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To further promote the dissemination of the results of academic research on legal law, since 2019 the Shanghai City Law Institute, in cooperation with the Chinese Knowledge Network Strategy, has published online a collection of 24 volumes of large-scale legal law original academic books of tens of thousands of words each year, which is available online in full and electronically. The Shanghai Law Research Collection focuses on the annual production of quality and distinctive content in the legal profession. To date, all 72 volumes in 2019, 2020, 2021 and more than 3,000 volumes in 2022 have been fully edited, and 2535 articles have been posted on the full text of the Chinese Knowledge Network, amounting to 4,000 single downloads and a total of more than 700,000 downloads.


The Shanghai Jurisprudence Study collection, vol. 12, 2022


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theme: enterprise legal compliance in a global context


Enterprises Compliance


Analysis of legal compliance points for the pre-development of the pumping energy project

郝? 利? 夏煜鑫张常睿

Ha, Lee, Chang Chang-seok.


2022 Compliance management strengthened implementation of enterprise compliance

刘相文? 王? 涛? 谢? 逸

Liu Sang-wen, Wang Tao, thank you.


Administrative compliance risks and protection against qualification of executives of insurance companies


Yuen Park.


Positioning and compliance risks in the transfer of innovative drug research and development results from the campuses

高? 俊? 邱玮鑫

Ko-joon... Qiu-jian.


High-technology enterprises'intellectual property compliance regulatory requirements and practice exploration

何? 丹? 陈? 露? 张琦

Dan Chan Lu Zhang Qi


Intersection and collision between compliance and arbitration

高? 俊



Risk analysis for offshore customs compliance by Chinese enterprises


Chang Kuo-hoon.


Corporate compliance assessment of extraterritorial experience and inspiration for Chinese enterprises

刘相文? 丁海东

Liu Sang-wen Ding Hae-dong


Concepts and initiatives for building an enterprise's intellectual property compliance system

张? 鹏



First look at the definancialization of the digital collection compliance path.


Wang Yin-sun Mon-sheng


Models for the design of carbon tariff regimes and analysis of compliance points - together with European-American carbon tariff legislation

姜? 喆? 于治国

I'm going to rule the country.


Establishment and evaluation of an SME compliance management system under the new standards

高? 俊? 王旻昊

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!


Ten questions on data compliance by employees of transnational corporations

蔡? 鹏? 胡云浪? 苏阳阳

Tsai, Peng, Hu Yun-Ying, So-yang


Value and construction of the first data compliance non-prosecution data compliance system

陈际红? 陈煜烺

Chen Tae Hong?


Sustainable compliance — application of ESG reporting rules and disclosure practices




Constructive rationale and practice programme for corporate criminal compliance

王? 峰? 王? 潜

The king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king, the king.


Business Compliance Building from the Perspective of the Antimonopoly (Amendment) Act

余昕刚? 蒋蕙匡? 侯彰慧? 贾? 申? 李梦涵

Mr. Yu, let's see what you can do.


Platform operator's antimonopoly law compliance step

吴? ?鹏马成豪张津剑

I'm so proud of you.


Responsible investment — development of ESG compliance system for ESG capacity-building for fund managers

高? 俊? 周杨洁

Gao Joon Zhou Yang Jie


Foreign wealth management agencies under the new regulations on data exit security


Gon Lo-fan Kang-hoon.


Impact of and response to the central enterprise compliance management approach on compliance management at the firm level

刘相文? 卢鹰旋? 董? 艺

Liu Sang-wen?


Wisdom Rule


Legislative regulation and legal practice of our “big data”

蒋蕙匡? 贾? 申? 赵琳格

J.S. Chillinger.


NFT's opening up a new understanding of the digital asset market.

樊晓娟? 印? 磊

Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiaojun... Xiang... Xiaojun... Xiang... Xiaojun... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang... Xiang...


Prevention of and response to the risk of disclosure of enterprise data in terms of data “three ways”

李? 瑞? 贾? 申? 钟俊鹏? 李梦涵? 许聿宁

Lee, Ja-sen, Jong-hoon, Lee Mon-hae, Xu Yong-nying.


Typologies of machine-learning works and their responsibilities for copyright

王红燕? 陈? 茜

Wang Hung Yan Chen Shei


Application of open-source technologies in the artificial intelligence industry and intellectual property risk

王红燕? 陈? 茜

Wang Hung Yan Chen Shei


Application of algorithms and anti-monopoly compliance risks

吴? 鹏? 龙? 睿

Wu Peng Long wise


Interpretation of the trend towards the criminalization of virtual currency regulation

葛? 燕



Harmonizing the break-up of data barriers in large markets

蔡? 鹏? ?胡云浪

Tsai, Peng, tung, tung, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.


Cross-border anti-money-laundering compliance in block chains and digital currency settings


Gon Levan.


Economic Rule of Law Study


Review of “appropriate” confidentiality measures in the protection of commercial secrets based on a judicial case-by-case perspective

赵? 刚? 高? 敏

Chiu, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!


The Beijing Stock Exchange's Public Distribution Listed Interpretation

郭克军? 魏海涛? 赵海洋

Kwok Kwok, Wei Hae-tao, Zhao.


New Set of Provisions on Fake Statements: Arbitration settlement of disputes over false statements of securities


Yuan Pei-hyun.


Derogations under false statements of securities

刘洪蛟? 徐志豪

Xu Ji-ho.


Modified and improved judicial interpretation of classic case law supports false statements of securities

张保生? 朱媛媛? 郭晓英? 金曼特

Mr. Cheung Xiaoying Guo Jinmante


Centralized declaration criteria for operators in the economic sphere of the Platform re-read

蒋蕙匡? 贾? 申? 赵琳格? 李梦涵? 姚? 远

I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, but I can't believe I'm here.


Commentary on the impact of the principle of a single economic entity on antimonopoly penalties

薛? 熠? 俞? 炜

Xue Xue Xiao Yu Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xi Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xian Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang


Anti-monopolistic analysis of the non-drawling agreement under the risk of compliance

张白沙? 刘? 晓? 谢培堰

Chang Baek Sha Liu Xiao Shepaki


practical research


Legal risks associated with bidding for new energy projects and engineering contracting

郝? 利? 夏煜鑫? 吕? 澄

Hao Lei Shao Lui.


Understanding of the 14 focus issues of the Data Exit Security Assessment

陈际红? 吴佳蔚? 于楚佳

Mr. Chan Jia-wei Yu Chia-Ju-Ju-hya


Elements of changes to the Rules for the Implementation of Regulations Governing Human Genetic Resources (for comments) and industry impact analysis

傅长煜? 左玉茹

Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu!


