On the 28th of February, the drama was dedicated to the theme “Seeing Love Apartments” and celebrated the best performance of 2.7 billion. Sun-Yia, Lee Kim-jung, Li Chia-Han, the lead singer, attended the festival, echoed the fans and shared the joy with the viewers in a short period of a month and a half. The event featured the theme “Seeing Love Apartments” and celebrated the celebration of 2.7 billion perfect harvests.
屢破紀錄創“神跡” 奇葩美食“玩壞”眾主創
It's a record of the creation of the Miracles, and it's a wonderful food, and it's a bad game.
After the opening of the first day, the first-day broadcast broke the billion dollar, the first recorded 1.72 billion dollars, the fastest-breaking, the first-ever television show, and the first-ever series. After the opening of the first, the second round of the spring season was followed by an all-time high of nearly 100 million people per day on the humans and the heat of the first opera, starting with a short month and a half from the start of January 17, with an all-time high of 2.7 billion. To celebrate the unprecedented history of the play, on February 28, the show was marked by a celebratory event, which was attended by such major events as Sun Yaejia, Li Jia Hong, and others.
In response to a recent episode of the episode, which broke out with a fire of 2.7 billion, the Vice-President of the Aichi Market Department said, “It's a bit unconvincing when technocrats tell the exact numbers,” but he said, “Why is Love 4 called a theatrical? Because it's really the only thing in the history of Chinese television drama from season 1 to quarter 4, the only thing that's ever been liked from the beginning of the Internet, and by season 4, using Internet-based counter-television media to claim that it's no more than a theatrical? In fact, all broadcasts are now more than 2.7 billion, and as the play continues to be broadcast on the Internet, the numbers are still high. Two times for each of China's 130,000 people, which is truly a terrible number.
In the news show before the broadcast, it was reported that while A4 had promised to “do something that he would not normally do if the 500 million dollars were to be aired,” in Sun-Yu, Li Jin-chung had promised to take a photo of himself naked, and Li Jia-chan’s “underpants” picturing of his underwear was out of the air. If someone did not want to help others “oil and vinegar”, the organizers of the festival would still have prepared the “punishment” game, which they had promised before the show began.
Courage with an over-exploitation egg, mixed with corrosive milk and soy sauce, the Sun Yau sighing that life is not as good as death, the principle that “can't die on its own” was written, and the Sun Yao swung “I want to die” on Li's toast, making the host Li Qing Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiao Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiao Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiao Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiao Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xi Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xi Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang X ah Xiang Xiang X ah X ah Xiang X ah Xiang X ah X ah Xiang X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X X X X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X X X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X ah X X X X X X X X X X ah X ah X ah X X X X X X X X X X X ah X X X ah X X X X
現場VCR溫馨又“基情” 《愛4》懸念引期待
On the scene, the VCR is sweet and "basery" and Love 4 is looking forward to it.
The party also showed VCR, which was the scene of an accelerator with the audience, to “treat” Li Jinjing, explaining the reason for the “sniffing”: “the apartment of love, which has seen us all grow up and is grateful for the fact that so many viewers have embraced us so much that we've come to this moment, when people have said that they've been with us for so many years, they've been so emotional and sour.” The VCR also had a kiss mirror with the audience, and Li Jinjing's self-inflicted kiss was the first kiss of her curtain, which was taken out of her nose because she was too nervous to kiss, and led to the fact that there's never been such an ugly kiss by a actress.
Not only was VCR, which had a lovely view, but there was also a video of the "Big Love" staged by the men, in which Li Ga-hyun and Wang Yuen had “sleeved together" over Sun-yeon and said, "I'm ashamed to death" to Sun-yeon, and when he was asked who's best friend was, Li Jia-hyung said, "I'm particularly happy to be in bed with Guanyuan in the second season, and to go out with Sun-yeon-yae".
The short VCR is clearly not enough for the audience, the Love Apartments series has accompanied the audience for five years, and every classic character created by the founders is loving and unsettling, and the viewers have called for the filming of Love 5, continuing to realize that “the best friend lives by his side, and the person who wants to love lives across the street.” In the face of the many thoughts that Love4 left to the audience, “Hindy Love” has not been clearly seen, and that the relationship between Xiao Xiao Xiao and Noir has not been dismantled, and that the last “fashion” left by her son is still a mystery, and it's not known when to use it. These two hundred and twenty-seven million figures make it possible to look forward to Love 5.
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