比特币值多少钱:参与者都不知道 每天有人排队买|比特币|交易量|价格

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:41 评论:0
  严湘君Angry King.   新兴虚拟货币日涨数千元,再现交易量井喷;监...



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Angry King.


The emerging virtual currency is growing by thousands of dollars, rediscovering the trade volume blow-out; the relative regulatory vacuum and the properties of non-traditional currencies make bitcoin or a speculative arbitrage tool.


If you don't talk about Bitcoin, you'll be on the spot!


Since the week, the average rate of appreciation of $100 per day has made this virtual currency, which was born in 2009, a globally hot investment target.

  昨天,中国最大的比特币交易平台BTC China上,一个比特币可兑换人民币一度突破6000元,全天平均汇率5888元;而在一天前,这一数字还停留在3226元。

Yesterday, on the BTC China, China's largest Bitcoin trading platform, a bitcoin convertible renminbi was once over 6,000 yuan, with a full-day average exchange rate of 5888 yuan; this figure remained at $3226 a day earlier.

  就在不久前,总部位于上海的BTC China交易量超过了位于日本东京的Mt. Gox,一跃成为了全球最大的比特币交易平台。

Just recently, BTC China, based in Shanghai, outpaced Mt. Gox, based in Tokyo, Japan, and leapfroged into the largest bitcoin trading platform in the world.


“A person as long as I hold a Bitcoin asset may be only 10 per cent, and the remaining 90 per cent is investing, speculating, or simply treating it as a toy.” The Senior Bitcoin Player, Tork, said yesterday to the Journalist of First Money.


While it remains to be confirmed whether China’s ma was able to rush into the Bitcoin investment circle, there is no doubt that the recent trend in Bitcoin’s production has become apparent.


Bitcoin was not born to be fired, but its “decentralized” structure was designed to avoid any institution (e.g., central banks that issue traditional currencies) controlling monetary aggregates or creating inflation. Nevertheless, Bitcoin, like all other valuable novels that have emerged, has not escaped its fate.


Is the Chinese mother here again?

  比特币,一种基于P2P(点对点)技术软件而产生的虚拟货币,这一概念最初由一个名为中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto,或为化名)的神秘人在2009年提出。比特币系统是独立存在的,其运行不依赖于央行、政府、大型企业的支持或信用担保。

Bitcoin, a virtual currency based on P2P (point-to-point) technology software, was first proposed in 2009 by a mysterious person called Satosh Nakamoto (or aliases). The Bitcoin system exists independently and operates without the support of central banks, governments, large firms or credit guarantees.


As the “issuance” of Bitcoin depends on complex calculations, it is fundamentally different from the “print” model issued in traditional currencies, with the total number of bitcoin gradually increasing at the planned rate, slowing down and eventually reaching the limit of 21 million in 2140, which now stands at 12 million.


These 12 million bitcoins are scattered around the world in the hands of many anonymous Internet users, and there's an interesting call from insiders, and there's a voice from the Chinese mother -- "Look at today's bitcoin trading price curve, I really believe that bitcoin was fired by China's mom! From 4,000 grand in the middle of the night to nearly 7,000 dollars in excess of 9 a.m., and then she's out buying food, starting to drop 40 minutes for $4,800, and then she's coming back to collect the lost ground at 11 a.m., and then she's making dinner and then she's not quiet again, begging her mom to wash the dishes!"



Button told this newspaper reporter that in the last month he had a lot of friends who wanted to “show” bitcoin, many of whom came from the traditional financial industry.


Because of the Internet properties of Bitcoin, there is no transaction fee and there is an advantage in ready access, while the course of the transaction is similar to that of stock-based transactions and is more volatile, which gives some speculators a natural arbitrage.

  卜舟2012年底开始接触比特币,如今的动态走势却已经令人有一种“那些年一起炒过的比特币”的时空穿越感。当时,卜舟第一次交易是用80美元购买了一个比特币,就在昨天,BTC China上比特币的价格曾一度突破6000元(接近1000美元),而与此同时,Mt.Gox上的价格才达到650多美元,不同交易所间存在的巨大价差也给了众多投机者套利的机会。

By the end of 2012, the boat began contacting Bitcoin, but today’s dynamic trend has given a sense of time and space. The first deal was to buy a bitcoin for $80, and just yesterday, BTC China’s Bitcoin price went up by $6,000 (close to $1,000), while Mt. Gox’s price was more than $650, and the huge price differentials between the various exchanges gave many speculators a chance to arbitrage.


