The following article is based on ideas:
In the face of successive waves of strikes in France, while the Government has not reversed its decision to reform pensions, it has set in motion another front, the organization of working hours.
In a previous study, a significant number of French people demonstrated a desire for and acceptance of the four-day work system.
The French government also seems to have heard the people's voices, trying to ease the resistance to pension reform, so how do you find yourself in France with a "four-day working system"?

Gabriel Attal
图源 AFP
Source AFP
公共财务行政部长Gabriel Attal表示将推广一周工作四日制,目前在Picardy地区的Urssaf试点。
Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Finance, indicated that the four-day working week of would be promoted and currently piloted in Urssaf, Picardy District.
根据 Urssaf当地管理层的一项调查,70%的员工支持它,25%的员工计划使用它。
According to a survey by Urssaf's local management, 70 per cent of staff supports and 25 per cent of .
“In general, the French 但是是不是每个人都适合这一种工作制度呢? But isn't everyone fit for this job system? 1 适合你吗? Does it suit you? 四 4 天 days 制 目前所提出的四天工作制主要是在每周总工作时长(35小时)不变以及工资不变的情况下,将工作天数由传统的五天改成四天,将周末由两天改成三天。 The four-day work system currently proposed is mainly to change the number of working days from the traditional five-day to four days and the wage of 在法国公司Love Radius,四天工作制只在5、6、7、8月份生效。工作总时长(35小时)保持不变,工资也没有变化。 In the French company Love Radius, the four-day work system only came into effect in May, June, July and August. 图源 DR "我们的目的是在更短的时间内做更多的事情,分清轻重缓急,减少在某些任务上的时间损失,"公司的联合创始人Olivier Sales解释说。因此,Marie Chamoux承认,她的工作?"更加集中","更加专注"。 & #34; Our aim is to do more in a shorter time, prioritize and reduce time loss on certain tasks & #34; the company's co-founder, Olivier Sales, explained. So Marie Chamoux admits that her job is Océane Aymeric工作的公司也选择了在夏季一周只工作四天。这让她感觉她的日子更加紧张。当我有四天的时间时,我感觉更高效。因为我不一定有时间去拖延。 Océane Aymeric's company also chose to work only four days a week in the summer. This makes her feel more nervous. When I have four days, I feel more efficient. Because I don't necessarily have time to delay. 四日工作制对于很多人来说,更自由了。为了三天的假期,员工们通常会以更高效,更专注的状态进行工作。在休息过后员工们返回工作时的状态也会更好。 The four-day work system is freer for many. For three days, employees usually work in a more efficient and focused state. 但是在其大规模推广之前,我们必须考虑每周工作四天的利弊。虽然有许多潜在的好处,例如提高员工士气和减轻压力水平,但也有缺点,例如生产力下降和难以管理工作量。 But before its massive roll-out, we must consider the advantages and disadvantages of working four days a week. While there are many potential benefits, such as raising staff morale and reducing stress levels, there are also shortcomings, such as . 最直观的就是每天工作时间延长。一旦超过了人精神能承受的范围,在那些相当于“加班”的时间里,员工的效率其实会大大下降。 The most intuitive aspect is the extension of working hours every day. 也有企业担心员工在三天“小长假”回来后会变得懒散,反而难以进入工作状态。或者是只工作4天,导致减少了一天的收益。对于某些行业,比如销售业来说,这是其余四天里“加班”也难以补回的收益。 For some industries, such as the sales industry, it is also difficult to recover “overtime” for the remaining four days. 总之每周工作四天的决定应谨慎做出,并考虑所有相关因素。在进行任何更改之前,了解这个新系统将如何影响员工和整个企业非常重要。 It is important to know how the new system will affect staff and the enterprise as a whole before any changes are made. 2 Ta怎么说 What does Ta say? 事情一出便引发了中法网友的热烈讨论。各位打工人想的可谓是更加细致。 As soon as this happened, there was a lively discussion among the Chinese Internet users. What you hit the workers was more nuanced. 法国网友先来一招“得寸进尺”: French Internet users start with a "Step-to-Step" move: 我们有提案说到工作两天休息五天的吗? Do we have a proposal for a five-day break for two days at work? 图源 Twitter Source: Twitter. 四天工作+每日工作2小时 4 days + 2 hours per day 图源 Twitter Source: Twitter. 也有人为此担心会不会付出其他的“代价”: There are also fears that there will be other “costs”: 也就是说为了少工作一天,我们必须加班 That means we have to work overtime in order to work less than one day. 图源 Twitter Source: Twitter. 然后他就会说我们得在85岁才能退休。他现在还没告诉我们。 Then he'll say we have to be 85 to retire. He hasn't told us yet. 图源 Twitter Source: Twitter. 中国网友则表示:别发了,别说了,我羡慕了! Chinese netizens say, "Don't do it, don't do it, I envy you!" 图源 微博 Source: Webbo. 又有通读历史的朋友表示: Another friend who read about history says: 图源 微博 也有身处法国,乃至欧洲的朋友们无情“吐槽”: And in France, and even in Europe, our friends are relentlessly “slurping”: 图源 微博 图源 微博 网友们的评论再次让我们看到了这一把“双刃剑”。无论是上级还是打工人,都在探索能让自己更好地工作的方法:无论是四日工作制,还是远程上班。甚至……通过“元宇宙”上班! The comments of the online community show us once again this double-edged sword. Both the superiors and the workers are exploring ways to make themselves work better: four-day work, or teleworking. Even... work through the meta-cosmos. 