The four-hour level of Bitcoin, after touching the lower support line below, has entered a new round of rebound and has broken 23,400 pressures, and will continue to challenge 23,700 pressures. On the technical indicators, the four-hour flatline MA5 has been turned upwards into a support line, forming gold forks with the MA10 gestation, and the MACD has gradually diminished, and the currency is now running to the point near the MA10 pressure; the blin has begun to tighten and the middle track is running above the K line, becoming the second pressure line after the MA10. Taken together, the guiding effect of the current upward silt shape is effective, and the new cycle of the Bitcoin has begun, with a much retling of the idea that the target will first see 24,500 positions.
BTC/USDT 4-hour map
On the other hand, there is a need to move away from the main trend, from the secondary point of view, to the point of view, to the point where there is still room for a rebound that is too much of the lower-crack pressure, but if it continues to bounce, it needs to be tested by a four-hour-level medium-trading pressure, and if it succeeds, it will continue to be close to the upper-crack pressure line. From the point of view of the main trend, to the point where the main trend is in the process of rewinding, and as the day-to-day rebound has led to a further expansion of the swing space. At this point, to the point where too much emphasis is being placed on the pressure from the middle- and lower-crack pressure line, the two pressure lines will be nearer, and if they succeed in the middle-line pressure, the possibility of breaking down will rise.
标签:USDUSDT比特币SDTCompound USDT泰达币USDT李笑来的比特币卖给谁了USDT币提现涉嫌吗
Label: @USD
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