An open and transparent decentralised account book.
It is based on a number of cryptography principles. Technologies such as Hashi algorithms, public keys, private keys, digital signatures do not need to be based on credit and the involvement of third-party intermediaries xff0c; it is maintained jointly by nodes in distributed networks.
as xff1a;
1. xff0c when a node in the distribution system is engaged in a transaction; xff0c; xff0c; ff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c;
4. Each node has tried to find a sufficiently difficult proof of workload in its own block, which is one of the consensus mechanisms in the block chain xff0c; this process is commonly referred to as mining xff1b;
Other nodes indicate that they accept the block xff0c; the method of acceptance xff0c; xff0c at the end of the block xff0c; the creation of new blocks to extend the chain xff0c; instead, random hash values of the received block will be considered as fast hash values ahead of the new zone.
nodes will always see the longest chain as the correct xff0c; and continue to work and extend it. If two nodes broadcast different versions of the new block xff0c; other nodes will be differentiated in the time they receive the block. When this case xff0c; they will work on the basis of the first received block xff0c; but they will also retain another chain xff0c; the latter will not become the longest chain.
For example, there is such a town as xff0c; there is no bank in this town (decentralized) xff0c; but everyone in the town has an anonymous account number and a copy of all records of the town (all books can be synchronized automatically) xff0c; transactions between two people can be carried out directly xff0c; there is no need to go through a third-party agency xff0c; this is called trust.
An anonymous account can only use the property xff0c; transactions in the town can be made through these anonymous accounts. And because it is anonymous xff0c; the owner’s personal privacy will not be compromised. xff08; anonymous xff09;
When Zhang San wants to transfer part of his assets to Li Xff0c, he will wrap up the part of his assets that needs to be transferred and lock them all in the locks that Li X X ff 0c; so xff0c; no one can open them except Li Qi, who has the key. Then xff0c; 3 log into his anonymous account to sign and mark the number of assets on this package xff0c; and specify that it is transferred to Li Qi's anonymous account.
So everyone knows about the deal; it's impossible to deny it later. #xff08; irrevocably #xff09;
Others have to verify & #xff0c when they know; first, whether the signature is valid & #xff0c; third, if it is actually sent by the anonymous account & #xff0c; and second, whether the anonymous account of three has assets on the open account. When the check is done & #xff0c; then the transaction is recorded in the open account. The person who does these operations will also receive a certain amount of incentive.
After these steps xff0c; Zhang San's part of the asset has actually been transferred to Li Qi. Li can open it with his only key when he needs it.
Because the books are shared by all xff0c; and are open and transparent xff0c; anyone who wants to know what xff0c is on an account number; xff0c can be found on this account; anyone who wants to do something about the books is unlikely to be able to xff0c; the public's eyes are bright xff0c; and minor changes can be discovered.
The consensus mechanism in the Bitcoin system is workload proof & #xff0c; but a large part of the calculation of workload certification will be abandoned & #xff0c; it causes serious waste & #xff0c; so another consensus mechanism has been introduced called proof of interest. It is similar to the shareholder mechanism & #xff0c; the easier it is to obtain rights of account for those with more shares. The mechanism does not require a large amount of calculation & #xff0c; it does not need a guarantee #xff08; #xff09; xff0c; interest on proceeds as collateral capital and transaction services; and the greater the probability of obtaining rights of accountkeeping.
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