
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:32 评论:0
你还记得CryptoKitties么?NFT 彻底火了。NFT was totally on fire.并不属于传统艺术界关注对象的数字视觉艺术家 Beeple 的一套作品《Everydays: The First 5000 Days》,以...



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NFT 彻底火了。

NFT was totally on fire.

并不属于传统艺术界关注对象的数字视觉艺术家 Beeple 的一套作品《Everydays: The First 5000 Days》,以 NFT 的方式竟然在佳士得拍出了6,935万美元的成交价。

A collection of digital visual artists who are not the subject of attention in the traditional arts, The First 5000 Days, has been awarded US$ 69.35 million in NFT.

这次竞拍对于佳士得来说是创造历史的:33位活跃竞拍者,其中超过九成首次参与佳士得拍卖,他们当中超过半数出生于80年代后,并且有6%竞拍者属于出生在1997年后的 Gen-Z 年轻人……

The contest was history-making for Gaesto: 33 active bidders, more than 90 per cent of whom participated in the auction for the first time, more than half of whom were born after the 1980s, and 6 per cent of whom belonged to the young Gen-Z who were born after 1997.


Even Sun Woo-jin, who was involved in this contest, offered $60.25 million, but still lost his hand in the work.

Beeple 是谁?他有什么神奇的作品,能拍出如此高的价格?要知道与梵高齐名的波提切利的《手持圣像的年轻男子》,最近的成交价也才9,200万美元。

Who's Beaple? What's so amazing about him that he can make such a high price? You know, the recent deal with Van Gogh's Botticelli's Young Man with the Holy Images is only $92 million.

以及 NFT 又是什么鬼?它为何如此之火……?如果这样火下去,我们会否在不久的未来看到 NFT 拍卖价格追平达芬奇《救世主》4.5亿美元成交价的历史纪录?

And what the hell is NFT? Why is it so fire? If it goes on like this, will we see in the near future the historical record of the NFT auction price for the $450 million worth of Da Vinci's Savior?


Beaple's work is price-intensive, and it has a lot to do with NFT. In simple terms, it is digital art certification and trading based on the block chain. Today, the block chain concept and the digital currency burst, NFT has also become the most popular and thought-provoking digital art trader.

在 NFT 艺术品的交易市场上,貌似真的是什么都能卖钱,而且卖的还真不少……

"b" in the NFT art trading market, it seems like everything can be sold, and it's a lot of sales...

这只 Gucci 小鬼魂,作品名为 Gucci Ghost Yellow Aqua,作者 Trevor Andrew。这张动图在 Nifty 上一次成交的价格3600美元。而且现主已经挂出待售,价格直接翻4.5倍到16300美元:

This Gucci kid, named Gucci Ghost Yellow Aqua, by Trevor Andrew. This moving figure is worth $3,600 in Nifty's last deal. And the current owner is already on sale and the price is 4.5 to 16,300: .

没错,就是这么一张你可以到处贴、随便用的动图,说好听叫街头艺术,说不好听充其量就是张梗图……还有很多更加耳熟能详的梗图正在通过 NFT 变成可以交易的艺术品。Nyan Cat 彩虹猫就是其中之一。

That's right, it's a moving picture that you can put around, and call it street art. At best, it's a schematic. There are many more familiar maps that are turning into tradable art through NFT. Nyan Cat Rainbow Cat is one of them.

这个超级可爱的8bit卡通形象,最初的动图版本由 prguitarman创作,后来被网友配上了初音未来的 Vocaloid 歌曲,上传到 YouTube 上,很快收割了更多网友的喜爱,当年的观看量就达到了惊人的5400万次。

This super cute 8bit cartoon image, originally written by prguitarman, was later added to the first sound future Vocaloid song by an online friend, uploaded to YouTube and quickly harvested more of the fans'favorites, which reached an alarming 54 million views in the year.

