Today, Bitcoins fell by 14.5 per cent to $2526.4, the largest drop since January 2015.
On June 12, all three of the country’s Bitcoin trading platforms exceeded the price of $3,000, creating another record high, with the price of Bitcoins rising by 56% in almost half a month. And this year, it has even risen by 300%.
Wall Street mentioned earlier that in May, when the Bitcoins surged, Mrs. Watanabe (generally the Japanese housewife investment group) and retired Koreans became a powerful force.
As a result of low interest rate policies, Japanese and Korean investors tend to focus on other investments, and the recent dizzying increase in bitcoins has attracted attention. The Asian stock market has risen by 17% this year, while by the same time the price of bitcoins has risen by 124%, and by 60% in just one month in May.
Japan and Korea have experienced a surge in demand for bitcoins since April, when Japan began to use them as a legal payment method, and the prices of bitcoins in these two countries have also experienced significant increases over other countries. Last month, the price of bitcoins in North Korea was once over $4,000 when the global average was about $2,500.
According to the Reuters report, now in Japan and Korea, Bitcoins-related industries have been created to motivate investors to invest in bitcoins.
According to the currency telegram, China is the world’s largest trading market for bitcoins, a catalyst for stabilizing and standardizing the global market for bitcoins, and has played a decisive role in raising the price of bitcoins.
With the easing of surveillance, China’s Bitcoin market stabilized in June, and China’s three main bitcoin exchanges (fire money networks, OKCoin, and BTCC) are starting to recover. China’s Bitcoin prices, which were already below the global average of 25%, are now in the forefront of the world, surpassing the global average.
The Deputy Secretary-General of the Financial Innovation and Internet Legal Research Centre of the University of China stated in his paper that if the government included bitcoins in financial supervision and recognized their financial attributes, such as “digital assets” or “digital currencies”, it would strengthen the public’s acceptance of bitcoins and reduce the public’s acceptance of bitcoins, thereby weakening the public’s confidence in the statutory currency and its financial system. Instead, it would raise the value of bitcoins and become a bid for bitcoins.
According to the OKcoin line of data, on December 31, 2016, Bitcoin collected $679.82, and on June 11, 2017, Bitcoin collected $20,600, up 20.331%, killing every other investmentable asset in a second. A new wave of surges brought about by the news that Bitcoin triggered the isolation test and the expansion of block capacity, together with the global blackmail virus’s claim to accept Bitcoin, has once again entered the public eye. We have seen once again the huge wave of Bitcoin.
A lot of people compare Bitcoin investments to equity investments, but the Bitcoins are clearly much more volatile than equities, one of the main reasons being that bitcoins do not have price anchors.
Stock prices, though highly volatile, are fundamentally influenced by the performance of companies that are listed behind them, and by the fact that the Bitcoin does not have such an anchor, its value is fundamentally determined by the common sense of the investors, and it is highly vulnerable to emotional, policy and other factors.
One expert cautioned that, with respect to the rich and poor mountain coins at the top of society, it is to be hoped that everyone will stay away from “the beginning of a given dollar, the best chance, the temptation to buy the original shares, you say to make no money.” As a virtual digital asset, there is no investment value if it is not recognized directly or indirectly by the government.
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