“Many speculators spent the last two days running around buying bitcoin in the United States market, selling it in the Chinese market, then selling it into a renminbi and replacing it with a dollar, in a cycle like this.” Ashon said.

  不少业内人士分析认为中国地区交易量的剧增是此次比特币价格暴涨的原因。“首先,消息面十分配合,BTC China获得500万美元的投资,美国参议院听证会也是好消息连连,这些都从一定程度上推动了价格的上涨;另一方面归根结底来看,中国国内的投资渠道狭窄也让比特币不可避免地成了新投资标的。”一名熟悉比特币的分析人士称。

A number of insiders have analysed the dramatic increase in the volume of transactions in China as the reason for this sharp increase in bitcoin prices. “First, the co-opportunity of the news, BTC China’s $5 million investment, and even the good news of the US Senate hearings, have driven up prices to some extent; on the other hand, China’s narrow domestic investment channels have inevitably made bitcoin the subject of a new investment.” An analyst familiar with bitcoin says.


How much longer can you get?


The head of a Bitcoin miner supplier, Gallo, was excited when he received a call from a journalist in this newspaper. Gallo from the United States runs a Bitcoin miner company in China, and he will receive calls every day in the near future from customers from all over the country to buy a miner.


The mine machines referred to here are not conventional mining equipment, but rather computer equipment that extracts bitcoin, a process that, in short, can only be obtained through a series of complex calculations, a process described as “mining”.


“This morning, another client took half a million dollars in cash to buy a miner, but I couldn't take his money, and there was no merchandise in the world.” Gallo said that there were more than 200 people on his waiting list.


The price of a mine machine is not cheap, but the price of $36,000 per machine does not deter a large number of gold-grabbing investors. “There are people in every province in China who call to buy a mine machine.

  “今天早上,我们网站的24小时内交易量创下了新高,达到了10万多个比特币,由于交易量太大导致服务器过载,我们的网站出现了刷新速度较慢,甚至打不开的状况。”BTC China CEO李启元告诉本报记者。

“This morning, our website reached a new high in 24 hours, reaching more than 100,000 bits of bitcoin, and our website has experienced a slower pace of updating or even unopening because of the overloading of servers due to the excessive volume of transactions.” BTC China CEO Lee told his reporter.


This surge is not what Li Qingwon wanted to see. “Although the increase in the volume of transactions suggests greater confidence in Bitcoin, too much price volatility does not benefit the whole industry’s healthy development.” He said.


How much is a bitcoin? Bitcoin's players, exchanges, miner manufacturers, even bitcoin designers, can't give an accurate answer.


Jian, Senior Economist and Policy Advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, United States, asked: “The only use of Bitcoin is to serve as a medium of exchange for payments. Is it good or bad if the price of a payment tool is more than a dozen times higher in a few months? If the price of a currency is so unstable, is it really a widely accepted payment tool?”


Indeed, how to keep the price of bitcoin stable, at least not so much as it is now, has been a hot topic of discussion in bitcoin circles. The co-founder of Bitcoin Applied Development Corporation’s currency line, Chiang Chang Ho, in an interview with a journalist in this newspaper, said that the development of easy-to-use bitcoin applications as soon as possible, and thus lowering the threshold for Bitcoin’s use, was one of the means of stabilizing the exchange rate.


However, even if it were applied in such a highly volatile manner, it would not seem that the desire to use it would arise, and the introduction of a Bitcoin home purchase scheme on a building in Shanghai quite recently attracted a lot of eyeballs, but the respondents still have to wait. In the area of ordinary payments, bitcoin does not have an advantage (transaction confirmation takes longer than ordinary Internet money).


How to regulate is another issue for Bitcoin’s future, and despite recent reports that the US Department of Justice and representatives of the US SEC consider Bitcoin to be a legitimate financial instrument, the government sector that currently recognizes Bitcoin’s legitimacy remains a minority. It is argued that this unregulated currency flow could have an impact on the financial environment.




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