在 Nyan Cat 问世10年之后,Torres 决定将最初版本的动画进行高精度复刻,分辨率优化为1400X1400,但仍然是大家喜爱的8bit风格,放到 NFT 艺术品拍卖网站 Foundation 上进行出售,仅此一份。网站写道,购买此艺术品能够让用户“魅力+10,运气+10,开心+15”。

Ten years after Nyan Cat's death, Torres decided to re-engineer the original animated version with a resolution of 1400X 1400, but it is still the preferred 8bit style for sale on the NFT Art auction site Foundation, which is the only one. The website wrote that the purchase of the art would allow the user "Charm + 10, Luck + 10, Joy + 15. "

2月20日,这幅作品以300以太坊,折合53.5万美元的价格售出。这位魅力和运气兼顾还特别开心的幸运卖家,终于可以傲视所有其他网友并宣布:Nyan Cat 这座互联网梗图历史上的重要的里程碑,现在是我的资产了……

On February 20, this work was sold at a price of US$ 300, equivalent to US$ 535,000. The charming and lucky seller, who is also particularly happy, can finally look up to all the other web users and announce that Nyan Cat, an important milestone in the history of the Internet map, is now my asset...

除此之外,Torres 还用 Pepe、像素骑士等其它大家熟悉形象,做了更多的梗图,放到另一个 NFT 交易平台 OpenSea 上拍卖。

In addition to this, Torres has made more maps and auctions on another NFT trading platform, OpenSea, using other familiar images such as Pepe, the Pixel Knight, etc.

看了这么多形形色色的 NFT 艺术品和价格冲破天的拍卖,你或许会有少许 FOMO的感觉:这么酷还这么能赚钱的东西,我怎么早不知道!

Seeing so many different types of NFT art and price auctions, you might feel a little FOMO: I don't know if it's so cool or something to make money!

其实你可能早就跟 NFT 打过交道了:还记得 CryptoKitties 加密猫吗?

Actually, you may have had an affair with NFT: Remember the CryptoKittys encryption cat?

2017年 CryptoKitties 上线的时候我们曾经报道过这个超酷的小游戏:是一个带有游戏和交易性质的区块链产品,玩家可以随机生成、繁殖、收集和交易数字小猫,每只猫都是独一无二的,拥有自己的编号:

2017, when CryptoKittys came online, we reported on this super-cool little game: is a block chain product with games and transactions, and players can randomly generate, reproduce, collect and trade digital kittens, each of which is unique and has its own number:

因此,甚至还有人潜心研究猫咪的 DNA,从而能够繁殖出具备稀有特质的极品猫咪(就像精灵宝可梦的繁育系统一样),然后卖掉赚钱。在当时,最为稀有的猫咪卖价动辄十几万以太坊,比如下面这只,简直是猫咪和推特鸟的合体……

So there's even someone who's trying to study the cat's DNA, so that they can produce a rare quality superstitious cat, and then sell it for money. At the time, the rarest cat sold at a price of 100,000 Etheriums, like this one below, it's a combination of cats and tweakbirds.

其实 CryptoKitties 就是最早的 NFT,全称是 Non-Fungible Token 不可替换代币。它的效用其实不难理解:

CryptoKittys are actually the first NFT, known as Non-Fungible Token, which is not a substitute for a token. Its usefulness is not difficult to understand:

一般的以太坊代币一般采用 ERC-20 标准,两枚同价值的代币之间没有实质区别,就像两张编号不同的100块纸钞在用于支付和贮藏手段时没有实质区别。

The ERC-20 standard is generally used in Taiku, and there is no material difference between the two and the value of the tokens, as there is no material difference between the 100 pieces of paper with two numbers and the means of payment and storage.

但如果我卖掉了一个 NFT 数字艺术品,隔几天再把它买回来,我得到的还是我最初拥有的那一个 NFT,它的不可被替换性才是它的价值所在。ERC-721 的代币是不可替换的,用于将那些同样不可替换,具有唯一性的资产,实现代币化。

But if I sell a NFT digital art and buy it back in a few days, I get the same NFT that I had in the first place, and its value is non-replacement. The ERC-721 tokens are non-replacement and are used to monetize assets that are equally irreplaceable and unique.

