
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:165 评论:0



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  第一章 总则


Article I: To regulate futures settlement at the Guangzhou Futures Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange), to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the transaction and the public interest in society, and to prevent and mitigate futures market risks, this scheme is developed in accordance with the Guangzhou Futures Exchange Trading Rules.


Article II: Settlement refers to transactions in which the exchange settles and transfers funds on the basis of the outcome of the transaction, the declared settlement price and the relevant provisions of the exchange with respect to the transaction bonds, gains and losses, options, fees and other related funds of the parties to the transaction.


Article III. Exchange settlements are subject to a bond system, a current liability settlement system and a risk reserve system.


Article IV: The Exchange has a system of full-time settlement, which settles members, futures firm members settle their clients, special offshore participants entrusted to them for settlement, offshore intermediaries entrusted with the settlement of their transactions (former customers, special offshore participants, offshore intermediaries collectively referred to as clearing clients), and offshore special brokers and offshore intermediaries settle their clients.


Article V: This scheme applies to all settlement activities within an exchange and shall be subject to this scheme for the exchange, its members, special participants abroad, offshore intermediaries, customers and the fixed-term guarantee deposit bank referred to in the transaction (hereinafter referred to as the depositary bank) and related staff members.

  第二章 结算相关机构及其职责


Article VI: An exchange, as a central counterparty, centrally organizes the settlement of futures transactions, the management of bonds in charge of futures transactions, the management of risk reserves and the prevention of settlement risks.


Article VII. Main responsibilities of exchange clearing operations:


(i) Preparation of member settlement statements;


(ii) Processing the transfer of funds;


(iii) Statistics, registration and reporting of transaction settlements;


(iv) Dealing with account disputes in member transactions;


(v) Hand-over clearance operations;


(vi) Control of settlement risk and provision of centralized performance guarantees for cargo transactions over a period of time;


(vii) Manage the bonds and risk reserves as required;


(viii) Perform other settlement operations as required.


Article VIII: All contracts entered into on an exchange must be settled uniformly through the exchange.


Article IX: Members, foreign special participants, offshore intermediaries and customers shall cooperate in the examination of information relating to futures transactions, including transaction records, settlement information, financial statements and related vouchers and books of account, by the exchange in accordance with the rules of the exchange.


Article X: Members shall establish a settlement department. The futures member settlement department is responsible for the settlement between the members and the exchange, the member and the clearing client; the non-future company member settlement department is responsible for the settlement between the members and the exchange.


The closing office shall keep proper custody of the transaction records, the closing information, the financial statements and related supporting documents, and the books of accounts for search and verification purposes.

  第十一条 结算交割员是经会员单位授权,代表会员办理结算和交割业务的人员。每一会员须指派两名以上(含两名)结算交割员。

The settlement officer is a person authorized by the member’s office to conduct the settlement and delivery business on behalf of the member.


The clearing delivery officer shall comply with the relevant provisions of the China Securities Supervisory Board (hereinafter referred to as the CVM) regarding the qualifications of futures practitioners, shall obtain a Certificate of Training for Settlement Handlers at the Guangzhou Futures Exchange, after training by the exchange, and a Certificate of Settlement Handover at the Guangzhou Futures Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Settlement Handover Certificate) upon authorization of the legal person of the member.


Article 12: Operational responsibilities of clearing delivery officers:


(i) Processing of member access money operations;


(ii) Obtain settlement data provided by the transaction and perform reconciliations in a timely manner;


(iii) Processing the deposit and withdrawal of assets as security;


(iv) Processing of physical delivery;


(v) Other settlement and delivery operations.

  第十三条 结算交割员在交易所办理结算、交割业务时,应当出示《结算交割员证》,否则交易所有权不予办理。

Article XIII. When clearing delivery agents are in the business of clearing and handing over the business on the exchange, they shall produce the Settlement delivery certificate, otherwise the ownership of the transaction will not be dealt with.


Article XIV. The Settlement Handover Certificate is for personal use only, cannot be forged, altered or loaned, and members should be brought before the exchange in a timely manner in the event of a change in their clearance delivery officer.


Article XV? Member States should strengthen the management of the clearing agents and enforce strict operational norms to prevent leaks.


Article XVI. Depository banks are banking institutions designated by the exchange to assist the exchange in clearing futures transactions.


The ownership of the transaction supervises the futures settlement operations of the depositary bank.


Article XVII. Banking financial institutions applying for the qualification of an exchange futures guarantee deposit and undertaking futures bond deposit management should comply with the Guangzhou Futures Exchange Designated Bank Management Scheme and other relevant provisions of the Exchange.


Article XVIII: The exchange maintains special settlement accounts in different currencies in the respective depositary banks, depending on business needs, for the deposit of member bonds and related funds.


Article XIX: A member shall open a special bank account for the deposit of bonds in the currency required for the operation of the depositary bank.


Article 20: Members shall open, change, replace or cancel accounts of earmarked funds and shall apply to the exchange, with its consent, for processing.


Article XXI: The exchange of futures operating funds between the exchange and its members is handled through the exchange's special clearing account and the member's special funds account.


Article XXII: The Exchange administers the split of the bonds deposited by its members in the special clearing account of the Exchange, establishes internal ledgers for each member, registers entry and exits, gains and losses, trade bonds, options, fees, etc. for each member on a daily basis.


For each member who receives a settlement from a special outside participant, the exchange provides the member with the services of a separate trust account with internal details to account for entry/exit, gain/loss, transaction bond, options, handling fee, etc. on a daily basis for each special outside participant.


XXIII. Futures company members shall maintain a split of their settlement bond to the cede, establish a detailed account for each settlement to the cede, and register, on a daily basis, the entry and exit of each account to the cede, the profit or loss, the transaction bond, the options fee, etc. Futures company members shall carry out futures transaction transactions through the exclusive deposit account with the cede's futures clearing account.


