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The block chain is a decentralised xff0c; the secure and very fast , it's already provoking in the commercial world. As a large number of block chain projects are being developed and deployed on the Internet xff0c; the block chain begins to move to the world. Some companies have tried to develop on the basis of others. All the block chain development is done in different programming languages xff0c; some of them are described below.




This is an advanced programming language xff0c; more importantly xff0c; it is a weak type xff0c; dynamic xff0c; the prototype-based lead Web. This programming language is very popular xff0c; it is already , which created the new ; it can be used for the development of code .

JavaScript非常简单,您只需要了解基本知识即可开始使用该语言。它主要用于ethereum.js和web3.js中的区块链开发,用于将应用程序前端与智能合约和以太坊网络连接。Hyperledger Fabric SDK中的node.js也使用它,许多大公司都使用该框架。您可以使用JavaScript的另一个区块链是NEO。

JavaScript is very simple xff0c; you can start using the language only if you know the basic knowledge. > >and > > and use .


2. C#

C#是面向对象的,已编译的高级编程语言,是90年代末/ 00年代初为Microsoft创建的。大量的象牙研究表明,这种语言类似于C ++或Java,并且比Java语言更难以学习。虽然,它也没有像Go这样的其他语言那么复杂。

C# is object-oriented & #xff0c; developed advanced programming language & #xff0c; created for Microsoft in the late '90s/early '00s. A lot of ivory studies show & xff0c; this language is similar to C & #43; 43; or Java #xff0c; and it is more difficult to learn than Java. Although xff0c; it is not as complicated as Go.


There are many popular block chain projects that use C# language. The most popular of these block chain projects are NEO, the popular Chinese version of the Ethio. Another popular block chain project it uses is IOTA, zero-cost trading and IoT( network of goods #xff09; and a highly scalable project centred on the centre.


3. C ++


This is an object-oriented xff0c; a high-speed xff0c; a highly static and compiled programming language. This language has access to hardware and is more efficient. Even if it was developed in the 1970s and 1980s xff0c; it is an extension of the C language.


As some top writers have pointed out, xff0c; this language is more complex than the C language xff0c; and it is more difficult to learn. xff0c; if you are a beginner or just a learning code xff0c; then this language is not suitable for you.


Interestingly, xff0c; it has been used in many popular and important block chain encryption currencies and projects xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin xff0c; Bitcoin cash xff0c; Eos&#fff0c; Monero, QTUM, Stellar, Cpp-otherium, Ripple, Litecoin etc.


4. Python


Python is a dynamic and popular advanced programming language xff0c; it supports programmingxff0c; and is also object-oriented. This programming language is more popular than before xff0c; it is the ideal language for developing artificial intelligence and machine learning functions.


Many large IT companies have created and smart to support Python, and are usually used to create chat robots.


This very easy and popular language has also been used in many projects in the block chain. One such example is its realization of the Etherms & #xff0c; or Etheria. It can also be used to create smart contracts for Hyperledger and NEO contracts. Python also has its own stepmit & #xff0c; called Stepython.



这种语言简称为Go,是由Google员工开发的一种编译的,静态类型的编程语言。Golang的想法是将诸如C ++之类的编译语言的效率与诸如Python之类的代码开发的简便性相结合。

The acronym is Go, a compiled & #xff0c; static type programming language developed by Google staff. The idea of Golang is to combine the efficiency of compilation languages such as C & #43; & #43; and the simplicity of the code developed by .

这种语言非常复杂,papersowl的开发人员认为学习这种语言非常困难。但是,大多数持这种观点的开发人员都是python和JavaScript开发人员。使用C ++的开发人员将发现学习Go更容易。

This language is very complex xff0c; the developers of papersowl find it very difficult to learn it. But xff0c; most developers with this view are python and JavaScript developers. Use C & #43; 43; developers will find it easier to learn Go.

Go已经用于很多区块链项目。其中之一就是用这种语言编写的以太坊区块链。另一个是Hyperledger Fabric,这是大型组织选择的区块链解决方案。

Go has been used in a number of block chain projects. One of these is the Etherkom block chain in this language. The other is Hyperledger Fabric, this is the block chain solution chosen by large organizations.




Solidity is the static type and contact-oriented programming language developed by Etheria developers.


Solidity is like a smaller JavaScript copy xff0c; so xff0c; it's not very complicated. ff0c; xff0c; if you're a mid-level developer xff0c; you can learn the language only in a few days.


