
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:41 评论:0
我在知乎的第一个提问{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The first question I know. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}2011年夏天,我在家里吃着冰棍...



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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The first question I know. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}

2011年夏天,我在家里吃着冰棍surf the Internet。

In the summer of 2011, I had a popsicle surf the Internet at home.


I got into college in 2009, computer science and technology. I was eating popsicles at the end of the summer, and it seemed like a good life was waving at me, a girlfriend talking about a car, a scholarship getting soft.


Every day I eat the canteen, no one sees me. Bank Kari has saved 6,000 bucks, compared to three-year-old roommates, often asked me to borrow money to buy a roommate for a girlfriend, but eating three years of dog food makes me feel better about being a single dog, or at least I'm rich.


There's a website that's pretty hot lately, and I'm still going to browse as a senior literary man, and it's all about boring questions about what to think of Jo-Vi if you evaluate Jack-Ma.


I also asked a question, .


Oh, I knew it was gonna sink, but I was always one of them.

3个多月过去了,总算有一条评论,有个网友让我买比特币,wtf比特币是个什么玩意?我立刻又surf the internet。虚拟货币、共识机制?

After more than three months, there's a comment. A friend of mine asked me to buy bitcoin. What's wtfbitcoin?


Wtf, decide immediately that this man's brain is incompetent. It's the courage that Leung Jingju gave you to build a new monetary world for yourself. That's what I had no money to spend, or something that doesn't look like a normal person's talent.


Did this happen? No, I'm used to opening bitcoin-related pages every time I'm online, and it's always rolling around in my head, knocking on every nerve, and I'm starting to browse the information data, although it's really hard to subvert my will.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The Hunger Game chose me? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}

我躺在床上转辗反侧,睡不着就看看苏珊·柯林斯《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games):北美洲在一场大战中被摧毁,人们建立了新的家园,但是新的家园也有新的政策,在管辖区下的12个区必须选出一男一女共24名选手参加“饥饿游戏”,在“饥饿游戏”中不仅要在游戏中与各种野兽对抗,而且必须要杀死其他选手,最后一名生存下来的可以获得巨额奖金。

I lay on my bed and couldn't sleep but saw Susan Collins' Hunger Games: North America was destroyed in a great war, people built new homes, but there were new policies, and in 12 districts under the jurisdiction a man and a woman of 24 had to be selected for the Hunger Games, not only to fight the beasts in the game, but also to kill the other players, the last to survive with a huge bonus.


I was also an old boy, but I also had the dream of conquering the sea of stars. In real life, I was just an ordinary creature, and if I was involved in this global game, I might end up being a big winner.


Learning may not be my master, but I'm half a monk in electronics, computers. Why can't I?


So I sent a private letter to the only one who answered my question, and he had a feeling I'd send him a message, and soon we exchanged qq.


It's like I've met an amazing figure, who's an engineer in novels. I've got a science fiction writer, and my biggest fun in life is to read novels, especially science fiction, which to me is like a pie in the sky.


I began reading his novel, starting with the first "Sympathize with myself." By the way, his name was Chang-jung, who received the Galactic Prize twice.


Likeing a person often requires an opportunity to conquer a boy who lives in the universe with his time-consuming imagination.


Dreammaker >/strang >


He set up a forum called Babbitt, but not many people interacted, and I used to brush my comments and post posts every day, which seemed to be part of my life.


Of course, after I met him, I bought all of the 6000 dollars I had at my hands at the beginning of 2012, 20 of them, 300 of them.


But soon, 6000 evaporated, and I got a little heartache, but I didn't feel like it was 3000 dollars, but it was the most confused phase of my life, the negative phase, and I really felt that whatever I did was futile and life had no direction. So I opened a dialogue box, I wanted to talk to him, I entered a lot of things, and I finally deleted them. But I looked like a prophet, and he knew what I was thinking:


“If you understand Bitcoin simply from the point of view of investment arbitrage, then even if you knew it in '09, you're just a small rich or safe passer of its life, and most of your time you can only serve as a visitor; but if you understand it from the philosophical and technical standpoints and sink it, both in wealth and in spirit, you'll be much richer than the former.


Then he told me he paid $100,000 in 2011 at the price of $35. he liked it, and the ununderstander thought it was an open source software, whereas in fact it was a protocol, pointing to consensus.




In 2013, he and his columnist at Babbitt, who spent more than two weeks writing " Bitcoin – a real and imaginary financial world" separately, became the country’s first book on bitcoin, and although I did not participate in it at all, I will cry out for it.