A futures company member may open a consolidated fund account internally on behalf of an offshore special broker, an offshore intermediary, allowing it to consolidate the funds of one or more offshore customers in a consolidated fund account.


A special offshore broker, an offshore intermediary, shall maintain a separate account for the bonds delivered by each of its offshore customers, establish a detailed account for each offshore customer and register, on a daily basis, the entry and exit of each offshore customer, gains and losses, trade bonds, options, fees, etc.


Article 24: In opening a dedicated fund account, members are required to submit to the exchange relevant information, such as a power of attorney.


Article 25? The authorized public, financial, statutory representative or charter of the person authorized in the power of attorney shall be the valid seal of the membership, and the members shall be liable for all consequences resulting from the use of such seals.


Article 26: The change of name of the member is subject to a resubmission of the Inducement Authorization to the exchange and to a change in the account of the relevant earmarked funds.


Article 27: An exchange has the right to receive receivables from a member's account of funds earmarked for its member through a depositary bank without notification to the member, and has the right to keep track of the account's funds at all times.


Article 28: The settlement of the subject matter and its staff shall maintain commercial confidentiality relating to the settlement business.

  第三章 日常结算


The bond is divided into a settlement reserve and a transaction bond.


With the agreement of the exchange, assets such as foreign exchange funds, standard warehouse receipts, billed state debt issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China in the country (hereinafter referred to collectively as the deposit) may be used as security.


Article 30: A provision for settlement refers to funds that are pre-prepared by a member in a special clearing account on an exchange for the purpose of trading, and is a bond that is not occupied by the contract.


The minimum balance of the settlement reserve is determined by the exchange.


If the member accepts a settlement from a special participant abroad and a transaction from an intermediary abroad, the member is notified separately by the exchange of the minimum balance of the settlement reserve in the corresponding trust account.


The minimum balance of the Member Settlement Reserve shall be paid in its own funds in the renminbi.


Article 32: The exchange calculates interest based on the monetary portion of the balance of the member’s settlement reserve as at the date, at the interest rate of the bank’s current deposits for the same period, not less than the corresponding currency published by the People’s Bank of China, and pays interest to the member in March, June, September and late December of each year. The enforcement interest rate is fixed, adjusted and published by the exchange.


Article 33: A trade bond is a guarantee that a member will secure the performance of the contract in a special clearing account on an exchange and is a bond that has been taken over by the contract.


Article 34: When a futures contract is bought or sold, the exchange collects a trade bond from the parties at a certain rate of the value of the contract held in the warehouse or in any other manner provided for in the transaction.


When the standard warehouse order is handed over to the exchange, the same amount as that indicated is used for the most recent stock-taking month bond, which is no longer collected at the time of settlement.


Article 35? When the deal is concluded, the exchange collects a transaction bond from the seller on the basis of the established trading bond criteria and the number of options contracts sold.


Article 36: An exchange may set a standard bond for a combined warehouse. A combined warehouse is a qualified warehouse stock established in a manner prescribed by the exchange. During a transaction, members of a non-foresee company, special offshore non-broker participants and customers may establish a combination warehouse by means of arbitrage orders provided by the transaction and by applying to the exchange for confirmation of a combination of eligible warehouse holdings; upon settlement, the exchange may automatically group the eligible warehouse into a combined warehouse according to certain rules.


The exchange may adjust to market conditions.


Article 37? The criteria for the collection of trading bonds are governed by the relevant provisions of the exchange bond system.


Article 38: The guarantee metal collected by futures company members from the settlement delivery client shall be held in the settlement delivery client's exclusive account of the member bond in order to be ready to pay the bond and the related costs.


Members of futures companies are strictly prohibited from using the bonds other than depositing deposits with the exchange for the settlement of the delivery of the client and trading settlements, in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC.


Article 39? Futures company members may not charge a transaction bond less than the transaction bond that the exchange collects from the settlement client.


The exchange may establish different transaction fees for different types, contracts, types of transactions, volumes of transactions and holdings.


The exchange may charge, for example, a filing fee based on the billing, the number of withdrawals or the number of hands.


The criteria for fees, such as transaction fees, filing fees, etc. are set separately by the exchange, which may adjust the manner in which fees are charged and the criteria for collection according to market conditions.


Exchanges may deduct transaction fees due from their members, which are developed separately by the exchange and adjusted to market conditions.


Article 41: Right-to-occupancy sums are funds paid by the right-to-concession buyer to the right-to-concession seller in order to acquire the right-to-concession rights.

  期权合约买方开仓时,按照开仓成交价支付期权权利金; 买方平仓时,按照平仓成交价收取期权权利金。

(a) At the time of the opening of the right-of-occupancy contract, the buyer paid the right-of-occupancy fee at the purchase price;

  期权合约卖方开仓时,按照开仓成交价收取期权权利金; 卖方平仓时,按照平仓成交价支付期权权利金。

(a) At the time of the opening of the options contract, the seller of the options contract collects the entitlement payment at the purchase price;


Article 42: The exchange operates a current liability settlement system.


The liability settlement system at the end of the day means that the exchange settles all contract gains and losses at the day-to-day settlement price, transactions bonds and options, fees, etc., with a net transfer of accounts receivable and corresponding increases or decreases in the settlement reserve for members.


Article 43? The settlement price on the date of the futures contract is the weighted average price according to the volume of the transaction at a particular time in a centralized transaction.


If the contract is not concluded at that time, the weighted average price of the full-time transaction is taken as settlement on the same day.


