随着区块链,虚拟货币成为当下最火爆的风口,滋生了各种打着区块链,比特币等虚拟货币旗号的骗局,“成功学”大师陈安之去年也曾入币圈,为Fans time、BHB等项目站台。如今,这两个项目一个市值跌去96.63%;另一个因涉嫌传销被公安机关法办。黑箱最近也发现各路骗子讲师也开始加入币圈盘圈为骗子项目拉人培训洗脑!
With the block chain, virtual currency became the hottest of the moment , and master Chen An of “successful learning” also entered the currency ring last year for projects such as Fanstime and BHB. Now, one of these projects has lost 96.63% of its market value; another, suspected of being marketed, has also found that the Black Boxer has recently joined the ring to train people in fraud projects!
At present, there are no few training institutions that invest in block chains, and the cost of training varies from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars. At the same time, there is a great commercial value behind the block chains, as well as a huge amount of training in block chains, which are so hot that they are swept into groups of listeners, combat camps, and various types of information that fill the circle of friends and attract brainwashing through the myths of wealth of various virtual currencies, such as bitcoins.

Guangzhou Technology of Cows Block Chains Ltd. claims to be an integrated service company with an international perspective, innovative block chain incubation, block chain investment consultancy, block chain education consultancy.

, known in black boxes, organized the distribution of cattle blocks under the guise of a virtual one-night rich currency, by defusing trainees to invest in virtual money by means of a con maniac lecture. does not normally have teacher belts like English, dance, fine arts, etc. He learns.

Let's take a look at the chain of cattle.
In addition to the children, his lectures will be held in high-rise, golden hotels, and there will be a group of pKs at the bottom of each group, which will be a game award team, creating a crowd of loudspeakers and people. This will be followed by his skill of killing -- a very contagious “brainwashing” lecture.

And then we started to teach people how to learn how to do things, to lure the students into the money, and there's a mentality in which people get to the group, and IQs are severely reduced, easily infected with the moods around them, and gradually become assimilated.

Its launch is called the "Girl of Money", which is a connoisseur of money. There is no magic instrument in the currency circle. The black box reminds you that the chain of blocks is just a technology, that the virtual currency is just an application of the block chain technology, that the currency is not a myth of wealth, and that the cucumbers are cut off.
The outcome of the strong, without exception, was that he could not help but say to the participants that the investment was risky and the investment ended in the same way: all the money was lost.
In May this year, the People's Procuratorate of Dongyang filed an indictment in a digital currency fraud case, amounting to 380 million yuan, against a total of 95 defendants.

Their scams tend to be: they invite their clients to attend the training course to lecture on the brainwashing of target virtual currency backstages, and the running of money.
are all the tricks used by outlaws as “old-fashioned ways.” It's just to replace the former “shares, gold, futures” with the most cutting-edge concepts: “Buybitco, Ether, Block Chains.”
Come on, you pay $10,000 for registration, and the black box tells you the secret of making a million dollars.
expresses in this paper only the personal views of the authors and does not constitute an investment proposal.
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