也正因为此,NFT 被越来越多用于数字艺术品——甚至任何数字形态的内容——的交易和拍卖。

And that is why NFT is increasingly being used for trading and auctioning of digital works of art — even the content of any digital form.

自从 NFT 艺术品拍卖这事儿火起来之后,各路英雄豪杰全都来掺和了。

Since the NFT art auction, all the heroes of the world have been mixed up.

就在前几天,音乐才女 Grimes(同时也是马斯克的女朋友)就在 Nifty 上卖出了总价大约600万美元的艺术作品,其中包括:一条绝对唯一的 MV "Death of the Old",以及另外两条 MV 《地球》和《火星》(非唯一,单价7500美元,总共卖出了不到700件)

Just a few days ago, the musical girl Grimes (also Mask's girlfriend) sold some $6 million worth of art on Nifty, including an absolutely unique MV, "Death of the Old", and two other MV, Earth and Mars.

NFT 现在火到什么程度?拍卖品不一定需要有共识的艺术性也可以上架……有人把”太空狼人杀“Among Us 里面的动画太空人角色形象单独剪出来,随便加了点元素,就敢放到网上卖14个以太坊……

NFT, to what extent is the fire? The auction does not necessarily require a consensus of art to be put on the shelf... someone cut the animated role image of the spacewolve in Among Us, put some elements on it and put it on the Internet and sell 14 Ethers...

Twitter 创始人 Jack Dorsey 玩的更绝:他已经把自己的(也就是 Twitter 的)(也就是整个世界的)第一条推文给代币化了,放到了 NFT 交易网站 Valuables 上出售。

Founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, played far more: he had his first tweet (i.e. Twitter) monetized and placed it on the NFT trading site Valuables.

目前竞拍正在火热进行中,大家熟悉的孙宇晨又出现了,出了200万美元(1304.47个以太坊)。只是不知道这次他会否又要跟这条推文失之交臂,因为他跟 Bridge Oracle 的 CEO Sina Estavi 已经来回抬价了好几次了(话说这俩人应该认识,毕竟 Estavi 的公司业务也是在孙宇晨的波场平台上建立的。不知道这波抬价背后有何抓马……)

The competition is under way, and the familiar Sun Woo morning shows up with $2 million (1304.47 Ethers). I just don't know if he's going to lose the tweet this time, because he and Bridge Oracle's CEO Sina Estavi have been paying the price several times.

现在 NFT 用于数字物品交易的市场已经热火朝天。但这项技术的潜力并不止于此。原则上,任何具有唯一性且有交易市场的虚拟或现实物品,包括并不限于实体的艺术收藏品、有价证券、房产地产等,都可以通过代币化进行交易,而且这样做还更有利于对交易保持记录和追踪。

The NFT market for digital transactions is now hot. But the potential of this technology goes beyond that. In principle, any virtual or real item with a unique and traded market, including, but not limited to, an entity's art collection, marketable securities, real estate, etc., can be traded through monetization, and it is more conducive to recording and tracking transactions.


He says he sells his work back to Beaple.


He's an artist who creates digital visual art, uses computers to create graphics in a variety of styles but exaggerates, sometimes with some bloody violence or short videos. He draws on popular art, technology, science fiction, and politics, with an exaggerating sense of different worlds. The technology giants' enslavement of human beings, childishness in political games, etc., are a common theme of his work. The Trump and Mask, Mickey Mouse, and Buzz Light Year are his most used images:

Beeple 作品


But he's not the typical artist you think he is.

Beeple 的本名叫 Mike Winkelmann,是一位住在南卡罗莱纳州 Charleston 郊区的39岁男子。本科毕业于普渡大学计算机系的他,在毫无艺术教育的基础上捡起了设计软件 Cinema 4D 之后,也曾经为 SpaceX、苹果公司等提供过设计服务。

Beaple's name is Mike Winkelmann, a 39-year-old man living in the outskirts of Charleston, South Carolina. He graduated from the computer department at the University of Pudu, and has also provided design services for SpaceX, Apple, etc., after picking up Cinema 4D with no artistic education.

