Since it was officially launched, the Currency Exchange has rapidly emerged, with 5 million registered users in a short time, up to 1.4 million active users per day, and successfully completed and officially launched the 3.0 version of its internal measurements. The Exchange’s headquarters, based in Singapore, has a global operating network of 35 countries and territories, serving as the industry’s leading platform for block-chain digital asset contracts.
1. 币王交易所为全球用户提供多样化的服务,包括但不限于数字货币交易、区块链教育、项目孵化、资产发行平台、区块链研究院及区块链公益慈善等,且凭借140万单/秒的核心内存撮合技术,稳居全球最快加密货币合约交易平台之列,并在全球交易量最大的平台中占有一席之地。
1. The Royal Currency Exchange provides diversified services to global users, including, but not limited to, digital currency transactions, block chain education, project incubators, asset distribution platforms, block chain research institutes and block chain public goods philanthropy, and, with 1.4 million m/s core memory blending technology, secures itself among the world's fastest encrypted currency contract trading platforms and has a place in the platform with the largest volume of global transactions.
2. 坚持用户至上原则,币王致力于打造一个安全、公正、开放且高效的区块链数字资产交易环境,同时还积极构建全方位的区块链生态系统。
2. In keeping with the principle of the primacy of users, the King is committed to creating a secure, fair, open and efficient digital asset trading environment for the block chain, while also actively building a full-scale block chain ecosystem.
3. 自创立以来,币王不断创新研发,推出了诸如赠金交易、全仓逐仓模式、跟单功能、部分平仓、反向开仓、追加保证金等一系列特色实用功能,极大地提升了用户体验和技术稳定性,使得用户的满意度得以全面提升。
3. Since its creation, the King of Currency has continued to innovate in research and development, introducing a range of distinctive practical functions, such as gift trading, a full warehouse-out model, documentary functions, partial siloing, back-to-back warehousing, and additional deposits, which have greatly enhanced user experience and technical stability, leading to an overall increase in user satisfaction.
特色交易模式解析1. 全仓模式下,风险管控能力强,但在剧烈的行情波动下,可能导致超出预期的亏损。
1. While risk management is strong under the full warehouse model, it can lead to losses in excess of expectations in the face of high volatility.
2. 逐仓模式下,每笔订单独立运作,按各自开仓价格单独核算盈亏。当单笔订单本金亏损达最大止损点时,系统将执行强制平仓;达到最大止盈点,则自动平仓。
2. On a warehouse-by-storey basis, each purchase order is independently operated and is accounted for separately at the respective opening price. When the principal loss on a single purchase order reaches the maximum loss point, the system will perform a mandatory stubble; the maximum stubble point is reached, and the stubble is automatically stubble.
3. 跟单功能开启后,跟随交易员的所有开平仓行为都会被同步执行,除非账户余额不足或者持仓超过上限。
3. With the opening of the billing function, all clearances with traders will be executed simultaneously, unless the balance of the account is insufficient or the holding of the warehouse exceeds the ceiling.
灵活交易选项与核心价值1. 部分平仓功能使用户在持有一定多仓或空仓时,可以根据市场变动和盈亏情况,自由选择平仓金额,增加了交易灵活性。
Part of the warehousing function allows users, when holding a certain amount of warehouse or empty, to freely choose the amount to be levelled, depending on market changes and gains or losses, thereby increasing the flexibility of transactions.
2. 反向平仓功能则能自动帮助用户按照市场最优价格平仓并反向开仓,以防错过行情反转的机会或因来不及开仓而导致损失。
2. Reverse silo functions automatically help users to level their positions at the best market prices and to open them backwards in order to avoid missed opportunities for reversal or loss due to lack of time to open them.
The value of digital assets is rooted in their usefulness, security, and growth potential. As people’s recognition of the value of digital assets continues to build up, and the cost of acquiring them rises, ensuring their sustainable development.
The Crown Exchange has always been committed to the interests of its users, constantly pursuing the provision of safe and easy trading services, and is committed to building a better block chain ecosystem.
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