3 元宇宙? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange? 脑洞大开的法国人甚至写出了一篇科幻小说来描述“元宇宙”推广后的上班情况。 The French with a big brain hole even wrote a science fiction novel to describe the work that took place after the introduction of the “Men Universe”. 元宇宙 元宇宙,简单说是一组相互连接的虚拟宇宙(视频游戏、社交网络、在线商店)。通过区块链,这一种经济被创造出来。在这种经济中,元宇宙的用户可以在这些不同的虚拟世界之间导航,并以加密货币进行交易。 混合工作2022是面对面和远程工作的混合体。至于到了2030年呢? Mixed jobs 2022 are a mix of face-to-face and remote jobs. And by 2030? 混合型员工可以指代在元宇宙中远程工作(在办公室或家中)和面对面的人。这篇小说通过介绍Léa,一家大型广告公司的项目经理的一天来向我们展示元宇宙下的办公。 Mixed employees can refer to people who work remotely (in an office or at home) and face-to-face in the metaspace. The novel shows us the office under the metaspace by introducing Léa, the project manager of a large advertising company. 在这部小说中,人们不用亲自到达办公室,只需要在虚拟空间中的“豪华大楼”中工作就可以了。公司给员工的着装自由度也很高,“只要不稀奇古怪就好了”。 In this novel, people don't have to come to the office in person , but just work in a fancy building in virtual space. The company gives its employees a high degree of freedom to dress, “if it's not unusual”. 2030年,元宇宙中的一个工作日 In 2030, a working day in the Woncosmos. 元宇宙办公场景 cosmonium office scene Léa与客户会面。这是一个希望进军高端市场的成衣品牌。在一个新兴的元宇宙,品牌开始通过身临其境,使用通过VR耳机和装有传感器的触觉夹克感受的振动、声音、触觉和气味等争先恐后地赚取声誉。 Léa meets clients. It's a brand of clothes that wants to move into high-end markets. In an emerging metaspace, brands begin to earn their reputation through 对面是该品牌驻伦敦、纽约、里斯本和柏林的几位传播经理。商务旅行不再浪费金钱和时间。一个VR耳机就足够了。 It's the brand's communications managers in London, New York, Lisbon and Berlin. Business travel is no longer a waste of money and time. A VR headphone is enough for 随着远程工作的普及,厌倦了窒息的大城市的员工流动性越来越大,农村也逐渐被重新重视。最新的INSEE研究报告称,首都的人口密度在不到十年的时间里下降了 35%! With the spread of teleworking, the mobility of workers in the suffocating big cities is increasing, and rural areas are gradually being refocused. The latest INSEE study reports that population density in the capital has declined by 35% in less than a decade! 随着元宇宙的发展,人们开始厌恶现实生活中的面对面上班。在元宇宙中,工作世界为情感留下了更多空间。员工不再犹豫地表达他们的不满、悲伤或喜悦。即使虚拟变得越来越精确,仍然很难辨别面部的精确特征,尤其是情绪。 With the development of the meta-cosmos, people begin to dislike face-to-face work in real life. In the meta-cosmos, the world of work leaves more room for emotion. 内容摘自小说? From the novel? 作者Camille Wong,?Julia Lemarchand This post is part of our special coverage Human Rights Watch. 但在最后,作者也点出了商业过度对于年轻一代的有害影响:他们的梦想被贩卖,并沉浸在虚拟世界的灯红酒绿中,社会被数字化所欺骗,金钱全都落入了开发者的口袋。 In the end, however, the author also points out the harmful effects of business overhang on the younger generation: their dreams are being trafficked and immersed in the light of the virtual world, society is being deluded by digitization, and money is all in the hands of developers. 虽然这只是小说内容,但是按照当今科技发展的速度,离小说照进现实应该也不远了。 Although this is just a novel, at the current rate of scientific and technological development, it should not be far from the reality of the novel. 未雨绸缪地说,元宇宙工作确实减少了人们的通勤时间,让人们的物理距离变得更近,体验到了更丰富的世界;但是同时也增加了不少技术性难题,工作难度也会加大。很难说打工人们到底是“更辛苦了”还是“更轻松了”。 Proactively, it does reduce commuting time, bring people closer to physical distance and experience a richer world; but it also adds a lot of technical difficulties and makes it harder to work. It's hard to say whether people who work are “harder” or “easyer”. 图源:lemetavers.io 在当今快节奏的世界中,人们不断在寻找着工作与生活的平衡。 In today's fast-paced world, people are constantly seeking a balance between work and life. 如同技术的发展是个“双刃剑”一样,四日工作制的发展从某些角度来说也是一把“双刃剑”。到底好处多还是坏处多,我们没办法评判。只能说,适合自己的才是最好的。 Just as technological development is a double-edged sword, the development of a four-day working system is a double-edged sword in some ways. The benefits are many or many, and we can't judge. Let's just say, strong is the best thing to do. 向上滑动预览 Slide Preview Up 文字:心心 审编:五更长旺 资料来源: https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/politique/article/la-semaine-de-36h-en-4-jours-experimentee-pour-les-fonctionnaires-de-picardie_213493.html https://start.lesechos.fr/travailler-mieux/flexibilite-au-travail/semaine-de-quatre-jours-autant-de-travail-a-faire-en-moins-de-temps-1904184 https://start.lesechos.fr/travailler-mieux/vie-entreprise/semaine-de-quatre-jours-payes-cinq-lavenir-en-entreprise-1778933 https://start.lesechos.fr/innovations-startups/tech-futur/en-2030-voila-a-quoi-notre-journee-de-travail-pourrait-ressembler-dans-le-metavers-
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