Explore the handling of and response to risks from historical transactions not declared in accordance with the law

薛? 熠? 谷? 田

Xue Xue Xue Xue Xian Xuan Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xiang Xian Xian Xian Xian Xiang Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xiang Xian Xian Xian Xian Xiang Xian Xian Xian Xiang Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xiang Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xi


Classification and life-cycle protection of financial data

李? 瑞? 贾? 申? 钟俊鹏? 姚? 远

Lee, Ja-sen, Jong Jun-ping, yao, far away.


The development of ESG genes in start-up companies

熊? 川



Regulatory priorities and responses to listing of environmental IPOs

唐周俊? 慕景丽? 曹美璇

Don Chow Joon, Mu Ching-Li, Mi-chun Cao.


Response to the “301 tariff” increase in terms of the “substantive shift” standard of United States rules of origin


Xu Sanshan.


From industry regulatory cases, how biopharmaceutical companies choose and manage CSO companies

李长虹? 苏恒瑶? 李政霖

Lee Chang-yun, Su Heung-hoon, Lee Jung-hoon.


Elements of an intellectual property management system for State-owned enterprises led by a strong intellectual property State

张? 鹏



Study on disputes over technology contracts in the context of the transfer of technology from higher education institutions - for example, arbitration in disputes over a technology contract

何? 丹? 张? 琦? 陈? 露

What, Dan Chang Qi Chen Lu?


Enterprises Compliance


1. Analysis of legal compliance points for the pre-development of the pumping energy project


Author: Holly (Participant of the law firm of Central London), Shayun (Non-Participant of the law firm of Central London), Chang Chang-yung (Lawyer of the law firm of Central London)


The construction of new power systems, dominated by new sources of energy, is an important support for the country's achievement of its “carbon peaks, carbon neutrality” goal. The gradual increase in the share of new energy sources in electricity generation, such as wind power, photovoltaics and nuclear energy, places higher demands on their capacity to regulate the system and requires accompanying storage projects. Compared to storage technologies, such as electrochemistry, pumping capacity as the most mature solution for large-capacity storage today, with the advantages of technological maturity, rapid response flexibility, large single-power capacity, and better economics, is an important support for the construction of new power systems for modern smart grids.

关键词:新能源? “碳达峰、碳中和”? 抽水蓄能项目? 前期开发? 法律合规? 智能电网

Keywords: New energy? “Carbon peaks, carbon neutrality?” Pumping water storage projects? Pre-development? Legal compliance? Smart grids.


2.202 Compliance management and implementation of the strengthened enterprise compliance system


Author: Liu Sang-wen (partner in the law firm of China), Wang Tao (lawyer in the law firm of China), Xie Yung (lawyer in the law firm of China)


Executive summary: The year 2022 will be an enhanced year for business compliance management, driven by national policies. In practice, the problem of corporate compliance is often compounded by deficiencies in the design of the system and the lack of executive authority.

关键词:企业合规? 合规管理? 制度设计? 执行权威? 合规培训? 追责机制

Keywords: Corporate compliance? Compliance management? System design? Enforcement authority? Compliance training? Accountability mechanisms


3. Administrative compliance risks and protection against qualification of executives of insurance companies


Author: Park (non-interested partner of the law firm in China)


Executive summary: The accreditation of directors, supervisors and senior managers of insurance companies is one of the regulatory requirements of our insurance industry. If this approval process is not completed legally and in an orderly manner, the enterprise concerned may face certain administrative compliance risks. Therefore, the enterprise should be familiar with the relevant provisions governing the approval of eligibility for service and should be in a timely process for the approval of eligibility for service; be proactive in responding to complaints or investigations by the competent authorities; be concerned with administrative enforcement procedures.

关键词:保险公司? 高管任职资格核准? 法律后果? 行政合规风险? 风险防范? 行政执法程序

Keywords: Insurance companies, executive qualifications, legal consequences, administrative compliance risks, risk prevention, administrative enforcement procedures


4. Positioning and compliance risks in the transfer of the results of innovative drug research and development at the campuses


Authors: Ko-jun (partner of the law firm in Central London), Qiu-yuan (lawyer of the law firm in Central London)


Executive summary: The shortcomings of the Institute’s medical science and technology conversion process, results assessment mechanisms, intellectual property management and conversion services, as well as the absence of an accompanying legal compliance system, are among the main factors constraining the transformation of pharmaceutical science and technology. In the process of transforming the results of research and development of innovative medicines, universities should focus on compliance issues such as attribution of technical rights, assessment of State assets, personnel management involving State secrecy and national security, participation of scientists in the operation of the project’s companies, and data compliance in clinical trials, in order to address the legal risks of breaking out of traditional compliance.

关键词:高校院所? 创新药研发? 科技成果转化? 知识产权管理? 数据合规? 医药合规

Keywords: Higher School Institutes, Innovative Medicines Development, Science and Technology Conversion, Intellectual Property Management, Data Compliance, Medicine Compliance


5. Regulatory requirements and practice exploration for intellectual property compliance by high-technology enterprises


Author: Hodang (partner in the law firm of Central Lone), Chen Lew (lawyer in Central Lone), Zhang Qi (lawyer in the law firm of Central Lone)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The close relationship between technological innovation in high-technology enterprises and intellectual property rights (IPRs) is in the context of the growing regulation of high-technology enterprises, the strengthening of new-technology enterprise qualifications, the need for a well-developed intellectual property compliance system that protects intellectual property management and risk from the entire process of technological development and intellectual property protection. Intellectual property compliance systems are built to serve the overall strategic positioning of technological innovation in high-technology enterprises, including, inter alia, intellectual property creation, application and protection, regulation of intellectual property processes, and transformation of technological outcomes.

关键词:高新技术企业? 技术创新? 知识产权合规? 专利合规管理? 风险防范? 合规体系

Keywords: high-tech enterprise, technological innovation, intellectual property compliance, patent compliance management, risk prevention, compliance system


6. Intersections and collisions between compliance and arbitration


Author: Ko Joon (partner of the law firm in China)


In order to prevent the extraterritorial application of foreign laws and measures from affecting China, preserve national sovereignty, security and development interests, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, legal persons or other organizations, in accordance with the relevant laws such as our national security law, the Disruption of the extraterritorial application of foreign laws and measures, published on 9 January 2021, is an important element of the sanctions compliance board. If an attempt is made to ascertain the validity of the respondent's argument for applying the Disruptive Measures, it is only if the boundaries of the scope of application of the Disruptive Measures are clarified. The more interesting question is whether the Disruption Measures apply to the recognition and enforcement of specific arbitral awards. The first decision of the Shanghai Financial Court to recognize and enforce an arbitral award in Singapore has given rise to an intense industrial debate and makes relevant recommendations by considering the intersection between compliance and arbitration in terms of sanctions compliance and the recognition and enforcement of international arbitral awards.

