What's a bitcoin LBTC? The price of a bitcoin LBTC is 99,000, with a circulation of 21 million, a decentralised token based on the DPoS 3.0 consensus mechanism. Developments are not so small, and many investors do not know what bitcoin LBTC is, and the little editor then brings a detailed account of a bitcoin LBTC.
LBTC is a decentralised global value Internet transfer protocol based on the DPoS3.0 consensus mechanism. Network blocks are based on parameters of 2M size, 3 seconds out, and are characterized by high TPS and high scalability.
1. 采用了DPoS的共识机制,将投票权和记帐权分开,使代币不再被任一方绑架,用户不用专业矿机也能够参与,达到真正的去中心化。
1. A consensus mechanism has been adopted in the DPoS to separate voting and accounting rights so that no more tokens are abducted by either side and users are able to participate without a professional miner to achieve genuine decentralization.
2. LBTC挖矿的进入门槛低,无需专业矿机;交易速度也快,所以能够直接影响交易成本,使手续费保持合理低廉。
The entry threshold for LBTC mining is low and does not require a specialized miner; the speed of the transaction is also such that it can have a direct impact on transaction costs and keep the transaction fees reasonably low.
3. 发行量仅仅2100万枚,量少,持有比特币的都能一比一分到LBTC,剩下的以挖矿方式收敛性释出,出块奖励与比特币一样四年减半一次。
3. The distribution of only 21 million items is small, all of which have bitcoin at one point to LBTC, while the remainder is released by excavating, with an incentive to halve by the same amount as Bitcoin once every four years.
4. 可以在链上发行资产,建立应用,使得LBTC成为集价值与实用于一身的代币。
4. Assets can be released on the chain and applications established to make LBTC a token of pooled value and practicality.
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