香港文匯報訊(記者 黎梓田)香港作為國際金融中心,將迎來首批加密貨幣現貨ETF。華夏基金(香港)、嘉實、博時國際昨日宣布,三家基金子公司申請的首批香港比特幣現貨ETF、以太幣現貨ETF均已獲得香港證監會批准,為亞洲市場上首次推出此類產品。該批ETF擬定於4月29日發行,4月30日於香港交易所上市,ETF代號也於昨日公布。
The first ETF for encrypted currency will be launched as an international financial center in Hong Kong. The Washington Foundation (Hong Kong), Jiajin, and Boeing International announced yesterday that the first ETF for Hong Kong's bitcoins and the ETF for the currency in Hong Kong, which had been requested by three of their subsidiaries, had been approved by the Hong Kong Censorship Board and launched for the first time in the Asian market.
The Hong Kong Censorship Network has listed data on the Fund's Bitcoins and Ether Current ETFs, which include: Washington Currency ETFs (stock code 03042, 09042, 83042), Warsaw Ethera EtFs (stock code 03046, 09046, 83046); HashKey Bitcoins ETFs (stock code 0308, 09008), Boh time HashKey (equity code 03009, 09009) etc.; ETFs (stock code 03439, 09439), and ETFs (equity code 03179, 09179), which are in the Teethan currency.
According to Zhang Jingkang, the head of digital equity management and family wealth management at the summer fund (Hong Kong), Hong Kong's current encrypted currency ETF is comparable to the actual encrypted currency, recognized by the supervisory authority, listed on a traditional exchange, managed by a specialized fund company, and special features such as the cooperative secure currency exchange and the world's first real-estate recovery scheme are expected to attract investors to convert the real encrypted currency into an ETF product.
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