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官网地址 ALGO官方网站
发行时间 2019-06-17
流通量 7,791,326,267个
发行总量 10,000,000,000个
首发价格 2.3726$

Algorand 是由麻省理工学院(MIT)教授、哥德尔奖(G?del Prize)得主、图灵奖(Turing Award)得主 Silvio Micali 领导开发的一个区块链项目?。该项目成功募集到了一笔 400 万美元的种子轮融资,投资方包括知名风投 Pillar 和 Union Square Ventures。

Algorand is a block chain project developed by Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), winner of the G?del Prize Award, and winner of the Turing Award Award, led by Silvio Micali. The project has successfully raised a $4 million seed rotation fund, with investors such as the famous windstorm Pilar and Union Square Ventures.

Algorand 没有引入激励机制或发行数字加密货币,项目本身具有广阔的市场空间,它通过 BA*的共识机制和密码抽签等技术创新,提高区块链的效率,拓展了区块链的应用前景,在硅谷享有极高的声誉。

Algorand did not introduce incentives or issue digitally encrypted currencies, and the project itself had a wide market space, increased the efficiency of the block chain through technological innovations such as the BA* consensus mechanism and the code drawing of lots, expanded the prospects for the application of the block chain and enjoyed a very high reputation in the Silicon Valley.




1. The cryptography drawing of lots algorithm, which is used to guarantee that members of the consensus committee who participate in each consensus are close to complete randomity;

2. BA* 算法,该算法由共识委员会成员运行用于产出本次应该打包的区块。

2. BA* algorithm, which is operated by members of the Consensus Committee to produce blocks that should be packed at this time.



Plot algorithm for cryptography

密码学抽签算法保障每个用户($pk{i}, sk{i}$)被选中为共识委员会成员的概率同其拥有的货币的金额成比例。即:假设每个用户的权重记为$w{i}$(货币数量), 那么总的权重为 $W=\sum w{i}$(总货币量), 那么用户i被选为共识委员会成员的概率就同其权重占比相匹配 $w_{i}/W$,

The cryptography method guarantees that the probability of each user ($pk{i}, sk{i}$) being selected as a member of the consensus committee is proportional to the amount of money it owns. That is, assuming that each user has a weight of $w{i}$ (number of currencies), then the overall weight is $W = \sum w{i}$ (total currency volume), then the probability of user i being selected as a member of the consensus committee corresponds to its weighting ratio $wi}/W$.

Algorand通过加密抽签的方式成功地将共识网络规模缩小且比较安全; 创新的BA*算法每个步骤之间没有共享状态使得BA算法的执行更轻量级;

Algorand succeeded in reducing the size of the consensus network and making it safer by encrypting the drawing of lots; The lack of sharing of each step of the innovative BA* algorithm resulted in a lighter level of implementation of the BA algorithm;



But the Algorand algorithm still has a lot to discuss:

  1. 包括区块提议在内多个阶段需要预估超时时间,这种方式很不精确且不适合耗时的业务(目前仅支持加密货币);
  2. 对网络的连通性有较高的需求,例如最差网络状况下达成共识需要11步之多;
  3. 算法安全性依赖VRFs函数的安全性;




produces blocks with a short time


Block creation takes only two steps when we are all benign users. If any malicious user tries to tamper with information, it takes five steps. Even so, the time for creating a block is fixed (a few minutes). Here, all users do not need to synchronize their time, and they just need to complete their work within the time they set themselves and ensure that each user's time passes at the same speed (one second in New York and one second in Japan).



inversed fork


No two benign users can agree to two different messages. So only one message can be true, and if someone tries to double-flash (see below for more details), the theory is that he can open a new block containing false information and extend the broadcast time of the previous block to an unlimited length, but subject to Article I restrictions, each block produces a fixed time and a five-step method that will be presented afterwards, and any maligning split will be eliminated.



double flower attack

双花攻击(double spend attack),在介绍51%攻击的时候出现过这个词语。光看中文名可能会因为汉语的多重含义而理解错,但英文名就很明显的表达出意思了。双花攻击就是一笔钱花了两次,也可以称之为双重支付攻击。

The term appears in 51% of the attacks. The Chinese name alone may be misconstrued because of the many meanings of Chinese, but the English name is obvious. A double flower attack is a double-paying attack.




If the fork is forced, the new fork will be wiped out by a five-step approach, and the whole net will waste no time on the fork, starting with a new one.