关键词:国内仲裁? 国际仲裁? 法律适用? 《阻断外国法律与措施不当域外适用办法》? 国际法仲裁执行

Keywords: domestic arbitration, international arbitration, application of the law, Interruption of the extraterritorial application of foreign laws and measures, enforcement of international law arbitration


7. Risk analysis for offshore customs compliance by Chinese enterprises


Author: Jang Kuo-hoon (partner in the law firm of China)


In the case of cross-border trade in goods and trade in services, in particular in the case of firms with high-technology technologies that invest in cross-border plants, royalties will occur more frequently, with consequent greater compliance risks. China’s enterprises should fully harmonize customs laws in importing countries; exercise due diligence in tax planning and develop transfer pricing policies for compliance; and develop a customs compliance regulatory system for imports and exports to avoid the potential risk of customs compliance abroad.

关键词:境外海关合规风险? “走出去”? 特许权使用费? 海关法律尽调? 税务筹划? 企业合规

Keywords: Offshore Customs Compliance Risks? “Go Out? Royalties? Customs Laws? Tax Planning? Business Compliance


8. Corporate compliance management assessment of extraterritorial experience and inspiration for Chinese enterprises


Authors: Liu Sang-wen (partner of the law firm of China), Ding Haidong (lawyer of the law firm of China)


However, comprehensive compliance management by Chinese enterprises is a late start, and what constitutes truly effective compliance management remains a major pain for Chinese enterprises. Regulatory authorities, theoretical scholars, compliance practitioners, and corporate subjects are thinking and exploring this.

关键词:合规管理有效性评估? 合规管理强化? 合规体系? “强监管”时代? 评估维度? 评估标准

Keywords: Evaluation of the effectiveness of compliance management?


9. Business intellectual property compliance system development ideas and initiatives


Author: Zhang Peng (partner of the law firm in China)


An intellectual property compliance system is an important part of the enterprise’s overall compliance system and of its external business compliance management. The Central Enterprise Compliance Management System (Public exposure draft) provides new ideas for the enterprise’s intellectual property compliance system.

关键词:企业知识产权合规体系? 全面合规? 国有企业? 企业知识产权运营体系? 知识产权? 企业合规

Keywords: Corporate intellectual property compliance system? Comprehensive compliance? State-owned enterprise? Enterprise intellectual property operation system? Intellectual property rights? Enterprise compliance


10. Initial search for definancialization of the digital collection compliance path


Author: Wang Hongyan (partner in the law firm of China), Sun Mon-hyun (lawyer in the law firm of China)


The core difference between NFT and FT in terms of its attributes is its scarcity and indivisibility. From a series of recent announcements, circulars, or documents issued by the national government, the definancialization of digital collections is the key to the platform’s viability.

关键词:数字藏品? 企业合规? 去金融化? NFT? 平台责任? 行业监管

Keyword: Digital Collections, Corporate Compliance, Financialization, NFT Platform Responsibility, Industry Regulation


Models for the design of carbon tariff regimes and analysis of compliance points - together with European-American carbon tariff legislation


Author: Kang Xiao (partner of the law firm in China), in charge of the State (non-interest partner of the law firm in China)


The emergence of carbon tariffs will have a direct impact on international trade in carbon-intensive products. The countries and regions concerned are still experimenting with different approaches to legislation and institutional design. In order to prevent, adapt and make good use of possible carbon tariff rules, exporting and importing enterprises, especially those operating carbon-intensive products and their downstream products, timely attention should be given to changes and developments in carbon-related tariff-related policies of major trading partners, and targeted compliance measures should be established and implemented in due course.

关键词:碳关税制度? 碳边境调节制度? 进出口合规? 国际贸易? 企业合规? 世贸合规性

Keywords: Carbon tariff regime? Carbon border control regime? Import/export compliance? International trade? Enterprise compliance? World Trade compliance


12. Establishment and evaluation of an SME compliance management system under the new standards


Authors: Koh Joon (partner of the law firm in Central Lwin), Wang Jian (lawyer of the law firm in Central Lwin)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In the process of assessing the effectiveness of the compliance system building (reform) of enterprises under the third-party monitoring and evaluation mechanism, there has been a long-standing lack of a specific set of standards to guide SME compliance. The introduction and entry into force of the Group Standard for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the SME Compliance System has changed the dilemma of understanding and application of this new standard as a primary issue in the establishment and evaluation of the SME compliance management system.

关键词:中小企业合规? 管理体系? 有效性评价? 团体标准? 第三方监督评估机制? 刑事合规

Keywords: SME compliance? management systems? effectiveness evaluation? group standards? third-party monitoring and evaluation mechanisms? criminal compliance


13. Ten questions on data compliance for TNC staff management


Author: Choi Yong (partner of the law firm), Hu Yunhua (lawyer of the law firm), Suyangyang (lawyer of the law firm)


The implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act creates a series of new compliance requirements for multinational companies in the context of human resources management.

关键词:人力资源合规? 个人信息保护? 数据跨境? 跨国公司? 个人信息处理场景? 企业合规

Keywords: human resources compliance? Personal information protection? Data cross-border? Transnational corporations? Personal information processing scene? Business compliance


Value and construction of the first data compliance non-prosecution data compliance system


Author: Chen Yeung Hong (partner of the law firm of Central Lwin), Chen Jian (lawyer of the law firm of Central Lwin)


The first case of non-prosecution of data compliance in our country means that our system of non-prosecution will be formally applied to the area of data compliance, and that the scope of application, the boundaries of the subjects to which it applies, and the realization of the value of the system remain to be clarified. For businesses, the value of the data compliance system should be given greater weight, data compliance teams should be formed, high-risk risk-specific changes should be targeted; and gap analysis should be carried out in a comprehensive manner and long-lasting data compliance governance mechanisms put in place.

关键词:首起数据合规不起诉案? 合规不起诉? 数据合规? 数据合规团队? 数据合规治理? 刑事责任

Keywords: First case of non-prosecution of data compliance? Non-prosecution? Data compliance? Data compliance team? Data compliance governance? Criminal liability


Sustainable compliance — application of ESG reporting rules and disclosure practices


Author: Kumakawa (partner of the law firm of Nakaron)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The ESG report, as a comprehensive information disclosure document with a multi-dimensional reflection of the sustainable development capacity of enterprises, reflects the higher demand for quality in enterprise development in the context of a “green low-carbon economy” and is also receiving increased attention and attention in the area of investment in international and domestic capital markets. From an enterprise's point of view, an overview of the ESG report and the existing rules of Unit A, the selection of substantive topics, and the disclosure of information on climate change responses can be read in conjunction with practice in the field.

