Are you an old man in currency circles for a long time? Or are you a new-timer player in currency circles? Today we're going to share information sites that are often seen in currency circles.
专业K 线、实时行情、币价一站式整理
AI COIN 除提供完整功能的K 线编辑工具外,也提供币价图表可查询多间交易所价格,另外也整理市场各类重大新闻快讯、 新闻专题、 分析报告等。
AI COIN, in addition to the K-line editing tool, which provides the full functionality, provides currency charts that can be consulted on multiple exchange prices. It also collates major news alerts, news topics, analytical reports, etc. in the market.
In the collection of news information, the provision of a minute-by-minute alert, the selection of news topics and the integration of coverage by major national and international media can be described as good tools for gathering information in the market.
AI Coin 首页页面
线图分析、 多种图表编辑、追踪各大指数好工具
Trading View 提供股票、 期货、 指数、 外汇、 债券和比特币走势图表,可有效追踪股票市场和全球主要指数的各类指标,例如纳斯达克、标准普尔500(SPX)、纽约交易所、道琼斯(DJI)、德国DAX、富时100 等。
Trading View provides a chart of stock, futures, indices, foreign exchange, bonds and Bitcoin trends that allow for effective tracking of various indicators of stock markets and major global indices, such as NASDAQ, Standard & Poor 500 (SPX), the New York Exchange, Dow Jones (DJI), DAX in Germany and 100 in rich time.
其中也支持10+ 图表类型可叠图呈现、 多样绘图标记方便分析,也提供模拟下单交易功能不怕真钱烧光光。
It also supports the presentation of 10+ chart types with stackable maps, a variety of drawing markers for easy analysis, and provides a simulation of the transactional function without fear of burning the real money.
Trading View 首页页面
客制化链上数据, 各类赛道一次看
提供广大用户统整的各版块市场图表方便查看,例如:Blur.io 的销售与统计,其中提供各项主流协议资料报表, 自己也可以创建帐户去拉不同的数据报表,而其链上数据是透过SQL 语法从区块链取得链上数据。
Making market charts accessible to a wide range of users, such as: sales and statistics of Blur.io, which provides information reports on mainstream agreements, can also create accounts to draw different data reports that are linked to the SQL syntax from the block chain.
Dune Analytics 页面
提供链上多种分析指标, 例如整体加密市场稀释占比、Web3 收益流、 各协议交易量及TVL 等选项, 也可根据不同专案及协议类别找寻各类数据统整,另外也提供市场类别分析,例如交易所、 借贷、 币种市占率、 DeFi 等相关资讯,以及目前市场流行的合约整理。
A wide range of analytical indicators on the chain, such as overall encryption market dilution, Web3 revenue streams, individual protocol transactions and TVL options, can also be found for various types of data, depending on the individual case and type of agreement, as well as market type analyses, such as exchange exchanges, lending, currency-marketing, DeFi, etc., and current market-populated contracts.
Tokenterminal Lauch app 首页
统整加密货币、交易所、DeFi、NFT 、各区块链资讯统整
A credible information-gathering platform in the current encrypted currency market, in addition to general encrypted money market information, also integrates exchange flows for credit evaluation and current reserve information (exchange classification), and provides relevant data according to different chains and agreements.
CoinMarketCap 首页
世界各地NFT 市场数据统整
从NFT 总市值、各NFT 占比、交易量、各市场NFT 销售数、Holders/Traders 总数的资料搜集等等都可以在上面查询到。
The information gathered from the total market value of NFT, the respective NFT share, the volume of transactions, the number of NFT sales in each market, the total number of Holders/Trades, etc. can be found above.
DeFi 协议、TVL 排行、锁仓资讯一次看
提供详尽的DeFi 协议资讯介绍,也提供像是稳定币总体占比、各项目募资金额及阶段、币圈总共被骇入资产分析、使用者在各项目花费的总手续费与各项目销毁代币、ETH 流动性质押总占比等等资讯
Detailed information on the DeFi protocol is also provided, such as the stable currency ratio, the amount and stages of funds raised by the projects, the analysis of assets that have been hacked into the currency circle, the total fees spent by users on the various projects and the destruction of the tokens by the projects, the total share of the ETH in the mobile nature of the pledge, etc.
DeFiLlama 首页
想知道你的朋友或者链上地址的钱包有多少钱吗?使用Debank 输入地址后即可查询该地址拥有的资产,以及此钱包投入的链上协议,例如:Curve、Uniswap 等等,此外也可以查询此地址拥有的NFT。
Do you want to know how much money your friend or wallet has on the chain address? If you enter the address using the Debank, you can check the assets held at the address, as well as the chain protocols into the wallet, e.g. Curve, Uniswap, etc., and also the NFT that you have at the address.
Debank 首页
除了每年定期会出的预测报告外,Messari 也会针对不同赛道进行相关的项目分析,唯独多数项目需要登入付费,参考每年预测未来展望的报告也足够了。
In addition to the forecast reports that are regularly produced each year, Messari will also conduct relevant project analyses for different tracks, with only the majority of projects subject to posting fees, and the reference to annual forecasts of future prospects will be sufficient.
清楚告知目前市场上即将解锁的代币有哪些,有分为Cliff Unblock 与Linear Unblock,分别代表代币「一次解锁」还是「逐步解锁」,而解锁前面的% 数,则代表解锁的比例。
Make clear which tokens are about to be unlocked in the current market, divided into Cliff Unblock and Linear Unblock, representing " one unlock" or "step-by-step unlocking" respectively, while unlocking % in front represents the proportion of unlocking.
These are the details of the website that will be available to the top 10 players in 2023. More information about the necessary currency is available at the Script House and other relevant articles!
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