Algorand’s innovative use of the code drawing technique invented by Prof. Micali allows randomly selected users to validate new blocks in order to achieve the goal of breaking the “no possibility triangle.” On the basis of the code drawing technique, Algorand can achieve the following objectives:


(1) Low energy consumption and fast processing of transactions. Regardless of how many users there are in Algorand, only about one out of every 1,500 users will be selected by the system to perform validation computing tasks, which saves a significant amount of calculation time than bitcoin, and the processing speed will automatically increase exponentially.


(ii) Democratization. A randomly selected certifier cannot be manipulated by anyone and there will be no centralised group like the pits of the Bitcoin block chain system.


(3) The probability that a fork will occur is less than one in a trillion. Assuming that a block is created per minute on average in Algorand, this probability means that an average of 1.9 million years will be a fork.



天使投资无非看团队。创始人 Silvio Micali 是 MIT 教授、零知识证明的联合提出者,因在密码学领域的突出贡献于 2013 年获得图灵奖。由于创始人的杰出学术成就,Algorand 在诞生之时就吸引了无数关注,大量文章分析和解析它的共识算法,投资机构纷纷加入。即便对学术团队的创业向来有众多质疑,机构们还是不愿意错过这个项目。

The founder Silvio Micali, a professor of MIT and co-sponsor of the zero-knowledge certificate, won the Turing Award in 2013 for his outstanding contribution to cryptography. Algoran was born with countless attention, numerous articles analysing and interpreting its consensus algorithms, and investment agencies joined. Even though there were a lot of questions about the entrepreneurship of the academic team, institutions were reluctant to miss the project.




On 20 June, Algorand, with a Dutch auction on top of the light ring of the “The God Project”, ended with a price of $2.4 and a 48-fold increase over the private collection price of $ 0.05.


At the same time, Algorand plans to auction a total of 3 billion dinars in five years, two times a month, with the goal of auctioning 50 million Algo each month.


The Algorand main web line will open a five-year Dutch auction, two times a month, with a monthly target of 50 million Algos and 600 million Algos per year.




传统的拍卖,竞价拍卖,一锤定音。荷兰式拍卖(Dutch Auction)是一种特殊的拍卖形式。亦称“减价拍卖”,是指拍卖“标的”的竞价由高到低依次递减直到第一个竞买人应价(达到或超过底价)时,击锤成交的一种拍卖方式。

Traditional auctions, competitive auctions, etc. Dutch auctions (Dutch Auction) are a special form of auction. Also referred to as “depreciation auctions” refers to auctions in which the auction's “subject” bid is reduced from a high to a low to a lower degree until the first competitor reaches or exceeds the lowest price.


Many ICO projects are now increasingly using Dutch-style auctions, including the start-up gnosis, gonetwork, polkadot, to the Thundernet (RDN). Many people do not understand what Dutch auctions are, starting with Dutch auctions, specific rules for Dutch auctions, and costing.


Such auctions simply state that the price of the auction starts at a high and drops at a fixed rate, and that the auction closes when the price falls to what the participants consider to be the right price and the total amount of the current auction pool is just enough to buy all the coins of the day.


The example is given directly by Algorand, which uses Dutch auctions up to the hardtop and Dutch auctions up to the hardtop.


举例,假设某天共出售100个 Algo?代币。10美元起拍,小李在5美元的时候,出价50美金,买10个。之后价格继续下降,小王在2美元的时候出价40美金,买20个。

For example, let's assume that 100 Algos are sold one day. Ten dollars is taken. Li bid 50 dollars at $5, 10 at $5. After that, prices continue to fall, and Wang bid 40 dollars at $2, and 20 at $2.

之后价格继续下降,当价格降到1美元,小明又出价了10美金买10个。这时拍卖池里已经有了100美金,而拍卖价格降到了1美金,刚好是100个 Algo?的价格。

After that, prices continued to fall, and when the price fell to $1, Ming offered another $10 for 10. At that point, the auction pool already had $100, and the auction price fell to $1, just 100 Algos?

当天拍卖结束,小李获得了50个 Algo,小王获得了40个 Algo,而小明获得了10个 Algo。尽管小李是在5美金的时候出的价,但他最终的成交价实际为1美金。

At the end of the auction that day, Li won 50 Algos, Wang 40 Algos, and Ming 10 Algos. Although Li paid the price at $5, his final deal was actually $1.



