The year 2020 was the year of the currency ring, with the price of an encrypted currency in Bitcoin alone rising by nearly 300%. However, is the market outlook for 2021 so favourable?
For starters, we need to see the impact of the global macroeconomic environment on the currency circle. The global economy is still active, but at the same time it faces a number of uncertainties, such as the new crown epidemic, political instability, and economic recession.
First, with an increasing number of institutional investors entering the market, the market’s infrastructure has been continuously improved and optimized. Second, some countries have begun to formally recognize the legal status of encrypted currencies and have introduced relevant regulations and policies, which have created new opportunities and incentives for the market.
In addition to the market environment and industry development, the value of the crypto-currency projects themselves is one of the key factors influencing the market. For example, the smart contracts platform, represented by the Taiwan, has become one of the most promising projects in the crypto-currency market.
In short, while the global economic and political environment remains uncertain, the trend in the crypto-currency market itself remains positive. Not only is more and more institutional investors entering the market, but new and emerging projects are also rising rapidly.
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