If there is no deal on the date of the contract, the settlement price on that date shall be determined according to the following method:


(i) If on the date of the contract there is a purchase or sale of an offer commissioned by both parties, one of the three settlement prices on the date of the contract, the highest purchase price and the lowest sale price, on the date of the transaction of the contract;


(ii) The price of the cut-off price was maintained for five consecutive minutes prior to the closure of the contract on that date and, if only one offer was made on the exchange computer system, the cut-off price was used to settle the price on the day of the contract;


(iii) In the case of a contract for which no price has been ordered on the day of the contract, or where there is a purchase or sale of a unilateral price for which there has been no increase (fall) in the price, there is no consecutive offer, the basis contract is the basis contract. The basis contract is the date of the contract for which the contract is not concluded. If the exchange provides otherwise, the terms of the contract shall apply.


If the settlement price increase or fall on the basis of the base contract (%) is less than or equal to the increase or collapse of the contract on the date on which the contract was not concluded, then the settlement price = the settlement price on the date on which the contract was entered into × (1 per cent of the increase or decline in the settlement price on the basis of the base contract).


2. If the settlement price increase or fall on the basis of the base contract (%) is greater than the increase or collapse of the contract on the date on which the contract was not concluded, then the settlement price = the settlement price on the date on which the contract was entered into (1 per cent of the date on which the contract rose or fell).


3. If a baseline contract cannot be found, no contract settlement price is paid on that date = the settlement price of the contract at the date of the previous transaction; if the benchmark contract cannot be found on the first day of the listing of the new contract, no contract settlement price is paid on that date = the registered base price.


The exchange may adjust the settlement price separately from the three successive trading days of the new listing.


Where the exchange makes contractual, rule-based adjustments, it may adjust the settlement price separately for listed contracts that are not currently held in a warehouse and have no deal on three successive trading days.

  第四十四条 由期权行权转化的期货持仓不参与当日期货结算价计算。

Article 44 Futures holdings converted from options are not involved in the calculation of the goods settlement price at that date.

  第四十五条 期权合约结算价的确定方法为:

Article 45 The method for determining the settlement price of an option contract is as follows:


(i) Except for the final trading day, the exchange determines the settlement price on the basis of the implied fluctuation rate by reference to the market price calculation for that date;


(ii) On the date of the final transaction, the option contract settlement price calculation formula is as follows:


(a) In the case of an increase in options contract, where the settlement price is higher than the right price, the final date of the contract is the difference between the offer and the right price, and in other cases the final date of the transaction is zero;


In the case of interest contracts, where the settlement price is lower than the right price, the final date of the contract is the difference between the right price and the delivery price and, in other cases, the final date of the transaction is zero.


(iii) Where the option price is manifestly unreasonable, the exchange may adjust the option contract settlement price.


The implied fluctuation rate referred to in this scheme is the price fluctuation rate of the subject matter calculated using the option-pricing model based on options market prices.


Article 46? The futures contract is based on the current day’s settlement price as the basis for calculating the current day’s gains and losses.


Gains and losses on the day = savings and losses on the day + savings and losses on the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day + the day


♪ Downward ♪ Down ♪ Up ♪ Up ♪ Up ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪ down ♪

  平历史仓盈亏={Σ [(卖出平仓价-上一交易日结算价)×卖出平仓量]+ Σ [(上一交易日结算价-买入平仓价)×买入平仓量]}×交易单位(或合约乘数)

[(sold flat price - settlement price on previous transaction date)(sold flat value)(sold settlement price on previous transaction date - bought flat price) x purchased silo amount]}(s)x transaction unit (or contract multiplier)

  平当日仓盈亏={Σ [(当日卖出平仓价-当日买入开仓价)×卖出平仓量]+Σ[(当日卖出开仓价-当日买入平仓价)×买入平仓量]}×交易单位(或合约乘数)

day-to-day warehouse surplus/loss {(sale flat-to-day purchase price) +[sale-to-sale price) +[sale-to-sale price) – buy-to-silo amount] trading unit(s) (or contractual multipliers)


Surplus/deficit = historical surplus/deficit + savings/deficit on opening day

  历史持仓盈亏={Σ [(上一日结算价-当日结算价)×卖出历史持仓量]+ Σ[(当日结算价-上一日结算价)×买入历史持仓量]}×交易单位(或合约乘数)

Historical warehouse surplus/loss {(last-day settlement) x historical stock] + [(current settlement - previous day settlement) x purchase of historical stock]} tradable units (or contractual multipliers)

  当日开仓持仓盈亏={Σ[(卖出开仓价-当日结算价)×卖出开仓量]+Σ [(当日结算价-买入开仓价)×买入开仓量] }×交易单位(或合约乘数)

{(sale start-up price - settlement price on that date)(s sale start-up price)(s current settlement price - buy-in start-up price)]}(s)x transaction unit(s) (or contractual multipliers)


The option contract does not calculate the gain or loss on the day.


Article 47? The gains and losses on that date are transferred at the time of the daily settlement, the profit on that date is transferred to the member settlement reserve and the loss on that date is deducted from the member settlement reserve.


The portion of the transaction bond at the time of settlement exceeds that at the date of settlement of the previous transaction is deducted from the member settlement reserve, and the portion of the transaction bond at the time of settlement is lower than at the date of settlement of the previous transaction is transferred to the member settlement reserve.


All charges, such as fees and fees, and delivery of cut-off payments, are deducted from the member’s settlement reserve.


Article 48: The specific formula for the calculation of the balance of the settlement reserve is as follows:


The balance of the settlement reserve at that date = the balance of the settlement reserve at the date of the previous transaction + the guarantee of the transaction at the date of the previous transaction + the actual amount available as security for the asset at that date + the actual amount available as security at the date of the previous transaction + the gain or loss at that date + the entitlement at the date of the transaction + the income in payment + disbursements — fees, etc.


The actual amount available for the asset as a bond is calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of chapter VII of this scheme.

  第四十九条 交易所可以根据市场风险和保证金变动情况,在交易期间发出追加保证金通知,会员应当在通知规定的时间内补足保证金。未按时补足的,交易所可以对其采取限制开仓、强行平仓等风险控制措施。

Article 49 An exchange may issue an additional bond notice during the transaction, depending on market risks and changes in the bond, and the member shall make up the bond within the time period specified in the notice.