关键词:ESG? A股? 实质性议题? 信息披露? 绿色低碳经济? 可持续发展

Keywords: ESG?A Unit? Substantive issues? Information disclosure? Green low-carbon economy? Sustainable development


16. Constructive rationale and practice programme for corporate criminal compliance


Author: Wang Feng (partner of the law firm), Wang Koo (lawyer of the law firm)


As business compliance reform is further explored, an increasing number of enterprises are beginning to attempt to incorporate criminal compliance into the management system. From the perspective of the enterprise's own compliance practice, it is now often more likely that the enterprise will adopt “criminal compliance” as one of its management practices, placing greater emphasis on management oversight of the implementing agents at the grass-roots level and on the implementation of all compliance matters in the enterprise through the creation of specialized compliance posts or departments. However, the two dimensions of corporate criminal compliance include both ex ante prevention and post-reform.

关键词:企业刑事合规 执行偏差? 刑事风险特征? 执行标准? 企业刑事合规构建原理? 纵横均衡

Keywords: corporate criminal compliance, implementation deviations, criminal risk characteristics, enforcement standards, corporate criminal compliance construction principles, vertical balance.


17. Corporate compliance building from the perspective of the Antimonopoly (Amendment) Act


Authors: Yu Yinggang (partner of the law firm in China), Xu Xuan (partner of the law firm in China), Xing Hui Huo (partner of the law firm in China), Jaishin (non-interest partner of the law firm in China), Lee Mon-hyun (lawyer of the law firm in China)


The Antimonopoly Act (Amendment) presents a number of highlights in terms of the costs of illegal monopolistic conduct, specific rules in the area of platform economy, the “safe harbour” rules, centralized classification of operators and the bell system, and the public interest litigation system. In order to achieve better legal compliance, our enterprises should focus on legal updating and policy orientation in the area of antimonopoly and improve their own compliance.

关键词:反垄断? 企业合规? 垄断协议? 经营者集中? 反垄断法修正? 平台经济

Keywords: Antimonopoly? Enterprise compliance? Monopoly agreements? Operator concentration? Antimonopoly amendment? Platform economy


18. Progress in the implementation of the platform operator's antimonopoly law


Author: Ng Peng (partner in the law firm of China), Ma Sung-hoon (lawyer in the law firm of China), Zhang Jin Sword (lawyer in the law firm of China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Internet platform economy is characterized by network effects, lock-in effects, synergies, dumping effects, cross-border competition, dynamic competition, whether operator concentration should be declared and whether historical transactions are “run-off”; whether abuses of a dominant position of market power under antimonopoly laws have been committed, in particular loyalty discounts, self-advantages, arithmetic discrimination and most-favoured-nation treatment; whether horizontal or vertical monopolistic agreements, in particular axiomatic irradiation agreements, have emerged as issues that need to be highlighted by platform enterprises in their day-to-day operations. Based on stringent regulatory policies in recent years and the recently introduced Antimonopoly Law (Amendment) and its accompanying provisions, platform operators should focus on and comply with centralized declarations by operators, abuse of a dominant position of market power, monopolistic agreements, etc.

关键词:平台经济? 反垄断? 经营者集中? 申报滥用市场支配地位? 垄断协议? 平台经营者

Keywords: platform economy, antimonopoly, concentration of operators, declaration of abuse of dominant market position, monopolistic agreement, platform operator


Responsible Investment - Building the ESG Compliance System for ESG Capacity Building by Fund Manager


Author: Ko Jun (Partner, Central Law Office), Yang Jieon Zhou (Lawyer, Central Law Office)


The executive summary: “ESG” has gradually become a hot word for investment, and “ESG compliance” has become an active goal for investment agencies and companies, which is a welcome development. Corporate compliance concerns are no longer limited to negative, risk-based traditional matters such as anti-corruption bribery, anti-monopoly, anti-fraud, but extend to more active and supportive business sustainable development issues such as environmental protection, social responsibility, corporate governance.

关键词:ESG合规? 基金管理人? 主动赋能型合规? 负责任投资? ESG能力建设? 进取型合规

Keyword: ESG Compliance? Fund Manager? Active Enabling Compliance? Responsible Investment? ESG Capacity Building?


20. Foreign wealth management agency operations under the new regulations on data exit security


Author: Gon Leifan (lawyer at the law firm in China), Kang-yuan (lawyer at the law firm in China)


As China's personal information and data exits are subject to new regulations, there are no precedents for effective compliance in practice. The Compliance Department of some offshore wealth management agencies has been concerned about legislative and regulatory developments in the regulation of personal information departures from China, but it is not clear what duties and obligations exist as subjects outside China to deal with personal information, making it impossible for the business sector to open accounts in a timely manner because of the difficulty of efficient decision-making. In this regard, best compliance paths can be found to resolve problems by assisting offshore wealth management agencies to coordinate their internal risk assessments, planning efficient compliance data exit routes, and helping offshore agencies to streamline business models.

关键词:数据出境安全? 境外财富管理机构? 数据合规? 个人信息保护? 企业合规? 法律责任

Keywords: data exit security, offshore wealth management agency, data compliance, personal information protection, corporate compliance, legal liability


21. Impact of and response to the central enterprise compliance management approach on compliance management at the firm level


Author: Liu Sang-wen (partner in the law firm of China), Lu Eagles (lawyer in the law firm of China), Dong-tao (lawyer in the law firm of China)


The State Finance Committee of the State Council attaches great importance to compliance management, officially issuing the Central Enterprise Compliance Management Scheme (hereinafter referred to as the Scheme) in the form of a State Finance Committee order, and formally implementing it on 1 October 2022. Unlike the Central Enterprise Compliance Management Directive (the Pilot Scheme) (hereinafter referred to as the Guide) as a regulatory document for policy guidance, which is accompanied by a supervisory and accountability mechanism, which is part of the National Finance Commission’s proactive approach to central enterprises and which is more comprehensive, effective and robust, and which marks the beginning of a new round of development, the Central Enterprise Compliance Management System (hereinafter referred to as the Scheme) has placed greater demands on central enterprises to further deepen compliance management.

关键词:《中央企业合规管理办法》? 《中央企业合规管理指引(试行)》? 中央企业? 合规管理? 国资委? 企业合规

Key words: Central Enterprise Compliance Management Scheme? Central Enterprise Compliance Management Guidelines (pilot) Central Enterprise? Compliance Management? National Investment Commission? Enterprise Compliance


Wisdom Rule


Legislative regulation and legal practice of our “big data”


Author: Xu Quan (partner of the law firm of China), Jaishin (non-interest partner of the law firm of China), Zhao Ling (lawyer of the law firm of China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The laws and regulations currently in place to regulate “big data cutting” include, inter alia, antimonopoly laws, anti-malarial competition laws, consumer rights protection laws, price laws, personal information protection laws, etc. The trend towards “big data cutting” regulation is to identify standards that are becoming clear, regulatory systems that are gradually improving, and the burden of proof is decreasing.