The language is used mainly for the development of the Etherno Smart Contract.


7. Java

由Sun Microsystems开发的这种编程语言是基于对象和类的强类型语言。Java是一种面向对象的语言,在许多大公司中都广泛使用。

This programming language, developed by Sun Microsystems, is based on a strong type of language of object and class. Java is a target-oriented language & #xff0c; it is widely used in many large companies.

可以将Java的难度级别与C#的难度级别进行比较,C#的难度级别比python或JavaScript复杂且难以学习。但是,这种编程语言仍然非常流行,如果您只是在学习编码,则有许多自定义文章可以为您提供帮助。但是很难说Java,C ++或Golang哪个更容易?

The difficulty level of Java can be compared to the difficulty level of C# xff0c; C# the difficulty level is compared to python or is complex and difficult to learn. But xff0c; this programming language is still very popular xff0c; if you are only learning the code xff0c; there are many self-defined articles that can help you. It is difficult to say, however, which Javaxff0c; C & #43; 43; or which Golang is easier #xff1f;


Java is also widely used in the block chain industry. It is widely used in IOTA, P2P encrypted currency & #xff0c; the NEM platform also uses Java. Other objects that use Java in the block chain are IBM block chains & #xff0c; NEO contracts & #xff0c; Etheria #xff0c; Bitcoj& #xff0c; Hyperledger contracts.



Rust是2009年由Mozilla赞助的一种强类型化和编译型编程语言。该语言与C ++编程语言非常相似,因此您真的不能说它是一种易于学习的语言。由于该语言的社区非常小,因此其入门级很高。因此,我们可以安全地对其难度进行评估。

Rust is a highly typified and compiled programming language sponsored by Mozilla in 2009. This language is very similar to C & #43; & #43; programming language xff0c; therefore you cannot really say that it is an easy language to learn. Because the language is a very small community xff0c; thus its entry level is very high. xff0c; we can safely assess its difficulty.

使用这种编程语言的区块链项目很少。奇偶校验是少数几个。用Rust编写的安全快速的以太坊客户端。用Rust编写的最受欢迎的区块链项目是以太坊经典(Ethereum Classic),这是一种在以太坊被黑客入侵后诞生的加密货币。Exonum,一个面向安全的区块链框架也是用Rust编写的。

There are few block chain projects using this programming language. The odd check is a few. A fast and secure Ether client using Rust. The most popular block chain project using Rust is a tater classic & #xff08; Etheum Classic) & #xff0c; this is an encrypted currency born after the hacking of Ether. Exonum, a secure block chain was also written in Rust.




Ruby was developed in Japan in the 1990s by Matsumoto. This programming language is purely object-oriented. In fact xff0c; xff0c; everything except blocks xff0c; everything is the object of Ruby xff0c; they can also be replaced in procs and Lambda.


The objective of Ruby's development is to serve as a buffer between the basic computer and human programmer . This programming language is synonyms similar to Java and C other languages xff0c; it is therefore easier for C and Java programmer.


10. CX


CX provides a pointer & #xff0c; drives cutting and arrays & #xff0c; and has simple error control flashpoints & #xff0c; this makes it easier to use it to design any block chain. It was initially ,, assembled through Go; this prevented CX from from implementing the self-determined xffec>; this is an issue related to business programming.


This programming language is xff0c developed for the development of the block chain in Skycoin; it has the function of an intermediary for digital contracts.

CX与Open Graphics Library(OpenGL)集成在一起,可以充分利用GPU的容量。

CX with Open Graphics Library & #xff08; OpenGL & #xff09; integrated xff0c; fully utilizing GPU capacity.




This is a relatively new programming language & #xff0c; it was born in late 2017. It is mainly used in block chain development and smart contracts. By hiding low-level logical components & #xff0c; it helps to increase productivity.

该语言是面向对象的,类似于C ++,它使用区块链原理来防止数据更改和错误。

The language is xff0c; it is similar to C & #43; xff0c; it uses block chain principles to prevent changes and errors in .


Developers are still trying to expand the functionality of the language & #xff0c; these functions will be finalized & #xff0c; they will be added to Bitcoin. & #xff0c; we expect more applications from mid-2020 & #xff0c; Simplicity.



Summing up


There is no doubt that xff0c; block chains will enable us to exchange encrypted currency. Language such as simplicity makes the development of block chains smoother and smoother xff0c; and thus the development of block chains more and better.




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