作者 | Peter
前面我们介绍了什么是以太坊,也简单提到过以太坊背后的男人——天才少年V神,Vitalik Buterin。
We've spoken about what's in Tai Hoon, and we've mentioned briefly the man behind it - Genius V, Vitalik Buterin.
Today, we highlight this talented young man who has made a project at 24 years of age with a market value of $11.5 billion (up to $134.7 billion).
01 天才的童年时光
strange> 01 genius childhood
1994年,小神童在俄罗斯的科洛姆纳市出生。科洛姆纳市并没有诞生过什么伟大人物,维基百科上只记录了一条:科洛姆纳市是冰球运动员Vladimir Petrov的出身地,看来这地方称不上人杰地灵。
1994 was born in the Russian city of Kolomuna. The city of Kolomna did not have a great figure.
小神童的父亲Dmitry Buterin是一名计算机科学家。6岁的时候,他们举家移民到了加拿大。
Dmitry Buterin's father was a computer scientist. When he was 6 years old, they moved home to Canada.
A little boy of myths showed his talent in mathematics and programming (perhaps his father didn't teach him how to program) twice as fast as the average man. Of course, like most geniuses, this talent caused him a lot of trouble: he was treated as a freak of his own age, and all his partners were excluded from school without taking him out of school.
Later, the child went to a private high school in Toronto. Here, the child of the deities gets water, and it's the most interesting and efficient time of his life. Here, the child of the deity learns and entertains, and plays well not only in his homework, but also in his games.
02 从魔兽世界到比特币
The child has been playing the world of monsters since he was 13 years old. But one day in 2010, due to an upgrade of the "Father of Snow" the child's role in the world of monsters was modified. The child of the god was so sad that he simply deleted the world of monsters that it was strong enough to see his character.
By 2011, his father, as a computer scientist, knew bitcoin from nowhere and began to give his son Anly. He had a unique look, I have to say, because bitcoin was two years old. Of course, the little boy was not 17 years old. After Dad's introduction, there was only one idea in the little boy's brain: long-term, nothing.
> > > >and he heard people speak of bitcoin. In this case, Bitcoin succeeded in drawing the attention of the child. He decided to spend a little time studying this thing, and it was a complete fascination.
那时,他既没有钱去买币,也没有矿机去挖币。于是,他就想着能不能找一份用比特币来付薪水的工作。这还真让他找到了:帮一家媒体在论坛上写稿件,每篇稿件5枚比特币报酬。 小神童于是开始了快乐的写稿时光,而他的文章吸引了Mihai Alisie(来自罗马尼亚的比特币死忠粉)的注意。他们俩后来共同创办了比特币杂志,小神童出任首席撰稿人,而当时,小神童还在滑铁卢大学读书。 The little wonder boy started his happy writing time, and his article attracted the attention of Mihai Alisie. They later co-created the Bitcoin magazine, and the child was the lead author, while the child was still studying at the University of Waterloo. 03 天才构想,突破比特币的局限,创立以太坊 2013年,小神童去了美国加州的圣何塞,参加一个比特币相关的会议。比特币爱好者们从世界各地云集而来。 在亲切友好的氛围中,大会取得了圆满成功,经过了会议的“洗礼”,见了世面的小神童觉得比特币这个事情“有搞头”。 In a friendly atmosphere, the General Assembly was successful and, after the "baptization" of the Conference, the little wonders of the world felt that bitcoin was a thing of thought. “那一刻,我真的爆了,我觉得这个事情非常有前途,可以搞一搞!”小神童日后回忆道。 回去没多久,他就从学校退学了。这魄力堪比当年的比尔·盖茨和扎克伯格。 >and he dropped out of school not long ago. This is like Bill Gates and Zuckerberg back then. 接下来,他花了六个月时间满世界转悠:以色列、加利福尼亚、伦敦、洛杉矶、拉斯维加斯、阿姆斯特丹......他去拜访那些想改进比特币的个人和团队。 and then he spent six months in the world: Israel, California, London, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Amsterdam... he went to visit individuals and teams who wanted to improve Bitcoin. 这一圈转下来,小神童有点失望,因为他发现:大家做的东西无非都是在比特币上做些修修补补,没有从根本上解决比特币的缺陷。 > > > > > > > > >I'm a little disappointed because he found out that what we all do is patches and fixes on bitcoin and does not address Bitcoin's fundamental flaws. 他认为,应该给比特币加上图灵完备的编程语言,这样任何人都能在上面开发去中心化应用,而不仅仅只局限于金融领域。 