关键词:大数据杀熟? 平台规制? 平台企业合规? 大数据杀熟的监管体系? 差别待遇? 数据治理

Keywords: big data cutting? platform regulation? platform corporate compliance? big data cutting regulatory system? differential treatment? data governance


2. New perception of NFT opening the digital asset market


Author: Liu Xiaojun (partner of the law firm of Central London), Indo-kun (lawyer of the law firm of Central London)


Executive summary: Under different legal applications and different applications, NFTs may be of a legal nature, such as works, virtual property, works of art, Internet audio-visual programmes, web-based publications, etc. Under current regulatory and policy directions, the subject concerned should be able to capture the full flow of NFT compliance from generation to transactions, paying attention to the key points of NFT compliance behind growth, in order to create more business models that generate economic benefits.

关键词:NFT? 数字资产? 著作权法? 企业合规? 财产权利? 智能合约

Keywords: NFT? Digital Assets? Copyright Law? Business Compliance? Property Rights? Smart Contracts


Prevention of and response to the risk of disclosure of enterprise data from a data “triple approach”


Authors: Lee Ri (Participant, law firm) Jaishin (non-interest partner, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm, law firm.


In the current context of strong data compliance control in the country, laws and regulations such as the Data Security Act, the Personal Information Protection Act and the Cyber Security Act impose different compliance obligations on enterprises from different perspectives, preventing data leaks from becoming a focus and difficulty in their data compliance efforts. The enterprises concerned should strengthen compliance in terms of organizational structure, institutional design, technical defence, remedial measures, including the construction of a three-tier system of data security organizations, the development of an internal information security system for enterprises, the improvement of data life-cycle safeguards, and the development of a risk incident response programme.

关键词:数据安全? 企业合规? 数据泄露? 数据全生命周期? 企业风险? 信息安全

Keywords: Data security? Enterprise compliance? Data disclosure? Data life cycle? Enterprise risk? Information security


4. Typologies of machine-learning works and their responsibilities for copyright


Author: Wang Hongyan (partner in the law firm of China), Chenxi (lawyer in the law firm of China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An artificial intelligence system centred on in-depth learning algorithms has brought unprecedented challenges to copyright systems in traditional horizons, and there is an inherent risk of infringement of copyright in the acquisition and entry of big data by an artificial intelligence training team. Therefore, questions such as whether machine learning using large volumes of work as training data is likely to infringe, whether a rational use system can be applied to defend torts, and whether China’s current copyright system can identify such new behaviour deserve attention and discussion.

关键词:机器学习? 人工智能? 著作权? 合理使用? 知识产权? 民事责任

Keywords: machine learning, artificial intelligence, copyright, rational use, intellectual property rights, civil liability


5. Application of open-source technologies in the artificial intelligence industry and intellectual property risk


Author: Wang Hongyan (partner in the law firm of China), Chenxi (lawyer in the law firm of China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Open-source technologies are increasingly being used in the artificial intelligence industry, where there is a risk of copyright infringement, patent infringement, and trademark infringement due to natural conflicts between the “free” attributes of open-source technologies and intellectual property “exclusiveity.” Enterprises need to effectively manage the intellectual property risks of open-source technologies, undertake systematic and long-term work on multiple fronts to improve their intellectual property compliance.

关键词:开源技术? 开源数据? 人工智能? 知识产权保护? 企业合规? 侵权责任

Keywords: Open source technology, open source data, artificial intelligence, intellectual property protection, corporate compliance, tort liability


6. Application of algorithms and anti-monopoly compliance risks


Author: Ng Peng (lawyer at the law firm of China), Yong-woo (lawyer at the law firm of China)


In the digital economy and the platform economy, “arithmetic” is a very popular topic, and it can be said that data, algorithms, and arithmetic are, to some extent, one of the central drivers of the digital economy. Arithmetic is a sequence of instructions designed to perform specific tasks based on a certain model of calculation. In business operations, algorithms have a rich expression and application.

关键词:算法运用? 反垄断合规? 平台经济? 数字经济? 法律责任? 企业合规

Keywords: Algorithm application? Antimonopoly compliance? Platform economy? Digital economy? Legal liability? Business compliance


7. Interpretation of the trend towards the criminalization of virtual currency regulation


Author: Gyan (non-equity partner at the law firm in China)


A virtual currency, represented by bitcoin, which, because of its ease of use, speed of transactions, has been integrated into all aspects of social life and recreation, has a positive impact on the convenience and enrichment of people. However, because of legislative delays, inadequate regulatory systems, and disorderly transactions, virtual money can also become an intermediary for crimes such as illegal collection of funds, money-laundering, distribution, etc. Through a comprehensive reading of virtual money regulation policies, it may pose legal risks and suggest preventive measures. For investors, it is important to keep their identity cards, bank cards, mobile phone cards, etc., in order not to easily lend to others, to keep their own bank card accounts, receipt codes, and so on. For business investors, account risk monitoring should be carried out in advance, both to avoid suspected money-laundering by the enterprise itself, and to keep employees away from virtual money-laundering operations and to establish compliance monitoring mechanisms in the day-to-day flow of funds, to report information about unusual transactions and to achieve an effective cut between business and risk.

关键词:虚拟货币? 货币政策? 行业监管? 刑事责任? 诈骗罪? 洗钱罪

Keywords: Virtual currency, monetary policy, industry regulation, criminal responsibility, fraud, money-laundering.


8. Harmonizing the dismantling of data barriers in large markets


Author: Choi Peng (lawyer at the law firm in China), Hu Yunhua (lawyer at the law firm in China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current construction of the data flow mechanism lacks specific rules. In practice, issues such as the distribution and attribution of benefits and benefits of the digital platform, balancing the platform’s profit-making objectives with the public good are hampering the ongoing exploration of a data flow system. The EU data governance bill can provide an insight into how the public sector can open up the duplication of data held, how firms can enhance data sharing among themselves, and how individuals can rely on public interest agencies to process their personal data.

关键词:数据流转机制? 统一大市场? 数据要素市场? 数据治理法案? 数据共享? 个人信息保护

Keywords: data flow mechanisms, harmonization of large markets, data factor markets, data governance bill, data sharing, personal information protection


9. Cross-border anti-money-laundering compliance in the context of block chains and digital currency


Author: Gon Leifan (lawyer at the law firm in China)


In the area of block-chain technology and digital-currency technology, there have been fundamental changes in the rules of the traditional financial system. For anti-money-laundering regulation, regulators and financial institutions have found it difficult to adapt traditional models to the requirements of scientific and technological development. Many countries around the world have begun to deal with money-laundering in encrypted virtual currencies, to strengthen regulation and joint enforcement, and to increase the number of regulatory and penal cases in this area.