在家里,Winkelmann 的电脑屏幕连出了一根线,穿过墙上一个凿开的、毫无掩饰的洞通到厕所里。那边是他的电脑主机,因为作品在渲染时候的发热太高,他不得不专门装了一台专业级空调来冷却。他的房间里倒是很安静——永远开着两台电视,一台放着 CNN,另一台放着 Fox News,两台都永远静音——他说:“电视就是外面世界的窗户。”

At home, Winkelmann's computer screen connected a line through an open, undisguised hole on the wall to the toilet. That's his computer mainframe, because it's too hot for the rehearsing, and he had to cool it with a professional air conditioner. His room was very quiet -- two televisions, one CNN, the other Fox News, both silent -- and he said, "Television is the window of the outside world."

平日里的 Winkelmann 看起来很正常,但 Beeple 在网上出口成脏。据其本人描述,他的爱车是一辆“破烂的丰田花冠”(f*cking Toyota Carolla piece of sh*t)。

Winkelmann looks normal in the day, but Beaple exports dirty online. According to him, his favorite car is a broken Toyota crown (f*cking Toyota Carola piece of sh*t).

Beeple 作为一位艺术家,受追捧的其中一个重要原因,就是这人真的是太勤奋敬业了:他每天都会发布一件视觉艺术作品(图片或短视频/动图),并且从2007年5月1号开始,已经日更不辍了整整13年。他把这个作品系列称为 "Everydays".

One of the important reasons why Beaple, as an artist, has been respected is that he's really hard-working: he publishes a visual art work every day (photo or short video/motion) and, since May 1, 2007, it's been less than 13 years. He calls the series "Everydays".

Beeple 过去几乎全部的日更作品都按照 Creative Common(共享创意特许条款)发布,并且允许任何人在遵守条款的前提下任意使用。十五年如一日地进行免费创作这件事,让 Beeple,一位在网上拥有不少拥趸,但在传统艺术和时尚界仍然默默无闻的艺术家,开始“破圈”。

In the past, almost all of Beaple's daily works were published in accordance with the Creative Commons and allowed to be used by anyone at their discretion, subject to the terms. Fifteen years of free creation, allowing Beaple, an artist with a lot of crowds online, but still invisible in the traditional arts and fashion world, to “break the circle”.

据《时尚先生》报道,路易威登把 Beeple 的作品印在了2019春夏季成衣上。Winkelmann 本人穿着一件从 Zara 买来的外套,坐在那年卢浮宫 LV 大秀的第一排,看着模特穿着自己的作品从眼前经过。

According to Mr. Fashion, Louis Vuitton printed Bepple's work on a summer dress in the spring of 2019. Winkelmann himself, in a jacket bought from Zara, sat in the first row of the Louvre LV show that year and watched the model pass by in his own work.

Beeple 彻底火了。但他压根不知道该怎么卖掉自己作品。像 Beeple 这样的艺术家在网上有一大把,他们是 Instagram 的明星,是动图网站的霸主;但总体上,除了印T恤之外,他们大多不知道该怎么靠自己的作品赚钱。Beeple 自己也买过印刷版作品,最高单价只有100美元。

Beaple is totally on fire. But he doesn't know how to sell his work. Artists like Beaple have a lot on the Internet, they are stars of Instagram and masters of mobile sites; in general, they don't know how to make money on their own, except for a T-shirt.

但那时的 Beeple 已然成为 NFT 交易市场上一颗随时可能引爆的巨星。

But then Beaple became a giant star on the NFT trading market that could explode at any moment.

2020年9月,NFT 交易网站 Nifty Gateway 联系了 Beeple。他在看到其它艺术家通过 NFT 卖掉了一些作品之后,终于动了心:“如果那哥们能赚一屁股的钱,我也应该能赚一马桶吧?”

In September 2020, the NFT trading site, Nifty Gateway, contacted Beple. After seeing other artists sell some of their work through NFT, he finally got excited: "If that guy could make an ass, should I make a toilet?"