Article 50: When the settlement is completed and the settlement reserve for any internal particular account of a member is below the minimum balance, the result of the settlement is deemed to be an additional bond notice issued by the exchange to the member.


If the credit is not fully withheld, the member shall make up the minimum balance of the settlement reserve before the next day of the transaction.


(i) The member's balance of the settlement reserve in any internal particular account of the exchange is greater than or equal to zero, and the corresponding member in that account or a special participant outside the country may not open a new warehouse;


(ii) If the member has a settlement reserve balance of less than zero in any internal particular account of the exchange, the exchange will impose a requirement to unwind the member.


If the exchange issues a notification of the additional renminbi, the exchange may deduct the corresponding RMB funds from the account of the member’s exclusive funds through the depositary bank. If the deduction is not fully successful, the member shall replenish the RMB funds to the minimum balance of the settlement reserve before the next day of the transaction. If the exchange is not satisfied, the exchange may make a mandatory exchange of foreign currency funds from the member’s special settlement account or from the member’s special fund account after the second closing day of the next transaction.


Article 51: The exchange conducts exit and exit cash operations for its members on the basis of the principle of accuracy and speed. Normally, a member makes a written or electronic application for entry before the closing day of each transaction, the exchange completes the entry of a member before the closing day of the transaction, the written application for entry of a member after the closing day of each transaction, and the exchange completes the entry and exit of a member before the opening day of the next transaction.


During the night trade festival, the exchange does not receive applications for and does not conduct any cash transactions.


The amount of a member’s contribution must be determined on the basis of the member’s actual monetary funds, the minimum balance of the settlement reserve, the transaction bond and the amount actually available as a deposit.


Real currency funds refer to currency funds and foreign exchange capital . See chapter VII of this scheme for the method of conversion of foreign exchange funds.


The amount of the renminbi converted from foreign exchange funds may not be paid in the form of the renminbi, which may be limited to the amount of the foreign exchange funds deposited.


The exchange may make appropriate adjustments to the member's criteria for payment based on the market risk profile and the type of foreign exchange permitted.


Article 53? An exchange may restrict the payment of funds by a member, a special offshore participant, an offshore intermediary and a customer in one of the following cases:


(i) Suspected of serious violations that have been investigated by the exchange;


(ii) Has been formally opened by the judiciary, the exchange or other relevant authorities for complaints, reports, transaction disputes, etc., and is in the process of being investigated;


(iii) If the member has not made up the minimum balance from the yuan to the settlement reserve within the prescribed period of time or has failed to cooperate with the exchange in carrying out the transfer of funds for its clients, foreign special brokerage participants and offshore intermediaries;


(iv) where the exchange considers the market to be at significant risk;


(v) Such other information as the exchange considers necessary.


Article 54. At the end of the transaction, the exchange settles each member’s gains, losses, transaction charges, transaction bonds, options, etc.


Article 55? Where special circumstances prevent the exchange from providing the settlement data on time, the exchange will notify the time at which the settlement data will be made available.

  第五十六条 会员每日应及时地取得交易所提供的结算数据,做好核对工作,并将之妥善保存,该数据至少保存20年,但对有关期货交易有争议的,应当保存至该争议消除时为止。

Article 56 Members shall obtain, on a daily basis and in a timely manner, the settlement data provided by the transaction, perform reconciliations and keep it properly for at least 20 years, except that disputes over futures transactions shall be preserved until the dispute is resolved.


Article 57: If a member disputes the settlement data, it shall notify the exchange in writing not later than 30 minutes before the next day of the transaction. In exceptional cases, the member may notify the exchange in writing within two hours of the date of the next transaction.

  第五十八条 交易所将在每月的第一个交易日向会员提供上月的《广州期货交易所资金结算核对单》(加盖结算专用章),作为会员核查交易账簿记录的依据。

Article 58 The Exchange will provide members on the first day of each month with the last month's Guangzhou Futures Exchange Financial Settlement Checklist (with a special closure stamp) as a basis for members'verification of the records of the transaction books.

  第五十九条 会员具有以下情形之一的,该会员及其结算交割委托人可以申请移仓,经交易所批准后予以办理:

Article 59 A member may apply for transfer to the warehouse and, subject to the approval of the exchange, if he or she has any of the following circumstances:


(i) In the case of consolidation, separation or insolvency;


(ii) Is unable to engage in futures brokering for any reason;


(iii) Changes in the entrustment settlement relationship;


(iv) Other relocations recognized by the exchange.


The exchange may request a statement of consent to the transfer of the warehouse by the member moving to and from the warehouse, a statement of consent of the client to the transfer, a statement of the change in the trust settlement relationship, a detailed list of the relevant warehouse holdings, etc.


In exceptional cases where there is a major business crisis, such as bankruptcy of futures company members, but no application has been made, for the protection of customer interests, the exchange may initiate contingency plans and process the transfer of customers.


Article 60: Once a transfer request has been approved, the exchange will agree with its members that a transaction date will be the date of settlement of the customer's transfer.

  第六十一条 移仓内容仅包括客户的持仓及相应的交易保证金,不包括当日的盈亏、手续费、结算准备金、期权权利金等其他款项。

Article 61 The contents of the transfer include only the customer's holdings and the corresponding transaction deposits, excluding such other items as current gains and losses, fees, settlement reserves and options.


Article 62: The exchange will carry out the transfer of warehouses for its members upon completion of the settlement on the day of the agreed date, and will provide a list of the warehouse holdings before and after the transfer of the customers to be confirmed by the members.

  第六十三条 会员当日结算准备金余额低于零或者持有有价证券作为保证金的,不得办理移仓。

Article 63 A member whose balance in the settlement reserve at that date is less than zero or who holds marketable securities as a bond may not be removed.

