法大大入选《IDC创新者:区块链数字存证解决方案,2021》报告 | 北晚新视觉

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IDC指出,2019 年中国数字经济规模达到万亿人民币水平。无论是传统行业的改造升级还是新兴信息产业的扩张,数字化浪潮势不可挡。企业在积极拥抱信息化、数字化转型的进程中,会产生大量的电子数据、电子合同、电子票据、交易凭证等数字存证。2012 年《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》确立电子数据作为独立证据的地位、《电子签名法》明晰电子数据形式、2017 年全球首家互联网法院设立。一系列举措都为数字化转型下的企业利用电子证据提供了力量。

Businesses actively embrace digital data, electronic contracts, electronic paper, transaction documents, etc. In 2012, the Civil Procedure Act of the People’s Republic of China established electronic data as independent evidence, the Electronic Signatures Act clarified the form of electronic data, and the first Internet court in the world in 2017.


In practice, however, there are still problems with electronic data, such as the high cost of storing evidence, the difficulty of providing originals, the difficulty of authenticating authenticity, and so on. Using the multiplicity of points in the chain, the indeterminable character of the chain, the storage of evidence on the chain in the form of al-Hash, provides users with an immeasurable and genuine basis for the administration of justice and provides a strong basis for subsequent claims. In addition, norms for the examination of evidence that match the chain of evidence, pre-empting the rules, circumventing many disputes arising out of insufficient evidence in the preceding period, or avoiding redundant stages such as evidence collection, directly entering the final stage of the mediation trial, significantly improving the efficiency of the judicial trial or even restoring the judicial ecology.


Against this background, the IDC is concerned about a credible electronic evidence platform with a large “knob” of pains over the symptoms.


Team and technological innovation as the core competitive advantage of “legal science and technology”


It is understood that the law was created in 2014 to focus on the SaaS model electronic signature service, and to promote the use of electronic signatures in the country’s major business and political landscapes through the innovative combination of Internet technology and legal operations. The head of the big team said that the “sculpture” credible electronic evidence platform was a safe compliance control product under the vast banner of the law, combining the basic application of electronic signatures with the “complete evidence chain” in electronic evidence, which is a unique core technology that is significantly different from any electronic contract platform in the city.


In the view of IDC, a credible electronic evidence platform with a significant “fell-back” combination of notarized ENA proactive evidence-gathering and block chain-keeping techniques provides real-time, complete, credible and non-manufactured evidence preservation services for business digitization systems, fully integrates online system features and effectively transforms real-time electronic data into judicially recognized electronic evidence. Meeting the requirements of business compliance digitization, regulatory compliance governance, judicial electronic data source governance, and enabling data assets from a dual perspective of legal credibility and technical credibility — one of the reasons why the law has become a significant “innovator”.


In addition, differential features such as the technical bright spots and team strength of the "Small Hammer" are important elements for its selection as an IDC “innovator”:


On the one hand, a credible electronic evidence platform, the “Scroll-on-the-Screen” (ENA) has met the requirements of judicial cleanness of data prior to the chain and integrator of data after the chain, through a model of “Proactive Process-wide Evidence by ENA” that ensures integrity, real-time, authenticity of data, distributional storage, traceability, and non-dealing of the chain of blocks. Evidence against the entire data-interactive process ensures the authenticity and traceability of data sources. At the same time, a server controlled by the Notary Service provides a clean, stable and secure physical and hardware environment for evidence collection.


On the other hand, the management team and co-founder members of the CEI platform are from internationally recognized technology companies, with a strong legal, financial, and computer background, and have been active in financial science and technology and legal science and technology products for many years. There is a wealth of practical experience in digitizing the needs of financial institutions and large firms, as well as forward-looking market demand analysis and product design, and product optimization and grinding are constantly being done in response to the needs of users.


“source governance model” will become a new trend in business compliance online

据介绍,目前“实槌”可信电子证据平台已与全国多家公证处、法院、仲裁委、司法鉴定中心达成合作。结合“十四五”规划要求的深化诉源治理, “实槌”可信电子证据平台与湖里法院共同创建的“电子诉讼新模式”已被纳入最高院司法改革案例编选中,IDC认为,这充分表明 “实槌”可信电子证据平台的诉源治理新模式得到了司法系统的认可。

According to the report, the `Scaffle of Credible Electronic Evidence' platform is now working with multiple notary offices, courts, arbitration commissions, and forensic centres throughout the country. In the context of the deepening of the sources of litigation called for in the 14th Five-Year Plan, the `New Model of Electronic Evidence' created by the `Sculpture of Credible Electronic Evidence platform, in conjunction with the Lakery Court, has been included in the judicial reform case selection process of the Supreme Court, which, according to IDC, is ample evidence that the new model of source governance of the `Sculpture of Credible Electronic Evidence platform has been endorsed by the judicial system.


According to the law, on the user side, the hammer has served dozens of municipal comptoirs, agricultural comptoirs, large finance leasing companies, large polypharmaceutical enterprises, leading manufacturing firms, and powerful real estate companies. IDC notes that, driven by industry pole companies, the value generated by a credible electronic evidence platform of the hammer has evolved into a demonstration effect and will in the future become the “marking” of more business-line compliance.


IDC, China’s senior analyst for block chain market research, Hong Wanjing, said: “The digital documentation solution using block chain technology provides producers of original content with a convenient and credible way of storing evidence, while also reshaping the entire justice system. Currently, most of the documented platform providers still think that firms or governments have the project structure for building platforms, that profit models for end-users are still being explored, and that a detailed breakdown of the platform’s operations is not yet clear.


Previously, the data disclosed by the IDC in its first domestic electronic contracting report indicated that the method ranked first in terms of 26.6 per cent of the market, an increase of 55.3 per cent over the same period. The IDC believed that, with the advent of the era of “digital justice”, public awareness of the proven products would become more visible and a credible electronic evidence system of “real hammers” would unleash greater potential.


Source: North China Network.




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