
Casey (rune创始人)最早创造 Ordinals 协议是为了艺术品 / NFT 上链,而不是为了发币。后来 BRC-20 的出现打破了这个局面,BRC-20 的交易额也一直主导了整个 Ordinals 协议。但随着 BRC-20 在去年的两波热潮爆发,行业接受了这个铭文 token 的存在,Casey 也改变了看法:虽然 99% 代币都是骗局和噱头,但它们就像赌场一样不会消失。为比特币创建一个良好的代币协议,可能会为比特币带来可观的交易费收入、吸引更多开发者和用户,最终扩大 BTC 的使用率。
在这个文章里,Casey?指出了 BRC-20、RGB、Taproot Assets 等现有协议的一些问题,提出更好的 BTC 代币协议应该是简单的、不依赖于链下服务的、基于 UTXO 的,这就是 Runes 的核心思想和由来,中文社区一般称为「符文协议」。顺便说一下,Runes 的非官方符号是 ?,而 Ordinals 的符号是 ?。

Runes 是在比特币网络上发行同质化代币的协议。用 Casey 的话来说, Runes 并不发行“垃圾”币,只是提供一个发行“垃圾”币的场所。该协议的核心是基于 #UTXO ,设计非常简洁。
4、Runes 基于UTXO是什么意思?
UTXO 代表“未花费交易输出”(Unspent Transaction Output)。在比特币网络中,交易过程中需选择一些现有的输入(Input),消耗它们以生成新的 UTXO ,这些新 UTXO 随后可作为未来交易的输入。
Runes 基于 UTXO 意味着交易输出不仅可以包含比特币,还能包括不同数量和种类的 Runes 。举个例子,一个交易输出可以同时包含 1 个比特币、100 个 A Runes 和 1000 个 B Runes 。
5、如何发行( etch 蚀刻)一个新的 Rune 符文?
Rune 代币的发行过程称为“蚀刻”。每个 Rune 的名称都是独一无二的,可由大写字母 A-Z 和“?”符号构成。
为了平衡 Rune 的发行节奏,防止热门且简短的名称 Rune 在初期迅速被占用,?Runes 协议在上线初始的四个月要求名称长度至少为 13 个字母,如“PEPE?IS?AWESOME”。
此后,大约每隔四个月,名称的最小长度就减少一个字母,直至下一次减半事件,届时可创建仅含单一字符的 Rune (总计 26 个)。
Runes 发行采用了 Commint-Reveal 机制,以避免矿工提前得知 Rune 的名称进而抢跑。
Rune 代币的单位可以是传统货币单位,例如$,也可以是任意 Unicode 表情符号。这种设计使得Rune代币更加有趣和个性化,例如“100 PEPE?IS?AWESOME”
6、Runes 概念项目
RSIC 是 Rune Specific Inscription Circuits 的缩写,这是一个 Ordinals 上的 NFT,总量 21,000 枚,10% 由项目方保留。90% 的 RSIC 由项目方自掏腰包空投给了 holders,花费超过 3 BTC,被社区怒赞格局超大。具体的空投规则和标准并没有公布,推测主要是根据钱包持有的蓝筹 NFT 而来的。由于是空投,一些钱包并不知道自己拿到了 NFT,所以需要进行一次转移(买卖 / 转给自己都行)才算激活。激活后就开始进行「挖矿」了,挖的是未来项目方要在 Runes 部署的某个代币的 token 份额。