  第四章 期权行权与履约


Article 64? Right to move refers to the manner in which a buyer of an option contract exercises its right to pay off cash at the settlement price on the final date of the transaction, or to buy or sell the subject matter of the option contract at the price of the right under the contract and terminate the option contract.


Performance is defined as the right of the buyer of the option contract to make a cash cut at the settlement price on the final date of the transaction, or to buy or sell the subject matter of the option contract at the price specified in the contract, in such a way as to terminate the option contract.


Article 65: Customer rights and performance shall be exercised through and on an exchange in the name of a member.


Article 66: During the period specified by the exchange, the right to move may be requested by the buyer of the right of option, in a manner to be specified separately by the exchange.


The right seller has an obligation to perform.


Once the daily trade is closed, the exchange performs the right pairing on the basis of the principle of random even extraction.


Article 67? Buyers and sellers of options may apply for a two-way silo of their options under the same transaction code.


A options buyer may apply for a two-way futures hold under the same transaction code to level-up the hold of the futures, the amount of which does not exceed the amount of futures that the right of movement acquires. The hedge result is deducted from the stock of the goods on that date and accounted for in the transaction.


The options seller may apply for a two-way stock of futures after performance under the same transaction code to level-up the stock, which does not exceed the amount of futures for which performance was obtained. The hedge result is deducted from the stock of goods held on that date and accounted for in the transaction.


The application times and modalities of these operations are published separately by the Exchange.


Article 68: After the exercise of rights and performance, the exchange adjusts the holding of the corresponding futures contract at the time of settlement on the same day or makes a profit or loss transfer of rights.

  采用现金交割方式的,行权盈亏=∑(最后交易日的结算价×买入看涨期权合约行权数量×合约乘数)+ ∑(最后交易日的结算价×买入看跌期权合约行权数量×合约乘数)- ∑(最后交易日的结算价×卖出看涨期权合约行权数量×合约乘数)- ∑(最后交易日的结算价×卖出看跌期权合约行权数量×合约乘数)。

In the case of cash delivery, the surplus or loss of rights = (final transaction date settlement price x number of rights to purchase interest contracts multiplied by contract multipliers) + (final transaction date settlement price x number of rights to purchase interest contracts multiplied by contract multipliers) ~ (final transaction date settlement price x number of rights to sell interest contracts multiplied by contract multipliers) ~ (final transaction date settlement price x number of rights to sell interest contracts multiplied by contract multipliers).

  第六十九条 交易所根据当日合约行权(履约)数量按照规定标准向会员收取行权(履约)手续费。交易所有权对行权(履约)手续费标准进行调整。

The exchange charges its members for the right to move (performance) according to the number of contractual rights (performance) on the day in question, according to the prescribed criteria.


Article 70? Prior to the expiry of the options contract, futures company members, offshore special broker participants and offshore intermediaries should alert customers to the proper handling of options.


Article 71? After the closing of the market, the exchange deals with options for the use of physical delivery as follows:


(i) The right of option to increase the price of the futures contract, which is less than that of the day on which it is set, automatically to apply for it;


(ii) The right to fall over the price of the futures contract, which is greater than the date of the bid, has the automatic right to apply for it.


A right-of-occupancy buyer may also cancel the automatic right to apply, at a time and in a manner to be disclosed separately by the exchange.


The exchange deals with options for cash delivery as follows:


(i) If the buyer submits the minimum profit amount for the right to move, the buyer has the automatic right to move in storage if the actual value of the contract is greater than both the minimum profit amount for the right to move and the higher value of the right to move (performance) fee provided for in the transaction;


(ii) If the buyer has not submitted the lowest profit value of the right to engage, the buyer whose contract value is greater than the fee for the right to move (performance) under the transaction has the right to move automatically.


A buyer who does not fulfil the terms of the right to move automatically in the preceding paragraph holds a warehouse and is deemed to have waived the right to do so.


Article 72: When the right of a future buyer to move by way of physical delivery is exercised, the balance of the funds shall satisfy the guarantee of the futures transaction.


A buyer’s member may not accept an application for the right to travel if the buyer’s member has a special outside participant, an offshore intermediary, or a customer who has insufficient funds.

  第五章 交割结算


Article 73? Contracts are made either in kind or in cash.


In the case of physical delivery, the parties to the transaction, in accordance with the rules and procedures of the exchange and through the transfer of ownership of the subject matter contained in the contract, settle the unsettled contract as it matures.


In the case of cash delivery, after the date of receipt of the final contract transaction, the exchange uses the cut-off settlement price as the basis for the payment of the surplus or loss on both sides of the warehouse and settles the outstanding contract when it matures.


Article 74. When a member makes a delivery, he or she shall pay the required fees to the exchange, with specific criteria to be specified separately by the exchange.


Cut-off fees are deducted from the member's settlement reserve.


If the futures contract is delivered in kind, the delivery settlement price is the benchmark price for the delivery of the futures contract. The delivery settlement price for the rolling delivery is the same day as the date of the contract for the rolling delivery of the futures.


Futures contracts are made on the basis of cash deliveries, which are settled on the basis of prices published by the institutions concerned.


Where other modes of delivery or individual varieties provide otherwise, their provisions apply.

  第七十六条 期货合约采取实物交割的,交割货款按交割结算价加上非基准交割仓库与基准交割仓库的升贴水结算,交易所另有规定的,适用其规定。

Article 76. If the futures contract is delivered in kind, the payment for the delivery of the goods is settled at the delivery settlement price plus the premium water of the non-base delivery warehouse and the base delivery warehouse, the exchange shall apply its provisions, if otherwise provided for by the exchange.


Article 77? If the futures contract is delivered in kind, the invoice or other documents approved by the exchange are issued by the seller who delivers it to the corresponding buyer and handed over, received and assisted in verification by both members, and the exchange settles the corresponding balance on the basis of confirmation by both members.


The types of invoices that should be issued for each species or other documents recognized by the exchange may be found in the futures operations rules for the respective varieties.

