2023区块链作为分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的新型应用模式,近年来受到全社会广泛关注,同时也成为了“十四五”规划七大数字经济重点产业之一,将推动2025年数字经济核心产业高速发展。在区块链技术与实体经济深度融合及其市场规模高速增长的背景下,为创新区块链人才培养机制,推动2023年广东省大学生计算机设计大赛区块链应用与开发赛题及相关实践型人才培养机制的建设,激发本赛题参赛师生的区块链技术创新热情,2023年广东省大学生计算机设计大赛组委会决定于 2023年05月6-7日在广州番禺职业技术学院开展区块链应用与开发赛题培训活动。
As a new application model for computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc., the block chain has received widespread attention throughout society in recent years and has also become one of the seven key industries in the digital economy under the 14th Five-Year Plan, promoting the rapid development of the digital economy core industry in 2025. In the context of the deep integration of block technology and the economy of the entity and the rapid growth of its market size, it has been decided to develop a talent-building mechanism for the innovative block chain for the innovative sector chain, promoting the development of the network application and development of the theme and associated practical talent development mechanism for the computer design of students in Guangdong province in 2023, stimulating the technological innovation of the block chain for the contesters and students in the field, and to conduct training activities on the application and development of the chain at the Faculty of Professional Technology in Guangdong in 2023 > < strng > > < strng > > < strng > > >.
i. Structure of training activities
Sponsored by: Sub-group on Applications and Development of Block Chains, 2023, Guangdong University Student Computer Design Competition
Host: Guangzhou Panju Vocational and Technical Institute
Co-sponsors: Microclan Block Chain, Shanghai Teto Information Technology Co. Ltd., Guangdong Trung Network Science Co. Ltd.
II, training target
1. To promote the development of a practical talent development mechanism for the application of the block chain in each of the participating campuses.
2. To develop a pool of teachers for each participating college block chain.
3. Motivation of technological innovation in block chains for participating teachers and students.
Professional teachers on the application and development of block chains in the province; the maximum number of enrolments for this training was 90.
IV. Training outline
时长 Time |
时间 Time |
课程类型 Type of Course |
实训内容 hands-on training |
第1天 Day 1 上午 a.m. |
9:00--9:50 |
理实一体 It's just one thing. |
考试平台操作使用和注意事项 Operation of the examination platform and attention |
10:00--10:50 |
理论 Theory. |
区块链技术在各行业的应用案例及FISCO BCOS开源生态 Examples of applications of block chain technology in various industries and FISCO BCOS open-source ecology |
11:00-11:50 |
实践 Practice |
FISCO BCOS联盟链网络环境搭建 FISCO BCOS Alliance Network Environment |
第1天 Day 1 下午 p.m. |
14:00--14:50 |
实践 Practice |
控制台的配置、操作及常用命令 Configuration, operation and common command of the Console |
15:00--15:50 |
实践 Practice |
区块链中间件平台—WeBASE的搭建及使用 Block chain intermediates platform - WeBASE built and used |
16:00--16:50 |
实践 Practice |
智能合约Webase IDE的使用 Use of smart contractsWebase IDE |
第2天 Day 2 上午 a.m. |
9:00--9:50 |
实践 Practice |
智能合约的开发(上) Smart Contract Development (Up) |
10:00--10:50 |
实践 Practice |
智能合约的开发(中) Smart contract development (medium) |
11:00-11:50 |
实践 Practice |
智能合约的开发(下) Intelligent contract development (down) |
第2天 Day 2 下午 p.m. |
14:00--14:50 |
实践 Practice |
智能合约的部署和调用 Deployment and call for smart contracts |
15:00--15:50 |
实践 Practice |
FISCO BCOS节点压力测试方法 FISCO BCOS node pressure test method |
16:00--16:50 |
理论 Theory. |
参赛注意事项及技巧 Attention and skill in the competition |
V, training venue
The training room on the fifth floor of the 9th floor of the Guangzhou Institute of Vocational Technology, 1342 Sha Bay Street Street, Guangzhou City.

vi. Training costs
This training is provided free of charge and free of charge.
VII, sign up to answer
报名回执表请见附件一 ,
For the application form, see annex I.
Please send an e-mail at xiang.feng@datom.com,
联系人及电话:向峰 13928439454。
Contact and telephone number: Mt 13928439454.
Annex I: Training roll back to
姓名 Name |
性别 Gender |
职务/职称 Functions/titles |
邮箱 Mailbox |
联系电话 Contact call. |
工作单位 _Other Organiser |