这也充分说明 RSIC 项目方是 Ordinals 生态的 OG,不然难以得到 Ordiscan 浏览器的快速支持。囿于篇幅,关于 RSIC 的更多细节不在这里展开,有兴趣的可以查看?@lilyanna_btc?此前写的文章:
? 官推:?@rune_coin
? 官网: https://runecoin.io
? 更多文档: https://ordiscan.com/inscription/126 可在此浏览其多个子铭文 (Child inscriptions) 挖崛更多有意思的细节
? Magic Eden 合集: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/rsic
? 挖矿查询: 可在 http://ordiscan.com 输入钱包地址后,在 Runes 一栏中查询
2?RSIC Boost
RSIC Boost 是 RSIC 项目推出的一个附加工具。这一次不是空投,而是需要持有 RSIC 的钱包去 mint(需要花 ~$170 以上),放在钱包里,就可以加速 RSIC 的挖矿过程。这个举措进一步筛选出了链上活跃钱包,增加了市场博弈玩法,再次证明项目方很会搞事情。
? 目前总量 3.9K,Magic Eden 合集:?
果然,很快就有项目方给 RSIC Boost 持有者(相当于同时也持有 RSIC)发了空投,这个项目就是 Rune Mania Miner。总量 3,800 张,3,547 张空投给社区,253 张由团队预留。跟 RSIC 一样,也需要转移一次(转给自己也行)才算激活,进行挖矿。
? 官推:?@RuneManiaMiner
? 官网 / 文档: https://ord.io/61549984
? Magic Eden 合集: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/rmm
? 挖矿查询: 暂无
Runestone 是继 RSIC 之后备受关注的另一个空投项目,由 Ordinals 领域的知名 KOL?@LeonidasNFT 主导。过去的 2 周时间里,Leonidas 通过 向行业募集资金,每人捐赠 0.15 BTC × 15 人=2.25 BTC 用于空投 gas 开销,目前已经募集完成。RSIC 也提供了 0.15 BTC 的捐赠。

同时,Ruestone 的空投规则也相对透明的,即在 826,600 区块高度时,钱包里需要持有 3 个铭文,但要排除掉以 “text/plain” 或 “application/json” 开头的铭文,比如 BRC-20 是不算数的。
目前 Runestone 公布的白名单钱包地址数达到 113,376 个,空投规模盛前。目前一枚符石价格是0.09b左右
840000 之后?
1Runes 如果没有特殊意外,将会是本轮牛市的重点发币协议,就好比 Ordinals 在比特币 NFT 中的地位一样。其他协议或多或少存在技术缺陷,或者基础建设不完善。Runes 背靠 Ordinals 的用户和影响力,能够快速的完成基础建设。
runestone 是早期的 Runes 建设者,也是目前为止最大的用户群体,会在这个赛道占据一定的市场份额。
而 Runestone 的市值按照目前场外价格算,1.5 亿美元,想象空间巨大。
等到 Runes 正式上线后,有几个方式可以参与 Runes:
Rune Pups

Pups是比特币上首个MEME币,也是比特币上首次BRC-20空投。由于Pups的形象是带有比特币Logo的木偶猴,也被社区称为比特币版“WIF”,且获得知名Solana KOL Ansem“喊单”。Magic Eden数据显示,截至4月10日,Rune Pups的地板价为0.077 BTC,总成交额为238.9 BTC。与此同时,CoinGecko数据显示,Rune Pups的BRC20代币$PUPS市值也突破2.6亿美元,近一周涨幅超750.9%。
Pups is the first MEME coin in Bitcoin and the first BRC-20 drop in Bitcoin. At the same time, CoinGecko data show that the market value of Rune Pups' BRC 20-generation $PUPS has also risen by more than 750.9 per cent over the past week by over $260 million.
The Rune Guardians

The Rune Guardians旨在成为10k PFP符文系列,NFT持有者将在未来瓜分总量为1000亿个的符文代币。Magic Eden数据显示,截至4月10日,The Rune Guardians的地板价为0.01129 BTC,交易额超79 BTC。
The Rune Guardians aim to become a 10-k PFP symbol series in which NFT holders will split a total of 100 billion token coins in the future. Magic Eden data show that, as of 10 April, The Rune Guardians had a floor price of 0.01129 BTC, with a trading value exceeding 79 BTC.

RunePunks是个加密朋克和符文结合的艺术类NFT,于4月8日以 0.009 BTC的价格开放Mint。Magic Eden数据显示,截至4月10日,RunePunks的地板价为0.01299 BTC,交易额超36.3 BTC。
RunePunks is an art class, NFT, a combination of encrypted punks and characters, which opened Mint on 8 April at 0.009 BTC prices. Magic Eden data show that, as of 10 April, RunePunks had a floor price of 0.01299 BTC, with a trade value exceeding 36.3 BTC.
Rune Mania Miner

Rune Mania Miner是个符文挖矿项目,即持有NFT可开启挖矿,是由CBRC-20项目NodeApes推出,此前曾面向RSIC Boost持有者空投。Rune Mania Miner将于4月10日开启第二季空投并进行白名单和公开发售。
Rune Mania Miner is a symbolic mining project, holding NFT to open mining, which was launched by NodeApes of the CBRC-20 project, and previously dropped on RSIC Boost’s holder. Rune Mania Miner will open a second airdrop on April 10, with a white list and a public sale.