  第七十八条 期货合约采取实物交割的,卖方会员未在规定时间提交增值税专用(普通)发票的,自应交而未交增值税专用(普通)发票次日起,交易所向卖方会员按货款金额每日0.5‰的比例收取滞纳金,补偿给买方会员;超过30个自然日,卖方会员仍未提交增值税专用(普通)发票的,视作不交增值税专用(普通)发票,交易所按国家税收政策规定计算的增值税税额收取赔偿金,与滞纳金一并补偿给买方会员。上述款项从该会员在交易所预留的交割货款金额中扣除,剩余货款属于卖方会员。买卖双方另有约定的,遵其约定。

If the futures contract is delivered in kind and the seller's member does not submit a special (general) value added tax invoice at the required time, the seller's exchange collects from the seller's member a demurrage at the rate of 0.5 per cent per day of the value of the goods; if, for more than 30 natural days, the seller's member has not submitted a special (general) value added tax invoice, it is considered to be a non-payment of a special (general) value added tax invoice, and the exchange receives compensation for the value added tax amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the State's tax policy, together with the deferred payment to the buyer's member.


Article 79: In the case of a futures contract in which physical delivery takes place, the settlement of a single sex cut is governed by the following provisions:


(i) After the closing day of the final transaction, the buyer's member turned the trading bond for the month of purchase of the warehouse into the advance payment, the seller's member's trading bond for the month of sale of the warehouse into the cut bond; after the seller's member had delivered the standard warehouse order to the exchange on time, the exchange cleared the seller's bond;


(ii) When the final transaction date is settled, the exchange settles the member's share of the cut-off month on the basis of the delivery settlement price, resulting in a gain or loss being recorded as a surplus or loss on that day;


(iii) When the final transaction date is settled, the exchange deducts the cut-off fee from the member's settlement reserve;


(iv) Before the closing day of the first transaction after the final transaction, the seller member shall hand over to the exchange all standard warehouse receipts corresponding to the month in which it was sold;


(v) Before the final closing of the market, the buyer member shall transfer to the special clearing account of the exchange the portion of the difference between the sum corresponding to the purchase of the warehouse and the advance payment of the cut;


(vi) The failure of the seller's member to deliver the standard warehouse receipt at the required time, and the failure of the buyer's member to pay the purchase price at the required time, constitute a breach of delivery;


(vii) After the final closing day, the exchange delivers to the buyer the standard warehouse bill submitted by the seller's member and pays 80 per cent of the purchase price to the seller's member, the balance of which is settled upon the submission of the invoice by the seller's member;


(viii) Within one day of the matching transaction, the buyer member shall inform the seller of the particulars for which the invoice is issued, including the name of the purchase unit, the address of the purchase unit, the amount, the taxpayer's registration number, etc., in accordance with the provisions of the tax authority.


(ix) Within seven days of the match, the seller member shall deliver the invoice to the buyer member.


Article 80: When futures contracts are delivered in kind, the clearing of rolling deliveries is governed by the following provisions:


(i) After day-to-day closure, the buyer's member's share of the purchase warehouse's transaction bond was converted into an advance payment;


(ii) When matching-day settlements are made, the exchange settles the member's share of the cut-off month at the delivery settlement price, resulting in gains and losses being recorded as gains and losses on that day;


(iii) When matching days are settled, the exchange deducts the cut-off fee from the member's settlement reserve;


(iv) Prior to the closing day of the receipt, the buyer member is required to transfer the portion of the difference between the sum corresponding to the purchase of the warehouse and the advance payment of the cut-off into the special clearing account of the exchange;


(v) When the day of delivery closes, the buyer's member's failure to pay for the goods constitutes a breach of the delivery contract;


(vi) After closing the day of receipt, the exchange delivers the standard warehouse bill submitted by the seller's members to the buyer and pays 80 per cent of the purchase price to the seller's members, the balance of which is settled after the seller's members have submitted a special invoice for value added tax;


(vii) Within one day of the matching transaction, the buyer member shall notify the seller member of the particulars for which a special invoice for value added tax is issued, such as the name of the purchase unit, the address of the purchase unit, the taxpayer's registration number, the amount, etc., as prescribed by the tax authority;


(viii) Within the next seven days of the matching transaction, the seller member submitted to the buyer a special invoice for value added tax (VAT).


Article 81? If the futures contract is delivered in kind, the liquidating settlement operation is governed by the following provisions:


(i) Payment and receipt of warehouse receipts and payments of goods transferred from the standard warehouse receipt period are handled by the exchange;


(ii) The delivery and payment of goods transferred from non-standard warehouse receipt periods is made by the parties to the transaction on their own initiative and is determined by the parties to the transaction in consultation with the parties to the transaction; the receipt and payment of goods is entrusted to an exchange, which is not responsible for the receipt of non-standard warehouse receipts;


(iii) At the closing date of the transfer, the exchange transfers the period of the parties to the transaction to the warehouse for settlement at the agreed price, and the resulting gain or loss is accounted for in the balance of the day;


(iv) At the closing date of the transfer, the exchange deducts the transfer fee from the member settlement reserve, the transfer fee for the period of the standard warehouse receipt is charged against the cut-off fee for the variety and the transfer fee for the period of the non-standard warehouse receipt is charged against the transaction fee for the variety;


(v) Prior to the date of transfer of approval, the buyer's member transferred the full amount of the goods to the special clearing account of the exchange and the seller's member's transfer of the standard warehouse period to the exchange the corresponding quantity of the standard warehouse;


(vi) After the closing of the period of approval, the exchange pays 80 per cent of the purchase price to the seller's member, the balance of which is settled after the seller's member has submitted the invoice; in the case of the transfer of the standard warehouse period, the exchange shall also deliver the standard warehouse receipt submitted by the seller's member to the buyer's member;


(vii) Within seven trading days from the date of transfer, the seller member shall submit the invoice to the buyer member.