关键词:区块链? 数字货币? 跨境反洗钱合规? 监管机构? 金融机构? 加密虚拟货币

Keywords: block chain, digital currency, cross-border anti-money-laundering compliance, regulatory body, financial institution, encrypted virtual currency


Economic Rule of Law Study


Review of “appropriate” confidentiality measures in the protection of commercial secrets on the basis of a judicial case-by-case perspective


Author: Zhao Gang (lawyer at the law firm in Central Lon), Kwang Min (lawyer at the law firm in Central Lun)


Summary: In our judicial practice, the determination of “appropriate measures of confidentiality” in the protection of commercial secrets is more stringent and case-by-case in nature. According to the view of the supreme law, confidentiality measures should reflect the will of the entitled person to remain confidential, be capable of being identified, correspond to commercial secrets, take into account commercial secrets and the nature of their vehicles. Therefore, the entitled person should take specific and specific measures of confidentiality corresponding to the claimed business secrets and their carriers.

关键词:商业秘密保护? 相应保密措施? 反向工程抗辩? 侵权责任? 营商环境? 企业合规

Keywords: business secret protection? Corresponding confidentiality measures? Reverse engineering defences? Tort liability? business environment? business compliance


Interpretation of the publicly available listing system of the Beijing Stock Exchange


Authors: Guo Keung Army (partner of the law firm in China), Wei Haitao (partner of the law firm in China), Zhao Hai (non-interest partner of the law firm in China)


The establishment of the North Passage is a major initiative in the reform of the country’s multi-level capital markets. In the framework of the publicly available listing system, there is still room for further exploration and refinement in terms of organizational form, market positioning, market conditions for issuance, and the auditing process. Looking back at the history of the construction of the multi-layered capital market, our registration system can further reform in the future in terms of the turn-over mechanism and interconnectivity of different trading markets, system optimization of different trading markets, and de-market mechanisms.

关键词:北交所? 公开发行上市? 多层次资本市场? 注册制? 退市? 证券交易市场

Keywords: North Passage, publicly available, marketed, multi-level capital markets, registered, de-marketed, stock exchange markets.


3. New Set of Provisions on Counterfeiting Statements: Arbitration settlement of disputes over false statements of securities


Author: Yuan Pei-chung (non-interested partner in the law firm of China)


In the context of the current dispute resolution mechanism for false representations, which is still in place in our country, there is a more uniform approach to court litigation, which is no longer sufficient to meet the emerging demand for dispute resolution. In the face of the real challenge of a single system of litigation, arbitration, as an important alternative to dispute resolution, has the advantages of speed, professionalism, confidentiality, and so on. In the light of the inspiration given to our securities dispute settlement system by the United States Securities Arbitration Mechanism, we should introduce appropriate legislation to provide the legal basis for the securities arbitration system, and the Joint Securities Industry Association (UCA) should conduct a system-building and strengthening of industry self-regulation in securities arbitration, and accelerate the implementation and development of the securities arbitration system in our country.

关键词:证券虚假陈述纠纷? 单一诉讼方式? 美国证券仲裁制度? 仲裁合意性? 行业监管? 证券仲裁

Keywords: Fake statement of securities dispute? Single litigation? United States securities arbitration system? Arbitration consensual? Industry regulation? Securities arbitration


4. Derogations under false statements of securities


Author: Liu Hongjian (partner in the law firm of China), Xu Zhihou (lawyer in the law firm of China)


Summary: With regard to the inclusion of systemic and non-systematic risks in the scope of discretion, the provisions of the Certain Provisions on the Hearing of Counterfeit Civil Compensation Cases in the Securities Market are clearer than in the old judicial interpretations, but in judicial practice, the recognition of systemic risks as opposed to the defence of non-systematic risk relief is still influenced by a number of factors. The information disclosure dutyr should, on a case-by-case basis, engage professional bodies to gather evidence as far as possible in response to claims of responsibility for false statements of securities.

关键词:证券虚假陈述? 民事赔偿? 信息披露义务人? 系统性风险减免责抗辩? 非系统性风险减免责抗辩? 行业监管

Keywords: securities falsely stated; civil damages; information disclosure obligor; systemic risk relief defence; non-systematic risk relief defence; industry regulation


5. Revision and refinement of the judicial interpretation of false statements in classic cases of assistive securities


Author: Mr. Zhang Bao-sheng (partner of the law firm of China), Mr. Chu Xiao Ying (lawyer of the law firm of China), Mr. Guo Xiao Ying (lawyer of the law firm of China), Mr. Kim Mante (lawyer of the law firm of China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Some of the provisions governing the consideration of tort civil compensation cases in securities markets incorporate a useful exploration of classic cases of judicial practice, fully reformulating the legal recognition of civil compensation cases in which securities are falsely stated, and providing favourable legal safeguards for the development of capital market regulation. The determination of the causality of transactions has been the focus and difficulty in such cases, and the refinement of judicial interpretation and practice constantly provides new thinking and guidance on this issue.

关键词:证券虚假陈述? 证券侵权民事诉讼? 交易因果关系? 民事赔偿? 资本市场? 证券交易

Keywords: securities falsely stated; securities tort civil action; trading causality; civil compensation; capital markets; securities trading


6. Re-reading of the criteria for centralized declarations by operators in the economic sphere of the Platform


Authors: Jia Sheng (Participant of Central Lwin Law Office), Jaishin (Non-Participating Partner of Central Lwin Law Office), Zhao Ling (Lawyer of Central Lwin Law Office), Lee Mon-heung (Lawyer of Central Lwin Law Office), Yao Wan (Lawyer of Central Lwin Law Office)


In the area of the platform's economy, as a “hard” criterion for determining whether to meet the operator's threshold for centralized declarations, turnover and how it is calculated are essential for the platform's enterprises involved in the transaction. The turnover is not the only criterion for the operator's centralization of antimonopoly declarations, and an enterprise's failure to meet the above-mentioned reporting threshold does not entirely exclude the possibility of transactions not being actively investigated by antimonopoly law enforcement agencies. By combining antimonopoly-related laws and regulations, a new line of thought and direction for the platform's operators' centralization of declarations in the economic sphere is being explored in terms of both the calculation of turnover and “strangulation and purchase” when the threshold for declarations is not met.

关键词:平台经济? 经营者集中? 营业额? 扼杀式并购? 监管例外? 行业监管

Keywords: platform economy? operator concentration? turnover? stifling M & As? exception to regulation?


7. Review of the impact of the principle of a single economic entity on antimonopoly penalties


Author: Xue Xue (partner in the law firm of China), Xiao (lawyer in the law firm of China)


While the principle of a single economic entity is not explicitly reflected in our antimonopoly law and related legal provisions, it is clear that similar principles have been applied and developed in our antimonopoly enforcement practice. By discussing the relevance of the application of the principle of a single economic entity in the context of antimonopoly penalties and the application of rules to the assessment of the corresponding antimonopoly law risks by enterprises, an analysis of the risk that a parent company may be caught up in a corporation’s monopoly behaviour is possible.