NodeApes是将符文挖矿和PFP NFT结合的项目,将在比特币区块高度达到833,000时自动激活并开始挖掘符文并空投给持有者。Magic Eden数据显示,截至4月10日,NodeApes的地板价为0.003 BTC,总交易量超48.8 BTC。
NodeApes is a project that combines the mosaic mining and the PFP NFT, which automatically activates and starts digging the mosaics at the height of the Bitcoin block of 833,000 and drops them on the holder. Magic Eden data show that NodeApes had a floor price of 0.003 BTC as of 10 April, with a total turnover of 48.8 BTC.
Tiny Vikings
Tiny Vikings是符文赛道的小维京人,可用于RUNES符文挖矿,不同颜色的NFT有着不同程度的加成。Magic Eden数据显示,截至4月10日,Tiny Vikings的地板价为0.0117 BTC,总交易超45.7 BTC。
Tiny Vikings, a small Viking in the run-off track, can be used to dig for RUNES, with different colors of NFT added up. Magic Eden data show that, as of 10 April, Tiny Vikings had a floor price of 0.0117 BTC, with a total transaction exceeding 45.7 BTC.
WZRDS是比特币上PFP NFT,总量为111,111个(目前仍未全部MInt完),持有者可以开采符文。
WZRDS is PFP NFT in Bitcoin, with a total of 111,111 (not all of which is yet to be completed) and the holder is able to extract the symbols.
Bitcoin Burials
Bitcoin Burials是符文预挖矿项目,允许用户持有旗下Boneys和Burials两类NFT进行配对参与符文代币的挖矿。
Bitcoin Brials is a symbolic pre-mining project, which allows users to match the two types of NFT under the flag of Boneys and Burials to participate in the mound mining.
GLYPHS is based on a symbolic mining game by Discord, which allows users to extract the token $GLYPHS, which can be converted into a token when the Runes Agreement is online, totalling 21 million and with a mechanism for reducing by half.
Game of Blcoks