  第六章 委托结算


Article 82: If an intermediary abroad entrusts a member of a futures company or a special broker participant abroad with the settlement of a transaction, it shall enter into a trust agency agreement with him and shall file the transaction with the exchange prior to the processing of the business.


A member of a futures company and an agent of a foreign intermediary shall comply with the provisions of the Regulations governing the operation of a particular type of futures transaction by a member of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange to a foreign intermediary.


Article 83. Special participants abroad shall and may only entrust a member with the settlement.


Article 84? A member and a special outside participant entrusted with the settlement shall sign an agreement on the commissioning of the settlement, which shall include the following:


(i) The minimum balance of the settlement reserve and the rate of receipt of the transaction bond;


(ii) Processing of assets used as security and their cost standards;


(iii) Risk management measures, conditions and procedures;


(iv) Account type and management model, closing process, including timing and manner of clearing data collection, querying and confirmation;


(v) Standards of fees and charges;


(vi) Notifications, modalities and time limits;


(vii) The circumstances in which the losses caused by the parties to the agreement are not attributable and the manner in which they are dealt with;


(viii) Variation and release of agreement;


(ix) Liability for default;


(x) The manner in which the dispute is dealt with;


(xi) Other matters.


Article 85? An exchange may process a change in the trust settlement relationship between a member and a special foreign participant entrusted with its settlement if:


(i) The agreement entrusted to the settlement does not renew after the expiry of the agreement;


(ii) The agreement to entrust the settlement is earlier terminated;


(iii) If the member is unable to settle for special participants abroad;


(iv) Other circumstances determined by the exchange.


Article 86? In the case of article 85, subparagraph (a), a special participant abroad, a member who moves in and out of the territory of the State, shall submit to the exchange, 10 transactions days before the expiry of the agreement, the following material for the change of the trust settlement relationship:


(i) An application for a change in the entrustment settlement relationship;


(ii) Agreements of trust settlements between special participants abroad and members transferred to trust settlements;


(iii) Other materials specified in the transaction.


After receiving the complete information, the application is reviewed within 10 trading days.

  第八十七条 具有第八十五条第(二)、(三)项情形的,境外特殊参与者、移入和移出委托结算的会员除提交第八十六条规定的材料外,还应当提交解除原委托结算关系的协议。交易所收到完整材料后,在10个交易日内对申请材料进行审核。审核通过的,交易所通知变更委托结算关系的约定结算日。

Article 87 In the case of article 85, subparagraphs (b) and (c), a special participant abroad, a member who moves in or out of the place of settlement shall submit, in addition to the material provided for in article 86, an agreement for the dissolution of the originally entrusted settlement.


Article 88: After the agreed settlement date is settled, the exchange undertakes a change in the trusting relationship, transfers other funds such as the deposit in the warehouse and the corresponding detailed account, and provides a transfer list. The transferring and transferring member shall check the transfer list and the foreign special participant shall commission the transfer and transfer member.


If, after the agreed settlement date, there is a significant risk on the market or other circumstances identified by the exchange, the exchange may suspend the process of changing the trust settlement relationship.


Before the change is completed, the transferring member has an obligation to perform the settlement on his or her behalf.

  第七章 资产作为保证金


Article 89: With the approval of the exchange, the following assets may be used as security:


(i) Standard warehouse receipts;


(ii) Accountable State debt issued in the territory of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China;


(iii) Foreign exchange funds (type of currency, mode of conversion and scope of application to be disclosed separately by the exchange);


(iv) Other assets identified by the exchange.


Assets that serve as security are specifically identified by the exchange and disclosed to the market.


Article 90: When a standard warehouse receipt is used as a bond, the amount of the bond may not be less than RMB 100,000.


When state debt is used as a guarantee, the nominal value of the state debt submitted may not be less than RMB 1 million each time.


Article 91? The market value of the assets as security is calculated as follows:


(i) When a standard warehouse receipt is settled on a daily basis, the exchange calculates its market value at the price of the settlement price on the date of the latest delivery of the contract for the release of the monthly futures from the standard warehouse order.


(ii) In the case of State debt as a bond, the base price of the State debt is the smaller value of the host agency’s valuation data, and the net price of the base price of the State’s debt at the date of the exchange’s daily settlement determines its market value. The ownership of the transaction is adjusted for the base calculation value of the State debt.


(iii) If other assets are used as security, the base price calculated for their market value is approved by the exchange.


The rules governing the operation of bonds for the release of related varieties of futures are applicable to the extent that they provide for the standard warehouse receipt of bonds to be used as the base price for bonds.


Article 92. The market value of the asset as a bond is referred to as the discount rate at which the specific discount rate is determined, adjusted and disclosed by the exchange.


When the exchange settles on a daily basis, the market value and the depreciated amount of the assets as security are adjusted at the specified base price.


Article 93: The exchange determines the maximum value of the member’s marketable securities as a bond according to the member’s corresponding internal details account or the trust account’s actual monetary funds (with a multiplier). The exchange determines the actual amount available as a bond for the member’s marketable securities on the basis of the discounted amount of the security and the lower amount of the maximum assigned amount.


Upon the completion of the deposit of a marketable security used as a bond by a member, the actual amount available for that security is credited to the member settlement reserve.


On the basis of the above principles, the exchange automatically adjusts the actual amount available as a bond for its members'securities on a daily basis.


Article 94: Ownership of the transaction adjusts the base price of the asset as a bond, discount rates, multipliers to market conditions, to be notified separately by the exchange.


Article 95? Clients, special participants abroad, and offshore intermediaries who use assets as security are deemed to agree that futures company members submit their assets to the exchange as security.


Clients, special participants abroad, offshore intermediaries, members who use assets as security are deemed to be authorized by the exchange to transfer or pledge the corresponding assets.