关键词:反垄断法? 单一经济实体原则? 反垄断执法? 垄断协议? 母子公司? 企业合规

Keywords: Antimonopoly Act? Single economic entity principle? Antimonopoly enforcement? Monopoly agreement? parent subsidiary? enterprise compliance


Anti-monopolistic exploration of “non-drawling agreements” under the risk of compliance


Author: Zhang Bai Sha (partner of the law firm of China), Liu Xiao (lawyer of the law firm of China), Chei Beong (lawyer of the law firm of China)


From the perspective of antimonopoly law, the “non-competitive clause” and, in particular, the “non-competition agreement” concluded between employers is not of course legal and requires consideration in terms of direct relevance, necessity and reasonableness. Extraterritorial enforcement experience suggests the “subsidiary limitation principle” test, which can be considered to be passed only if and to the extent that a “non-competition agreement” promotes a commercial transaction and is necessary and reasonable for the transaction. Today, when anti-monopoly enforcement is tightened, the employer should carefully sign various non-competition clauses based on anti-monopoly enforcement and judicial theory and practice, both within and outside the country, taking into account individual cases.

关键词:不竞争条款? 互不挖角协议? 附属限制原则? 反垄断执法? 风险评估? 企业合规

Keywords: non-competition clauses, non-competition agreements, subsidiary limitation principles, anti-monopoly enforcement, risk assessment, corporate compliance


practical research


1. Legal risks associated with bidding for new energy projects and engineering contracting


Author: Holly (Participant, Central L.A.), Shao Ying (Non-Participant, Central L.A.), Lu Jian (Lawyer, Central L.A.)


New energy projects fall within the scope of projects for which bidding is required by law, but in practice they may be exposed to legal risks due to non-compliance with the law, irregularities in the bidding process, inaccuracies in the basis of bids from bidders.

关键词:新能源项目? 招投标? 工程承包? 合同履行? 法律风险? 违约责任

Keywords: New Energy Projects, Bids, Engineering Contracting, Contract Implementation, Legal Risks, Liability for default


2. Understanding of the 14 focus issues of the Data Exit Security Assessment


Author: Chen Yeung Hong (partner in the law firm of China), U Jiawe (lawyer in the law firm of China), Chua (lawyer in the law firm of China)


The data exit security assessment system, established by the Cybersecurity Act since its entry into force in 2017, has received wide attention. The Data Exit Security Assessment reflects the value orientation of regulators in maintaining data flow security and promoting digital economic development, and provides more definitive guidance for the implementation of cross-border data compliance obligations of enterprises. Fourteen issues of focus are selected from the business perspective for discussion. Businesses concerned in our country should pay close attention to legislative developments in the area of data security, understand the issues of focus in the Data Exit Security Assessment Scheme and conduct cross-border data compliance work on the basis thereof.

关键词:网络安全法? 数据流动安全? 数据合规? 数据出境安全评估? 数字经济? 企业合规

Keywords: Cybersecurity Law? Data flow security? Data compliance? Data exit security assessment? Digital economy? Business compliance


3. Elements for revision of the Rules for the Implementation of Regulations Governing Human Genetic Resources (for comments) and industry impact analysis


Author: Fu Chang-jung (partner of the law firm of China), Yu Yu Zao (partner of the law firm of China)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Rules for the Implementation of Regulations for the Management of Human Genetic Resources (Consultative Draft) specify information on human genetic resources and the determination of foreign entities, refine and adjust the licensing and filing of human genetic resources, safety reviews, etc., while concretizing administrative regulatory rules and introducing new requirements for corporate compliance. From the regulatory point of view, a regulatory authority should be established to guide enterprises in meeting compliance obligations; from the point of view of the subject of human genetic resources activities, compliance obligations should be effectively fulfilled and responsibility for self-monitoring should be put in place.

关键词:人类遗传? 资源信息? 行政监管? 安全审查? 生命健康? 合规征求意见稿? 实施细则

Keywords: human genetics, resource information, administrative regulation, security review, health of life, compliance with comments?


4. Explore the handling of and response to risks of historical transactions not declared in accordance with the law


Author: Xue Xue (Participant, Central Law Office), Taneda (lawyer, Central Law Office)


This paper will provide analysis and guidance on important aspects of enterprises' potential interest in non-reporting, with a view to helping enterprises find appropriate ways to address the risks of non-reporting of historical transactions. The anti-monopoly enforcement agencies aim to effectively promote compliance awareness and capacity-building through intensive law enforcement, while also releasing signals that encourage and endorse enterprises to report voluntarily on failure to declare a concentration of operators in accordance with the law. It can reasonably be expected that, in the context of further improvements in the efficiency of centralized investigations by operators, enterprises will be able to respond professionally to investigations, with a view to helping them find appropriate ways to address the risks of non-reporting of historical transactions by means of proactive reporting.

关键词:反垄断法? 经营者集中? 依法申报? 查处力度? 申报合规问题? 历史交易

Keywords: Antimonopoly Act? Operators concentrated? Legally declared? Strength of investigations? Declaration of compliance issues? Historical transactions


5. Classification and life-cycle protection of financial data


Authors: Lee Ri (partner of the law firm of China), Jaishin (non-interest partner of the law firm of China), Jun-Peng Chung (non-interest partner of the law firm of China), Yao Wan (lawyer of the law firm of China)


In identifying, collating, managing and protecting complex and diverse financial data assets, the basic classification hierarchy is the basis for a well-developed framework for the protection of financial data throughout their life cycle, and is a prerequisite for targeted data security management. Data classification hierarchies are important for achieving better data security, and financial industry institutions should build a safety protection framework that covers the entire life cycle of financial data, based on normative rules such as financial data hierarchy guidelines, further refines the level of safety protection and promotes their own systematization.

关键词:金融数据? 企业合规? 生命周期? 分级分类? 数据保护? 行业监管

Keywords: financial data, business compliance, life cycle, classification, data protection, industry regulation


6. Development of ESG genes in start-up firms


Author: Kumakawa (partner of the law firm of Nakaron)


Summary: Based on the ESG practice of existing domestic enterprises, the ESGs are more widely disclosed by firms that have developed relatively large investment and financial institutions, large and medium-sized enterprise groups, and listed companies. These firms have survived, through the examination and practice of markets and even capital markets, leading to a more stable collection, relatively regulated governance structure, and risk-response capacity. For the enterprises concerned, the establishment of a systematic ESG system of rules and disclosure norms is an issue that needs to be addressed.

关键词:ESG? 信息披露? 初创企业? 可持续发展? 企业合规? 法律责任

Keyword: ESG, disclosure of information, start-up business, sustainable development, corporate compliance, legal liability


7. Regulatory priorities and responses to listing of environmental IPOs


Author: Tang Zhou Jun (partner of the law firm of China), Mu Kyung-yi (partner of the law firm of China), Cao Mei-Jung (lawyer of the law firm of China)


Environmental enterprises should continue to improve their regulatory performance, improve their governance structures to meet listing requirements and successfully achieve business finance, and strengthen compliance with priority regulations such as franchising projects, environmental processing processes, and bidding procedures. With the gradual implementation of the registration system and the policy dividends of the environmental industry, environmental enterprises will continue to grow and grow.