I remember it very well that one afternoon in 2014, Chang-yun suddenly left me a message on qq to visit me in Hangzhou. I'm really happy that he was the special person I met in my most lost time, and to me he was the lighthouse of my lost days.


I saw a man who was not far from my imagination. He said that he resigned from the civil service to start a company in Hangzhou, or Babbitt, and that all of his original members came from the Forum. This was an ideal start-up, and he didn't say it was much more like creating a future. Wu was invited to create the Pitt continent with money from Babbit, but Gum refused. He said, "Strong" prefers gold-diggers to be water sellers.


In these years of development, Babbitt's business has also been transformed from a single consultancy into a platform that brings together counselling, community, and Bitcoun data services.


Ideal Marathon >/strong


But in 2015, when 750,000 bitcoins were stolen, the winter struck again. The wall pushed people down, and the chain media that financed the block in 2014 were transformed and shut down. Babbitt’s two former partners did only four months and chose to leave.


I heard the news and immediately left a message on qq, saying, "I haven't doubted the location of Babbitt, because platform companies are more resistant to the industry cycle. It's a marathon about the ideal."

长铗仍旧坚持着巴比特,仍然在“数据挖掘”、“信用评价”这些短期看不到收益的项目上寻找突破点,即使一度发不出工资。值得庆幸的是,命运不会辜负任何一颗赤子之心,最初的200万融资一直撑到2016年9月,直到完成第二笔,由启赋资本、创新谷、梅花天使投资的千万级 Pre-A 轮融资。

Babbitt continues to hold on, looking for breakthroughs in “data mining” and “credit evaluation” – short-term non-profit projects, even when wages are not paid at one time. Fortunately, fate does not fail a single naked child, and the initial 2 million financing lasts until September 2016, until the completion of the second tranche, with tens of thousands of Pre-A rounds of capital, innovation valley, and clubs angel investment.


Dreammakers will never stop at his feet and, beyond the price of the currency, think of a new proposition: What will the development of the chain of blocks now be at a point where killer-level applications and subversive business models that allow users to grow explosively? — perhaps the asset chain.

比原链 链未来

is the future of the chain.


In 2016, in the Babbit community, a number of users expressed a desire to move assets across the chain. At that time, Changjung began to build up a network of registrations and decentralizations of diverse assets, compared to the original chain, connecting the world of bits and atoms to the world of atoms.


In his view, the asset evolution of the block chain could be divided into three stages:


Phase I: True rights over the asset. The power can then be transferred as a whole, and we can graphically compare it to the solid stage of the asset.


Phase II: securitization of assets. The securitization is more fluid, the assets can be divided and transferred, which can be understood as the liquid phase of the asset, but the liquid state also has its limitations, and the liquid form requires a container, which is the platform for the asset. Securitization assets do not flow across the platform.


Phase three: asset blocks are chained. Assets really spread across our air, and everyone can manage assets through their own private keys, no longer limited to platforms, free movement between platforms, and can be compared to the gasification of assets.


As soon as I saw it in the forum, I sent a message to Nagashi about his new vision of the block chain.


“In the workload proof mechanism, trust is not really a personal problem, but a mathematical one. By calculating it, you can see clearly how much calculation (cost) is needed and how much probability it takes to reverse a deal in a block.


In an IP-one-vote encrypted CPU currency, hackers can control a large number of chickens at very low cost, however geographically and geographically dispersed the nodes in the Zombie Network, and as long as they act consistently, it remains a central network.”


By registering and circulating real assets in reality through block-chain smart contracts, this is what the chain does, serving the real economy, to improve the efficiency of the real economy. By comparison with Bytom, a multiplicity of bit assets, different types of assets operating on the chain (reward rights, non-market equity, claims, digital money, etc.) can be exchanged, gambling and the complexity of smart contracts can interact to create a global asset Internet. I am sure that he can do it, and only a few people like him who insist on his original dream can do it.


What about the third student who spent $6,000 on bitcoin in 2011 after ?


A lot of people wonder what happened to the sophomore. Every day, you get off the subway, you brush the Babbitt Forum, you look at the block chain news, and 6,000 dollars buy the bitcoin and then it turns into tens of millions, and when you really exist for the ideal, you don't really care about the bitcoin value in your purse, which is just the data in my wallet, and I concentrate on my life and dreams . I always think it's priceless and precious.


(The true state of affairs is not known.)

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