Article 96: Processing of securities as security:


(i) Application


Customers, special foreign participants, and offshore intermediaries should have access to securities as collateral through their members.


When a member operates as a bond on the basis of a standard warehouse receipt from a client or a special non-brokering participant abroad, he or she shall submit a special authorization signed by the client or a special non-brokering participant abroad and enter into a relevant agreement with the exchange.


(ii) Validation deposits


1. Members submit the standard warehouse receipt to the exchange for deposit and, upon approval by the exchange, complete the deposit of the standard warehouse receipt as a bond.


2. In the case of State bonds, the client, a special non-brokering participant abroad, and a member of a non-foresee company shall ensure that a sufficient number of State bonds are kept in a trust account, free of any defects in other rights.


3. The deposit of certification of other marketable securities shall conform to the requirements of the exchange.


Article 97: In the case of a bond in which interest takes place, the interest is held by the owner of the bond and is processed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trust Agency.


Article 98: When a security is used as a bond, the period of time shall not exceed the period of validity of that security.


If the bond is used as a bond, the exchange ceases to account for the country’s debt on the first transaction day of the month preceding the maturity date.


Article 99: A member who processes the withdrawal of assets or discharges the pledge shall make up for the corresponding bond.


Article 100: An exchange may cancel the member's assets as security if:


(i) where there is a greater risk that members, special participants abroad, offshore intermediaries will be exposed to the extraction and use of funds and may endanger the legitimate interests of the exchange;


(ii) In the case of defective assets or significant risks arising as security;


(iii) Such other circumstances as the exchange considers necessary.


If the exchange cancels the member's assets as a bond, the member's bond is insufficient, it should be replenished.


Article 101: If an asset is treated as a bond, the member shall pay a fee to the exchange.


Other charges, such as storage charges incurred during the period in which the assets are held as a bond, are paid in accordance with the relevant provisions.


The securities in question are executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the custodian agency as charges incurred by the custodian in the course of the bond operations.


Article 102: When a member fails to perform or is unable to fully perform a bond obligation for a transaction, the title to the transaction disposes of the asset as a bond, with priority given to the bond obligation and the related obligation to be paid out of the money received. The member shall bear the loss and expense incurred in disposing of the asset as a bond.


In exceptional cases, the exchange may extend the time for processing applications for securities, such as securities, as bonds.


Article 104: A transaction concluded in accordance with the rules governing the operation of an exchange shall have the force of law and shall not be void or reversible by a dispute over the ownership of the subject matter of the transaction, the expression of authenticity or the source of the bond, and the loss arising from the transaction shall be borne by the person making the transaction itself.

  第八章 风险与责任


Article 105? Members should fulfil their obligations and responsibilities in relation to contracts entered into on an exchange and assume the associated risks.


The exchange organizes futures transactions, concluded transaction orders, closed futures transactions in storage, collected bonds, transferred or pledged assets as security deposits, transactions such as matching completed standard warehouse receipt, settlement and delivery or the legal attributes of property, and the measures taken to address default do not invalidate or invalidate the legal attributes of the act or property as a result of a member's entry into insolvency proceedings.


A member is subject to insolvency proceedings and the exchange may still make a net settlement of the member's outstanding contract in accordance with the transaction rules and their implementing rules.


Article 106: In the event of an insolvency or other debt dispute between the depositary bank, the bond does not belong to its estate and does not fall within the scope of the property frozen or transferred.


Article 107? In the case of insolvency or other debt disputes in respect of the delivery warehouse, the deposit of futures in the futures market by the participants in the futures market that is not assigned to the disposal of futures in the warehouse does not fall within the scope of the estate designated for the disposal of the warehouse and of the property that has been seized or seized.


The exchange protects its members against the risk of clearing their clients.


Article 109? Where a member is unable to fulfil its contractual obligations and responsibilities, the following safeguards apply to the ownership of the transaction:


(i) Utilize the member's settlement reserve;


(ii) Suspension of opening transactions;


(iii) Coercion, as required, until such time as the bond released after the silo is capable of meeting the obligations and responsibilities associated with the contract;


(iv) Dispose the assets deposited as bonds and use the realized proceeds to meet contractual obligations and responsibilities.


Article 110? If a member of the preceding measure still owes money, the exchange will fulfil its contractual obligations and responsibilities as follows:


(i) Application of the risk reserve for performance compensation;


(ii) Making use of the exchange's own assets for performance compensation.


Once the exchange fulfils its contractual obligations and responsibilities, it recovers its members through a legal process.


A risk reserve is a fund established by the exchange to provide financial security for the proper functioning of futures markets and to cover losses resulting from unforeseen risks to the exchange.


Article 112: Sources of the risk reserve:


(i) The exchange is drawn from the administrative fee at the rate of 20 per cent of the income from fees charged to its members;


(ii) Other income in accordance with the provisions of the State's fiscal policy.


When the risk reserve balance reaches a certain level, it can no longer be withdrawn with the approval of the CVM.


Article 113: The risk reserve shall be accounted for separately and stored exclusively and shall not be diverted except to cover loss of risk.


Article 114: The use of the risk reserve shall be authorized by the board of directors of the exchange and shall be reported to the CSRC in accordance with the prescribed purposes and procedures.

  第九章 附则

  第一百一十五条 本办法中所称时间均为北京时间,除本办法有明确的规定外,“日”均指交易日。

Article 115. All times referred to in this scheme shall be Beijing time, and “day” shall mean the day of the transaction, except as expressly provided in this scheme.


Article 116: In violation of the provisions of this scheme, the exchange is dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treatment of Infringements by the Guangzhou Futures Exchange.


Article 117: The rules governing the operation of the various varieties are specific and apply.


Article 118: The power of interpretation in this scheme is vested in the Guangzhou Futures Exchange.

  第一百一十九条 本办法自公布之日起实施。

Article 119 This scheme shall be implemented from the date of its publication.

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