关键词:环境企业? 环境保护合规? IPO上市? 注册制? 企业监管? 法律责任

Keywords: Environmental enterprise, environmental protection compliance, IPO listing, registration, corporate regulation, legal liability


Response to the “301 tariff” increase in terms of the “substantive shift” standard of United States rules of origin


Author: Xu Sanshan (Partner, Central London Law Office)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The draft Harmonized Non-Preferential Rules of Origin agreed in 2010 by the WTO, which recommends tax-specific rules of origin, is still not in force. The United States non-preferential rules of origin system is exceptionally complex, whether a change in the “package” of a product by an enterprise can be regarded as a “substantive change” and whether past jurisprudence and changes by the United States are not uniform.

关键词:原产地规则? 实质性改变? 改变装配地? 预裁定? 企业合规? 国际合作

Keywords: Rules of origin? Substantive changes? Change of assembly grounds? Pre-judgment? Corporate compliance? International cooperation


9. The industry regulatory case shows how biopharmaceutical companies choose and manage CSOs.


Author: Li Changyung (partner of the law firm of Central Lwin), Su Heung Goo (lawyer of the law firm of Central Lwin), Lee Jung Yong (lawyer of the law firm of Central Lwin)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In selecting the market extension service provider, CSO, biopharmaceutical companies should clearly select criteria and regulate the selection process in terms of capacity requirements, compliance requirements, non-relevance requirements, qualification requirements, registration funding requirements. Thereafter, biopharmaceutical companies should undertake academic extension service delivery, invoice and working paper delivery, and compliance risk management in the market extension fee payment chain, with clear division between the client and the trustee, and clear accounting for costs.

关键词:CSO公司? 生物医药行业? 医药合规? 委托合同? 合同义务? 行业监管

Keywords: CSO Company Biopharmaceuticals Industry Medical Compliance Commission Contract Obligations Industry Regulation


Elements of an intellectual property management system for State-owned enterprises led by a strong intellectual property State


Author: Zhang Peng (partner of the law firm in China)


Executive summary: The framework for the building of a strong state of intellectual property (2021-2035) and the 14th National Plan for the Protection and Application of Intellectual Property Rights have led to the development of a new intellectual property management system for State-owned enterprises. The strengthening of the intellectual property management system for State-owned enterprises has become an urgent need for high-quality development, guided by national policies. The new meaning and requirements of the intellectual property management system for State-owned enterprises should be clarified and a new approach to the construction of the intellectual property system for State-owned enterprises built around “One objective, two pillars, three relationships, four mechanisms and five guarantees”.

关键词:知识产权强国? 国有企业? 知识产权管理体系? 国企改革知识产权保护? 企业合规? 企业责任

Keywords: Intellectual property powers, State-owned enterprises, intellectual property management systems, State-owned enterprises reform intellectual property protection, corporate compliance, corporate responsibility


Study on disputes over technical contracts in the context of the transfer of technological results from universities - for example, arbitration in disputes over a technical contract


Author: Hodang (partner in the law firm of China), Zhang Qi (lawyer in the law firm of China), Chen Lu (lawyer in the law firm of China)


Article 2 of the Act on the Promotion of the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Results states: “The transformation of scientific and technological achievements referred to in this Act is a follow-up experiment, development, application, promotion of scientific and technological achievements until the formation of new technologies, new technologies, new materials, new products, and the development of new industries, etc., in order to increase productivity.” Scientific and technological institutions such as higher education institutions are important providers of scientific and technological research results, facilitating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in order to stimulate innovation in higher education institutions in the country. However, in the course of school cooperation, there is a lack of clarity as to the legal nature of technical contracts, the relevant provisions are not fully implemented, and there is a potential risk of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in higher education, in accordance with article 843 of the Civil Code. “Technology contracts are contracts that establish mutual rights and obligations for technology development, transfer, licensing, consultancy or service.

关键词:科技成果? 促进科技成果转化法? 技术合同? 科研单位? 校企联合? 合同义务

Keywords: Science and Technology Outcomes; Law for the Conversion of Science and Technology Results; Technology Contracts; Scientific Research Units; Union of Schools; Contractual Obligations




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  • 2017年比特币行情走势

    当年比特币行情分析。【小蚂蚁和以太坊】20 17年,比特币持续走强,价格上涨,创下新的历史新高。今年,比特币作为全球范围内的投资对象受到关注和讨论。【比特币信息网络】20 17上半年,比特币价格突破1000美元关口,随后持续上涨,引起了投资者的关注。投资者对比特币的未来充满期待,并希望获得巨大的利益。ZajXXGV0【虚拟货币下跌】随着比特币价格的不断上涨,市场上出现了一场争论。一些人认为比特币泡沫即将破裂,警告投资者谨慎参与。另一方面,其他人确信比特币的价格可能会上涨。oS...
  • Coinbase:财富100强企业过去一年的Web3采用率增长39%

    随着比特币、以太坊等主流加密货币在web2世界的认可度变得越来越高,许多web2传统公司也积极拥抱web3,加速采用和开发区块链产品的速度和应用层面。With ˂a style= "max-width": 90%" href=https://m.php.cn/zt/21172.html" target="_blank" bitcoin, ˂a style="color:#f60; text-decoration: unde...
  • 正在阅读:MetaMask-以太坊钱包(浏览器插件)使用教程MetaMask-以太坊钱包(浏览器插件)使用教程

    简介:MetaMask 是一款浏览器插件钱包,不需下载安装客户端,只需添加至浏览器扩展程序即可使用,非常方便。它是很多支持 ETH 参投的 ICO 项目推荐使用的钱包之一。Introduction: MetaMask is a wallet of ˂a href=http://dl.pconline.com.cn/sort/104.html" target="_blank"crass="cmsLink" browser, not to download and i...
  • 美国可以使用什么加密货币交易所_前10名比特币交易平台名单

    美国可以使用什么加密货币交易所?What is an encrypted currency exchange that the United States can use?随着加密货币的普及,加密货币交易所也越来越多。对于美国的加密货币交易者而言,选择一个可靠、安全且易于使用的交易所是十分重要的事情。那么,美国可以使用哪些加密货币交易所呢?以下是前10名比特币交易平台名单:The choice of a reliable, secure, and easy-to-use...
  • 2015年宝马3系二手车价格多少钱

    爱你一生不变心6558 2022-04-28 13:20:03 二手车能不能买主要看车况,如果车况好就可以考虑,车况不好价格再低也别考虑,像2015款宝马3系目前行情价是在18.32万这样,如果低...