互動交流,訊息共享。

& nbsp; bSI is an open, independent, non-profit institution of suppliers, also known as International Home of BIM. Its purpose is to promote public building information modelling (OpenBIM) through international standards, maintain BIM technological neutrality from private providers, and promote business-based interactive communication and information sharing.


bSI大獎賽具國際聲譽、於2018年開辦,旨在從項目設計、施工、運營、研究和技術等方面推廣 OpenBIM技術。比賽分資產管理、社區貢獻、建築、設計、設施管理、設施交付、專業研究、學生研究和技術九個類別,各設一個大獎。由專家組成的評審團,在每個類別篩選一至四个個項目晉入決賽,再每個類別選出一個大獎項目。2021年的比賽共收到133份參賽項目,主要來自擁有先進建築信息建模技術的發達國家和地區。

BSI's international reputation, launched in 2018, is designed to promote OpenBIM technology in project design, construction, operation, research and technology. In 2021, it received 133 entries, mainly from countries and regions with advanced information and modelling techniques.



The iLab team designed OBBi to take the lead in the professional research category is 21 of the finals, the only team from Hong Kong.



about winning the prize program


Building information modelling and block-link technology combines to produce co-benefits. Building information modelling technology (BIM) is a technological and operational innovation that integrates information related to the construction cycle into a three-dimensional database of model information that allows stakeholders to share and interact with each other. The sector-link technology has great potential for security and traceability and for improving efficiency and transparency of information, as well as for reducing costs.


By integrating both, building information models can extract information from a chain, such as the source of the material, the supply chain, the installation of instructions and contracts. At the same time, building information modelling techniques can also distribute building information to a block chain for use after day in the areas of smart payment, purchase, back-to-source or court certification.



However, there are still three major obstacles to integration applications: first, there is a lack of interoperability between commercial building information modelling software and sector chain platforms; second, there are significant information redundancy problems if building information models are stored directly in sector chains; and third, there is still no solution as to how to quickly and precisely retrieve information from sector chains and restore it to building information models.


為此,iLab團隊提出了創新的解決方案 - 將現有商業建築信息模型轉換為OpenBIM文件並計算兩者之間的差異,然後將展示差異的文件存儲到區塊鏈中。通過這種方式,使用者可以輕鬆實現從區塊鏈中檢索出信息並恢復到建築信息模型。

To this end, the iLab team has proposed innovative solutions - to convert the existing commercial building information model into an OpenBIM document and calculate the difference between the two, and then to store the difference in the chain. In this way, users can easily retrieve the information from the chain and restore it to the building information model.


為了測試OBBi系統的實際效能,iLab 團隊利用港大採用組裝合成建築(MiC)技術興建的黃竹坑學生宿舍項目作試點,應用區塊鏈 - 建築信息模型的集成技術,追踪建築材料從大陸生產至運到香港工地組裝,以及預製組件和MiC模塊的來源、生產狀態、物流狀態以及組裝狀態等環節。利用集成技術,項目的各個利益相關方無需擔心信息篡改和質量糾紛的問題,因為區塊鏈提供了真實並且可靠的信息保證。在試點項目的模擬過程中,OBBi系統在建築信息模型交換以及版本更新方面,比傳統文件更快更可靠;OBBi系統還展示了其重新連接項目中碎片化的建築設計、工程和建造流程的能力。在新冠疫情下,人員的流動受制而導致相關流程進行不暢的情況,這一系統的開發顯得猶為及時。

In order to test the effectiveness of the OBBI system, the iLab team uses a combination of assembly and synthesis building (MiC) technology to test sites, using block chains - building information model integration techniques, tracking building materials from the mainland to the Hong Kong site assembly, as well as the origin, state of production, logistics and assembly status of predefined components and MiC modules. Using the integration technology, the various stakeholders in the project have no concerns about information manipulation and quality, as they provide real and reliable information guarantees. In the course of the pilot project, the OBI system is faster and more reliable than conventional documents, and the OBI system also shows the ability of each of the stakeholders in the reconnection project to construct, work, and build processes that are not designed to lead to the development of a new system.


總的而言,OBBi系統最具創新性的三大特點為:(1)整合IFC格式以集成建築信息模型和區塊鏈;(2)提出一種只針對識別區塊鏈 - 建築信息模型變化的創新方法;(3)開發一套沒有時間延遲或信息丟失的區塊鏈信息檢索與恢復到建築信息模型中的新算法。這些創意是前所未有的,也正是bSI在其OpenBIM承諾中追求的目標。評審團成員認爲這些創新點可以很好地推進 OpenBIM,讓OBBi從同類競爭項目中脫穎而出。

Overall, the three most innovative features of the OBBI system are: (i) the integration of the IFC format for integrated building information models and sector chains; (ii) the introduction of a new method of creating a chain of knowledge-building information models; and (iii) the development of a new algorithm for chain information retrieval and restoration to building information models that have no time delay or information loss. These innovations are unprecedented, and they are the goals that bSI is pursuing in its OpenBIM promise.



about iLab


ILab was founded in 2016 with the support of the Hong Kong University Development Fund to study the opportunities and challenges of the City Data Laboratory at 4.0 for intelligent cities and industries, which has made a number of major breakthroughs in the modernisation of construction in Hong Kong and elsewhere. The award was awarded to the Government for the creation of a new Technology Agency called BIM Square, which is based on links, building information models and a web-based logistics and supply chain management platform for many Hong Kong construction operators.





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