数据显示,比特币以 9498 亿美元市值重返全球资产市值排行榜第 10 位,超过伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司市值(8632.8 亿美元),目前排在 Meta Platforms(1.193 万亿美元)之后。
data show that Bitcoin returned to 10th place on the global asset market list at $949.8 billion, exceeding the market value of Birkhshil Hassaway ($863.28 billion), currently after Meta Platforms ($11.93 trillion).
In the early hours of 10 February, as the calendar entered its first year of the Year, the price of Bitcoin rose rapidly, once standing on $48,000, for the first time since 11 January. On the last five days, the price of Bitcoin rose by almost 10 per cent.
It is worth mentioning that the Bitcoin market has historically had a certain “spring effect” and that data for the last nine years show that Bitcoin prices increased to varying degrees during the Spring Festival.
美国方舟基金掌门人“木头姐”凯茜·伍德(Cathie Wood)此前预期,比特币价格在最乐观的情况下,到2030年可能达到150万美元/枚,这比她之前100万美元的预期整整高出了50万美元/枚,这也是当前比特币价格的30多倍。而即使是在悲观情境下,伍德也认为,比特币价格可能会攀升至25.85万美元/枚,为当前价格的五倍多。
Even in pessimistic circumstances, Wood believes that the price of Bitcoin could rise to $258.85 million, or more than five times the current price.
不过,此前摩根大通首席执行官杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)再一次重申他的观点,即比特币是什么都做不了的“宠物石”,此前他表示,这种货币是“去中心化的庞氏骗局”。戴蒙估计,比特币有其用途,但其中包括洗钱、欺诈、避税和其他金融犯罪,这些犯罪每年转移的资金超过1000亿美元。
However, had previously reiterated, once again, the view of Jamie Dimon, Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Chase, that bitcoin was a “peat stone” that nothing could do, and he had previously stated that it was a “decentralized Ponzi scheme”. Damon estimated that bitcoin had its purpose, but that it included money-laundering, fraud, tax avoidance and other financial crimes, which transferred more than $100 billion a year.
On 11 January of this year, the CSRC approved 11 Bitcoin spot ETF applications, including agencies such as Belede.

I'm serious, but I'm the leader of the group. I'm a 20-year financial journalist and an investor who focuses on the middle and long lines.
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All hints are for information purposes only and do not constitute an investment proposal.
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