Game of Blocks是融合比特币铭文的游戏,类似于类似鱿鱼游戏,在今年3月将总量为88888个的GOB全部免费空投给社区。Magic Eden数据显示,截至4月10日,Game of Blocks的地板价为0.0028 BTC,总交易额为40.5 BTC。
Game of Blocks is a game that integrates bitcoin, similar to a squid-like game, and all GoBs totalling 8888 were dropped free of charge to the community in March this year. Magic Eden data show that, as of 10 April, Game of Blocks had a floor price of 0.0028 BTC and a total transaction value of 40.5 BTC.
Rune Alpha
Rune Alpha是基于比特币符文协议的App,已推出符文代币$COOK并将在Rune协议上线后进行迁移,同时还上线了符文铸造、符文探索器、符文质押、符文荷兰拍卖和符文积分任务等多个功能。Rune Alpha在4月10日开启了厨师NFT荷兰拍卖,允许用户使用$COOK和比特币进行拍卖。
Rune Alpha, which is based on the App of the Bitcoin Scrabble Agreement, has introduced the token $COOK, which will be moved after the Rune Agreement has been lined up, along with a number of functions such as sculpturing, sculptor explorers, sculpture encumbrances, sculpt auctions in the Netherlands, and scaffolding in the Netherlands. Rune Alpha opened the chef NFT Dutch auction on April 10, allowing users to use $COOK and Bitcoin for auctions.
RunePro, a symbolic trading platform, recently co-launched the laissez-passer, which is expected to be officially launched when Bitcoin is halved.
RuneX是比特币上的社交交易平台,支持BRC20、CBRC20、PIPE协议代币和Rune等资产,将在本月推出代币。RuneX旗下包括RuneX: UNNAMED和RuneX: UNNAMED GRAILS两个NFT,其中前者成交总量超59.9 BTC。
RuneX is a social trading platform on Bitcoin that supports assets such as BRRC20, CBRC20, PIPE and Rune, which will be rolled out this month. The RuneX flag includes RuneX: UNNAMED and RuneX: UNNAMED GRAILS, two NFTs, with the former delivering more than 59.9 BTC.
Runes Terminal
Runes Terminal是符文Launchpad项目,并计划推出RunesScan、RunesPad、RunesEtcher和RunesBook。目前,Runes Terminal开启了5000个供应量的ordinals项目ApeOdyssey的销售。
Runs Terminal is a symbolic Launchpad project and plans to launch RunesScan, RunsPad, RunsEtcher, and RunsBook. Runs Terminal is now opening the sale of 5,000 supplies of the ApeOdyssey project.
RUNESSANCE是符文借贷平台,现已上线测试版并推出PIPE协议代$PIPESTONE ,将在比特币减半后支持Runestone、RSIC和RunesTerminal。
RUNESSANCE, a symbolic lending platform, has been tested online and has launched the PIPE protocol for $PIPESTONE, which will support Runestone, RSIC and RunesTerminal after half of Bitcoin.
Liquidium是专门在比特币区块链上运行的P2P借贷协议,将推出Runes借贷功能,已完成Bitcoin Frontier Fund、Side Door Ventures、Actai Ventures和Sora Ventures等投资的125万美元Pre-Seed轮融资。
Liquidium, a P2P loan agreement dedicated to operating on the Bitcoin block chain, will introduce the Runes lending function and complete the $1.25 million Pre-Seed round financing of investments such as Bitcoin Frontier Fund, Side Door Ventures, Actai Ventures and Sora Ventures.
RuneMine是一个社区驱动的Runes协议基础设施项目,现已推出积分计划,积分可用于获取Runes Keys,后者是RuneMine的荣誉徽章,拥有RuneMine代币的LBP白名单访问权限等福利。
RuneMine, a community-driven Runes Agreement infrastructure project, has introduced a credit scheme, which can be used to obtain benefits such as Runes Keys, a RuneMine badge of honour, and LBP white list access rights in ReneMine.
BitX是比特币上的BRC20 DEX和Launchpad平台,即将支持符文并推出了Pre runes OG通行卡。
BitX, the BRRC20 DEX and Launchpad platform on Bitcoin, will shortly support the symbols and launch the Prerunes OG pass card.
AINN是一个融合了AI技术的BRC20项目,其两个生态项目涉及到符文概念。其中近期上线主网的生态项目AINN Layer2是个专注于Web3+AI应用的比特币二层网络,旨在推动这些领域的发展和融合,且AINN Layer2还启动了积分空投活动,该项目得到了Amber Group、Waterdrip Capital、SatoshiLab、Foundinals Lab和AINN Labs等多个机构的投资;另一个生态项目AINN Rune Star也将在第一时间支持符文协议,且创造了比特币生态最大的单体铭文和地址数最多的210K符文矿机,已经是符文概念前三大市值的合集。
AINN is a BRC20 project that integrates AI technology, with two eco-projects dealing with the concept of symbols. Among them, AIN Layer2 is a bilayered network focused on Web3+AI applications, aimed at promoting development and integration in these areas, and AINN Layer2 has also launched a cumulative air-drop operation that has received investment from a number of institutions such as Amber Group, Waterdrip Capital, SatoshiLab, Faundinals Labs and AINN Labs; another ecological project, AINN Rune Star, will also support the symbolic agreement in its first time, and has created the largest unimonograph and the highest number of addresses of Bitcoins, 210 Ks, which is already a combination of three market values before the symbol concept.
OKX web3钱包移动端
Xverse: https://www.xverse.app/
OKX web3 钱包 NFT系
【ZKLink背景】 Coinbase 投资,累计融2320万美元,明牌空投,目前TVL4亿;五月左右发空投;
【路径】有闲置eth或者renzo ezeth的,一鱼多吃,如果是ezeth,可以拿eigen,renzo,zklink三个积分,同时有可能拿到3个空投,最低要求,0.25e;
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