(原标题:大跌时无法登录 交易平台风险凸显 监管部门酝酿比特币第三方托管)
The Chinese Portfolio Reporter was informed that following an interview last Saturday with the heads of the country's three major national platforms https://ahref=https://money.com/keywords/4/a/4ea46613/1.html" title="trading" Target="trading <_blank'/a> trading >, 火币网,但打开其他网页都没问题。小贝所在的比特币QQ群吵成了一锅粥,大家的手机都联不上火币网。这种状况持续了几个小时。小贝使用火币网提供的5倍杠杆交易服务,比特币价格大跌时他无计可施。他拨打400客服电话,但线路一直忙音,最终也没能与客服人员通话。火币网交易平台恢复正常时,比特币价格已从8000元跌至6000元左右。
On the afternoon of 5 January, the price of Bitcoin appeared to be “diving” significantly. At 5.30 p.m. the same day, when investors decided to cut down their cells, they discovered that the cell phone could not reach their own trading platform , but it was all right to open the other web pages. When the Bitcoin Q Q group at Be's house was fighting, the cell phone was not connected to the gunnet. This situation lasted several hours.
What made Bea wonders is that, two days later, at about 10 p.m. on 7 January, there was again a lack of access to the network, and fortunately the price of bitcoin did not fluctuate at the last time. “A few years of gain, nothing happened.” Bae lost a million dollars twice. When the platform stabilized, Bae took all the remaining money out of the grid.
Uniquely, at 1 a.m. on 9 January, another trading platform, the OkCoin China website, had failed and the transaction had been suspended for more than 10 minutes.
"b" investors question /b"
In the case of system failures of the gunnet, investors accuse their technology of being weak, and investors challenge the moral hazard of trading platforms.
Investors have argued why the system is in trouble at the time of the crash. If a surge in traffic causes the system to collapse, why not collapse at the time of the boom? Although there have been similar problems in the currency network before, it is true that there have been more problems at the time of the crash.
The failure on January 5 was due to a surge in transactions that caused bandwidth congestion, and the system failed to respond. The failure on January 7 was a malfunction in the engine room.
Wu Hing states that these technical failures are “unpredictable force majeure.” The trading platform does not predict when the system will collapse, that the lack of any active operation of the network has led to the platform collapse, and that the network is dealing with the consequences of the system collapse.
Investors have suggested that earthquakes, fires, etc., are “unforeseen force majeure”, while bitcoin fires cause a significant increase in the volume of transactions, which is not an event, and that the resulting overloading and collapse of the trading system cannot be considered “unforeseen force majeure”. The trading platform should be protected not only from normal day-to-day transactions, but also from ensuring that the volume of transactions remains normal when it exceeds the normal level of day-to-day transactions. The trading platform has yet to be regulated.
Three or four years ago, Bitcoin was also a small “carrying” product. In December 2013, five departments, including the People’s Bank of China, issued a letter characterizing Bitcoin as “non-monetary” requiring financial institutions and non-financial payment platforms not to provide a number of services to Bitcoin, including funds held in trust accounts.
Bitcoin has become the country’s most profitable investment species in the past year, surpassing the “star” investment varieties of real estate, screw steel, and attracting large numbers of investors. With the proliferation of traders, some trading platforms have had problems of stability.
The head of an international agency's block chain told journalists that the authorities had consulted a number of professionals on Bitcoin management prior to interviewing the heads of the country's three major Bitcoin trading platforms last Saturday. Shanghai-based sector chain researchers said that the authorities would recently bring professionals together in Beijing to discuss Bitcoin management and to discuss the establishment of a third-party hosting platform