源自 Cryptopotato 的一篇文章,Odaily 星球日报的译者余顺遂为我们带来了关于 Cardano 创始人兼 IOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson 的最新动态。作为以太坊项目早期的联合创始人之一,Hoskinson 对这一身份关联似已愈发不满。
As one of the early co-founders of the Taiku project, Hoskinson seems to be increasingly displeased with the latest developments about Cardano’s founder and IHOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson.
不愿再被视为以太坊联合创始人Charles Hoskinson 近日在 Twitter 转发媒体报道时明确表示,他不再希望外界将他称为以太坊的联合创始人。
Charles Hoskinson recently made it clear on Twitter that he no longer wanted to be called a co-founder of the Ethio.
"大家能否只称呼我为 IOHK 的 CEO 及 Cardano 的创始人呢?坦白讲,如果你们持续提及 E(以太坊),我可能会拒绝接受任何采访了。"
"Can you just call me the founder of the CEO and Cardano of IoHK? Frankly, if you keep mentioning E, I might refuse any interview."
Hoskinson 曾是开发全球第二大的区块链平台以太坊的核心团队一员,但他已经公开表达过不希望自己被冠以此联合创始人的称号。
Hoskinson, who was a core team in the development of the second largest block chain platform in the world, has publicly stated that he does not want to be crowned as a co-founder.
IOHK 是他在 2015 年与 Jeremy Wood 共同创建的公司,专注于推动点对点创新服务实现去中心化。尽管 IOHK 在加密货币架构相关工具的研究方面投入巨大,但最为人所知的两大项目当属 Cardano 和 Ethereum Classic。
IOHK is a company that he created in 2015 with Jeremy Wood, focusing on decentralizing point-to-point innovation services. Although IOHK has invested heavily in research on tools related to encryption of monetary structures, two of the most well-known projects are Cardano and Etheum Classic.
Hoskinson 强调,他在以太坊仅工作了六个月,相较之下他在 IOHK 的付出更多。
Hoskinson stressed that he only worked for six months in Etheria, and that he paid more than he did in Iohk.
"我在 2015 年初就已经创立了 IOHK。我们已经在 40 多个国家拥有超过 240 名员工,签订了政府合同,并获得了欧盟拨款,建立了多种加密货币,拥有全球最大的 CC 研究团队,发表了 60 多篇学术论文。这一切远超我在以太坊那六个月的工作成果。"
"I created IOHK early in 2015. We have more than 240 employees in 40 countries, government contracts, funds from the European Union, multiple encrypt currencies, the largest research team in the world, and more than 60 academic papers. These are far more than the results of my six months of work in Ethio."
Reddit 用户名变更此外,在两天前,他还更改了自己的 Reddit 用户名,从之前的 ethereumcharles 更改为 IOGCharles,并通过自己的电子邮件 PGP 密钥进行了加密验证。
In addition, two days ago, he changed his own Reddit username from the previous Ethereumcharles to IOGCharles and encrypted it through his e-mail PGP key.
不过,有些社区成员批评 Hoskinson 在使用其头衔时存在选择性。他们指出,Hoskinson 曾自称 "IOHK 的 CEO、Cardano 和以太坊的创始人"。
However, some community members criticize Hoskinson for being selective in the use of his title. They point out that Hoskinson once called himself "the founding fathers of IoHK's CEO, Cardano and Etheria."
据 Cointelegraph 报道,Hoskinson 近期在接受采访时曾指责 Vitalik Buterin(简称 V 神)无视 Cardano 及其成就,认为这种态度实际上阻碍了以太坊自身的发展。Cardano 的所有成果都是开放源代码的,可供竞争者参考。Hoskinson 表示,自己无法揣测 V 神为何从未提及 Cardano 项目,这无疑对以太坊生态造成了伤害,因为 Cardano 中的许多想法对以太坊来说其实是非常有价值的。若以太坊领导者们决定忽视 Cardano,他们实际上是阻止了一些可能为自身带来价值的想法。注册有任何问题请添加 微信:MVIP619 拉你进入群