去年10月,Beeple 首次在 Nifty Gateway 上拍卖了自己的三件作品。其中之一的 CROSSROAD 很有意思,是一段小视频,一开始的样子是赤裸的特朗普,身上写满了各种脏话和与他有关的标语趴在草地上,一只蓝色的小鸟 (Twitter) 飞到他的身上。

In October last year, Beaple first auctioned three pieces of his own work on the Nifty Gateway. One of them, CROSSROAD, was interesting, and it started with a little video, a naked Trump, with all the swearings and slogans about him lying on the grass, and a blue bird (twitter) flew over him.

Beeple 在 Nifty 上的首次拍卖,由于吸引到流量过大直接导致网站宕机。仅 CROSSROAD 这一件作品的起拍价是6.6666万美元,首次的成交价是它的十倍。起初的买主又将其转卖,上个月成交,价格是660万美元——最初起拍价的100倍……

The first auction on Beverly's site resulted in a website crash as a direct result of attracting too much traffic. The initial bid on CROSSROAD alone was $666.6 million, the first price of which was 10 times the price. The initial buyer resold it, the price was $6.6 million last month -- 100 times the initial price.

接下来的事情一发不可收拾……Beeple 又放上了更多的作品。当它们每隔半小时在 Nifty 上 "drop",价格总会以每半小时增加10万美元的速度飞涨,Winkelmann 自己都不敢看,他的妻子对此感到难以置信。

When they "drop" every half hour on Nifty, the price will rise at a rate of $100,000 every half hour, and Winkelmann will not even look at it himself, and his wife will find it hard to believe.

12月底的最后一件作品上架,那是一幅将那个周末拍掉的所有作品串联起来的视频,被命名为 "The Complete MF Collection",在最后一秒成功卖出,售价77.7777万美元。Winkelmann 收到了来自约翰列侬之子肖恩列侬的一条私信。这位音乐人在 Twitter 上发文:god damn Beeple Mania have mercy.

Winkelmann received a private letter from Sean Lennon, son of John Lennon. The musician wrote on Twitter: God damn Beaple Mania have mercy.

那个月 Beeple 在 Nifty 上的总成交价高达350万美元。

Beaple was paid up to $3.5 million that month on Nifty.

接下来的事情我们都知道了,Beeple 成功引起了佳士得的注意。这家18世纪创立的拍卖行在去年10月已经成功试水 NFT,以1.2万美元的起拍价、13万美元的成交价卖掉了一幅实体+ NFT 艺术品。

As we all know, Beaple succeeded in drawing attention to it. This 18th century auction house successfully tested NFT in October last year, selling a real + NFT art at a $120,000 start price and $130,000 in a bid.

在和苏富比等其它享誉盛名的拍卖行的竞争中,佳士得最终摘得 NFT 拍卖的桂冠,拿下了 Beeple 过去5000天里的全部日更作品全集,并且拍出了6934.625万美元的天价……

In competition with other prestigious auction houses, such as Sufusby, Jia has to finally take the crown of the NFT auction, take the full collection of all the Japanese-made works of Beaple over the past 5,000 days, and film the daily price of $69,346.225 million...


What's going on in Beaple, bringing NFT back into the public eye and not knowing what's going to happen in the next digital art market?




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    随着比特币、以太坊等主流加密货币在web2世界的认可度变得越来越高,许多web2传统公司也积极拥抱web3,加速采用和开发区块链产品的速度和应用层面。With ˂a style= "max-width": 90%" href=https://m.php.cn/zt/21172.html" target="_blank" bitcoin, ˂a style="color:#f60; text-decoration: unde...
  • 区块链技术原理(转载)

    转自:https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1838661From: https://clud.tencent.com/development/article/1838661 本文主要是对区块链进行概念分析和组成技术解析,从哈希运算、数字签名、共识算法、智能合约、P2P网络等技术在区块链中的应用进行综合分析This paper focuses on conceptual analysis and technical com...