Algorand 的荷兰式拍卖在合规平台 Coinlist 上进行,用户需要通过 KYC 才能进行。

Dutch-style auctions at Algorand take place on the compliance platform Coinlist, and users need to pass KYC to do so.


Coinlist是一个为认证投资人和优质区块链项目提供初始代币发行(ICO)的融资平台,由AngelList和Protocol Labs合作推出。2018年4月,Coinlist宣布完成了一笔920万美元的A轮融资,多家知名区块链风投基金参与了投资,包括Polychain Capital,Digital Currency Group,FBG Capital,Libertus Capital,Blockchain Capital,CoinFund和Electric Capital。?

Coinlist, an ICO financing platform for the certification of investors and high-quality block chain projects, was launched in collaboration with Angel List and Protocol Labs. In April 2018 Coinlist announced the completion of a $9.2 million round of A-round finance, in which several well-known block chain funds were involved, including Polychain Capital, Digital Corporation Group, FBGCapital, Libertus Capital, Blockchain Capital, CoinFund and Electric Capital?


CoinList平台上的初始代币发行项目都完全符合证券法要求,而且旗下CoinList Capital也是美国证券交易委员会的注册投资顾问。不仅如此,该公司还推出了“ComplyAPI”服务,允许企业对潜在投资人进行反洗钱和KYC检查,并且根据美国证券法确认投资者的认证状态。

Moreover, the company has launched a “ComplyAPI” service that allows businesses to carry out anti-money laundering and KYC inspections of potential investors and to confirm the certification status of investors under the United States Securities Act.

流通供应Circulating Supply是可自由交易的Algo数量。 在网络的前5年内,将有最大的100亿Algo供应流通。虽然基金会&团队的25亿token不锁仓,但是项目方保证:Algorand团队不会参与超过当下流通量的49%(防止51%双花攻击)。

In the first five years of the network, the largest 10 billion Algo will be supplied. Although the 2.5 billion Tokens of the Foundation & Team are not locked in, the project states that the Algoran team will not be involved in more than 49% of the current circulation (preventing 51% of the double flower attack).




Chinese investors are unable to participate in the auction because of laws and rules, etc.


But there are other ways to participate in the Algorand ecosystem:



比如Algo Tracker Fund,以上是他们的网址和邮箱

For example, Algo Tracker Fund, these are their web sites and their mailboxes.


Algorand is unable to guarantee the safety and reliability of alternative delivery channels to other platforms, and please be careful to judge its risks.



1. 定价问题。资产的初始定价不再由项目方一口价确定,而是由所有参与荷兰拍的广泛大众一同决定。

1. Pricing issues. The initial pricing of assets is no longer determined by the project party at a single price, but by the broad public involved in the Netherlands.

2. 资源分配不均问题。Micali教授提到,传统的荷兰拍用在美国国债拍卖时,只有合格的金融机构可以参与。而基于互联网和区块链的荷兰拍可以最大限度的扩展参与范围。

2. Uneven distribution of resources. Professor Micali mentioned that traditional Dutch auctions for United States bonds were open only to qualified financial institutions. Dutch auctions based on the Internet and block chains maximized participation.

3. POS最被人诟病的初始代币分配问题。Algorand通过5年时间将30%的总代币量进行无许可分配,同时用不超过49%的自我持有代币保证网络的安全性(49%不会被抛售到二级市场,因为只有Algorand系统稳定安全,团队才会获得最大收益)。这样将尽可能将token进行大范围的分散发行,来避免POS代币集中富者恒富的问题。(Algorand也用无论代币上线与否都会提供新的代币奖励这一机制来避免这个问题)

As far as possible, Token will be distributed widely in order to avoid the problem of concentration of the rich. (Algorand will also use the mechanism of a new token incentive to avoid this problem.)



团队和基金会对外承诺持有的25亿代币仅用于项目发展和保护该项目的生态,而不会被抛售。ALGO现在拍卖价格比私募价涨了48倍。 以$2.4(06.20当日价格)的价格乘以代币总量100亿来计算,其总市值达到了$240亿,超过瑞波的市值仅次于ETH的市值。

At a price of $2.4 (06.20 on the day), multiplied by a total of $10 billion, the total market value of the dollar is $24 billion, which exceeds the market value of Rapo’s after the market value of the ETH.







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