Virtual currency, also known as virtual currency, digital currency, is an Internet currency used more often than not by . Currently, the market is more often for mainstream virtual currency includes bitcoin, Letco, in /a, and not knowing the currency size of the virtual currency, and the little editor brings the latest .
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What's the currency of the virtual currency?
Virtual currency has many kinds, and is divided into three broad categories: mainstream currency, mountain currency, and platform currency. Askers ask which of the real virtual currencies should refer to formal virtual currency or to mainstream currency, which is the top ten currencies in the market ranking.
Main currency:
1. Bitcoin
比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生 [1] 。
The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008 and was officially born on 3 January 2009 & nbsp; [1] & nbsp; & nbsp;
根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的数字货币 [52] 。比特币的交易记录公开透明 [50] 。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。
Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P [52] . Bitcoin trading records are transparent & nbsp; [50] & nbsp; & nbsp;. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.
Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on specific monetary institutions for distribution, which is generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptographic designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation. The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that the artificial value of the currency cannot be manipulated by the mass production of bitcoins. The cryptography-based design allows Bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by the true owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The total number of Bitcoins is limited, with no more than 10.5 million monetary systems in four years, and will be permanently limited to 21 million.
2. Ether
以太币(Ether)是以太坊(Ethereum)的一种数字代币,被视为“比特币2.0版”,采用与比特币不同的区块链技术“以太坊”(Ethereum),一个开源的有智能合约成果的民众区块链平台,由全球成千上万的计算机构成的共鸣网络。开发者们需要支付以太币(Ether)来支撑应用的运行。和其他数字货币一样,以太币可以在交易平台上进行买卖 。
The Open Source is people's block chain platform, which is considered to be a “bitcoin 2.0 version” using block chain technology different from Bitcoin. Developers need to pay . Like other digital currencies, too much money can be bought and sold on a trading platform & nbsp; & nbsp; & & ;
On 24 September 2021, the People's Bank of China issued a circular on further prevention and management of the risks of virtual currency transactions. The circular states that virtual currency has no legal status equivalent to that of legal tender.
3. Borico
瑞波币是Ripple网络的基础货币,它可以在整个ripple网络中流通,总数量为1000亿,并且随着交易的增多而逐渐减少,瑞波币的运营公司为Ripple Labs(其前身为OpenCoin)。
Ribbon is the base currency of the Ripple network, which can circulate throughout the Ripple network, amounting to 100 billion and gradually decreasing as transactions increase, with Rippoon operating company Ripple Labs (formerly OpenCoin).
Ribbon is the only universal currency in the Ripple system that is different from other currencies in the Ripple system. Other currencies, such as CNY and USD, cannot be forwarded across the gateway. In other words, CNN, which is issued by A Gateway, can only be posted at the A Gateway, and CY, which is converted through the Ripple system to the B Gateway if it is to be presented at the B Gateway, can only be presented at the B Gateway through the Rippoon Listing function.
On 1 January 2018, the Rippole transaction price surged by almost 56 per cent last Friday, to the new height of the history of , with a market value going beyond the Ether to become the second largest encrypted currency.
In 2017, a list of 350 money distribution organizations was published, and Riboco is on the list.
In August 2020, Ripple was ranked 23rd of the Global Unicorn List of Suzhou High Shining Zone 2020 Huun, with a market value of RMB 70 billion.
4. Tidalcoin
The United States dollar (USDT) is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to a legal currency, the United States dollar.
2022年5月,最大加密经纪商之一创世环球贸易公司(Genesis Global Trading Inc.)的助力下,越来越多的传统对冲基金开始做空USDT。
In May 2022, with the help of Genesis Global Trading Inc., one of the largest encryption brokers, traditional hedge funds began to run empty.
5. Bit cash
比特现金 (BCC)全称为Bitcoin Cash,是矿池ViaBTC基于Bitcoin ABC方案推出的新的加密数字资产,可以视作比特币BTC的分叉币或竞争币。
Bit cash & nbsp; (BCC) is all called Bitcoin Cash and is a new encrypted digital asset introduced by ViaBTC in the pond based on the Bitcoin ABC programme and can be considered as a split currency or competitive currency of Bitcoin BTC.
6. Lettcoin
莱特币 (Litecoin, LTC) 是受比特币(BitCoin, BTC) 的启发而推出的改进版数字货币,由一名曾任职于谷歌的程序员设计并编程实现 , 2011年11月9日发布运行。莱特币与比特币在技术上具有相同的实现原理,莱特币的创造和转让基于一种开源的加密协议,不受到任何中央机构的管理
Letcoin (Litecoin, LTC) is an improved digital currency inspired by BitCoin, BTC, designed by a Google programmer and , which was launched on 9 November 2011. Letcoin and Bitcoin have the same rationale for technological realization as Bitcoin, whose and transfers based on an open source encryption agreement that is not administered by any central agency & nbsp;
7. A dollar.
The currency, BNB, is the platform's token issued by the currency exchange.
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