He believes that Bitcoin should be given a full programming language for Turing so that anyone can develop decentralised applications on it, not just in the financial field. 这个看法在当时无异于异想天开。 小神童把他的想法跟其他人说的时候,有耐心的人可能会说“这个想法不错”,没耐心的人压根儿就不理他。幼小心灵受到伤害的小神童决定自己干。 When the boy tells his thoughts to others, the patient may say, "That's a good idea," and the impatient ignores him at all. The young child, who is hurt in his little mind, decides to do it himself. 回到家后的一个月内,小神童就把他的想法写成了白皮书,还起了个名字:以太坊(Ethereum)。 In a month after returning home, the boy wrote his thoughts into a white paper with a name: Etheeum. 据说,之所以起这个名字,是因为里面有“以太(Ether)”,而“以太”是古希腊哲学家亚里士多德所设想的一种物质。19世纪的物理学家们认为,它是一种曾被假想的电磁波的传播媒介。 is said to be the name because it contains the "Ether" and the "Ether" is a substance envisaged by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Physicists of the 19th century consider it to be a medium of an electromagnetic wave that was once imagined. 不难看出,小神童是个不折不扣的极客(Geek)。 It's easy to see that the child is a perfect geek. 白皮书写完了,小神童还是有点小担心,毕竟自己Too Young,自己的观点会不会Too Simple,甚至Naive?自己会不会有一些明显的错误? The White Paper is finished. 于是,他把白皮书发给了十几个朋友,让他们帮忙看看,找找茬挑挑错。然而,事实证明小神童的担心有些多余。 Stephan Tual是这十几个人中的一个,他后来说:“读了小V的白皮书后,当时我就想,这家伙TM是个天才啊,我得去帮他打工才行。” Stephan Tual was one of these dozen people, and he said, "When I read Little V's White Paper, I thought, "This guy is a fucking genius. I have to work for him." 后来,他真的加入了小神童的团队。 > >. Stephan Tual:早在1996年就创立了自己的第一家互联网公司。1998年年末至2013年,先后在多家公司担任技术职务。2014年1月至2015年9月,出任以太坊团队的COO。去年12月,他在英国伦敦成立了自己的区块链初创公司。 Stephan Tual: founded his first Internet company as early as 1996. From late 1998 to 2013, he held technical positions in various companies. From January 2014 to September 2015, he was a COO member of the Ethio team. Last December, he founded his own block starter company in London, United Kingdom. 回首这段往事,小神童也是十分感慨: “当初想到以太坊这个概念的时候,我的第一个想法就是,这个想法是不是太完美了?不可能是真的吧?难道其他人没想到吗?我得找几个专业人士给我泼泼冷水才行。但是,两个星期过去了,没人给我泼冷水,我都惊呆了!” > > > >The first thought I had when I thought of the concept of Etherno was that it was perfect. Can't it be true? Did anyone else think that I had to find a few professionals to pour cold water on me? But, after two weeks, no one threw cold water on me, I was shocked! 又过了几个月,小神童在迈阿密的比特币大会上做演讲,他给参会者介绍了以太坊,引起了不小的轰动。再后来,他们筹集了约31000个比特币,用于开发的经费。 > After a few months, the child of God gave a speech at the Bitcoin Congress in Miami, where he introduced the attendees to Ethio, which caused a lot of excitement. Then they raised about 31,000 bitcoins for development. 2015年,以太坊正式上线,当时小神童21岁。 04 以太坊的崛起之路 strange> 04 以太坊的崛起之路也并不是一帆风顺。 > is not a happy path to the Ethercom's rise. 2016年6月17日,The DAO,以太坊上的一个应用,功能类似于投资机构,因为代码漏洞发生了黑客攻击事件,被黑客盗了300多万以太币,当时价值6千万美元,以太币价格应声暴跌。 针对这次事件,以太坊社区投票表决,大部分人同意更改以太坊代码,希望将被盗的资金从黑客那里夺回来;有少部分人不同意进行升级,认为这样做失去了去中心化的意义。 In response to the incident, a vote was taken in the Taipan community, where most people agreed to change the Ethio code in the hope of recovering the stolen funds from hackers; a small number of people did not agree to upgrade it, arguing that it had lost the sense of decentralisation. 为此,以太坊分叉了,分叉出了现在的以太坊(ETH,更改了以太坊代码)和以太坊经典(ETC,没更改代码)。 for this purpose, it splits between the present Ether and the Etherian classics (ETC, no change of code). 再后来,因为智能合约可以用来进行爱西欧,即项目方直接在以太坊上发Token融资,让以太坊成了明星项目,一路暴涨,最高时市值达1347亿美元。 later on, because smart contracts could be used to finance Token directly from Etheria, making Ether a star project with $134.7 billion at its highest. V神也因此被区块链爱好者“封神”。 V God is therefore “sealed” by a fan of the block chain. 不得不说,在技术方面,V神无疑是务实派的佼佼者,也有人称他是位低调的天才。 I have to say that, technically, V God is undoubtedly a pragmatic man, and some call him a low-profile genius.
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