
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:30 评论:0



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The K-line price continues to stagnate on the edge of the pressure. From the Jiang Eun angle, we can see that 4/1 is a short-term support point, that the technology of the MACD is clearly inadequate, that RSI is operating close to 60 hours away, and that the same thinking of yesterday night remains intact.


Ideas: Blocks around 1360-1350, Target 1320-1290, Wind control 1380




advantages of OEF strategic transactions


1. Provide a variety of strategies, which currently include: spot grids, contract grids, investment strategy, Tuan Treasure, arbitrage, iceberg commission, time-weighted commissioning.


2- Simple operation, which will help you set transactional parameters that provide intelligent parameters to help you in a more scientific way; and provide graphics and video lessons that will allow you to be quick and well-versed;


3. Low handling fees: EU facilitated a full upgrade of the system of fee rates, which significantly reduced user transaction fees;


4. Safety and security: OEF has a security team of top global experts who can provide you with bank-level security.


成立于2014年,是世界领先的加密货币交易所之一。平台可交易多种山寨币。 首先,因为该网站拥有十分庞大的用户群。自2016年它的竞争对手Cryptsy消失以来,特别是2017年年初山寨币泡沫之后,拥有了非常快速增长的交易量,访问量从2017年2月每月700万增加到5月份的月增长3000万。 第二,有最友好的手机和电脑端交易界面,这是因为它是一个纯粹的数字货币交易所,不能使用法币。你需要先在其他地方购买比特币,然后充值以便交易。

Since its competitor, Cryptsy, disappeared in 2016, in particular after early 2017, there has been a very rapid increase in the volume of transactions, from 7 million per month in February to 30 million per month in May. Second, there are the most friendly mobile phone and computer end-of-end interfaces, because it is a purely digital currency exchange that cannot be used in French.



The Digital Currency International Station, launched by Dunamu, a mining company in partnership with the United States International Station, was launched at the end of October 2017 and currently supports more than 200 transactions of more than 110 currencies.

预计将成为最大的数字货币国际站,平台在未来还会逐步上架更多新的数字货币。该平台全球综合排名:27.交易方式支持现货和法币两种。24小时的成交额:14.91亿,目前是151个币种在该交易所上活跃。不单单在发展不错,在美国,新加坡,马耳他也都建立了数字资产交易所,平台使用KAKAO PEI简化身份验证,比OTP双通道身份验证更简单,也更安全。

It is expected to be the largest digital currency international station, and the platform will gradually build up more new digital currencies in the future. The platform’s global composite ranking is 27. The mode of dealing supports both spot and French. 24-hour transactions: 1,491 million, with 151 currencies currently active on the exchange. Not only in the United States, but also in Singapore, Malta has set up a digital asset exchange, and the platform uses KAKAO PEI for simplified identification, which is easier and safer than the two-channel identification of OTP.


Taken together, it is a secure and trusted platform with sufficiently deep and dynamic exchanges.



It is also a large head platform with the first three trading volumes, but there has been little innovation in recent years, and the iterative upgrading of the trading system has been slow, and the web-trading interface has remained as it was in the past, with some feeling that the platform’s daily community activities are low, that social platforms do not see much interaction, and that the overall heat is poor. With the rise of the new platform, the market share of Network B has been falling steadily in recent years, and it is felt that the whole has gone to the two-line platform.


But the saying is that skinny camels are bigger than horses, and that the B net, an old-fashioned exchange that has crossed a multi-truck bear, is still technologically positive, has been operating steadily on the line, has not lost its platform or its users as a result of currency loss, and has for many years been able to store a good user profile in the currency ring, with a core user. For some cold currency support, such as the Obyte byte snowball, the most important trading platform is the B net, which is almost impossible to buy in the country.


In conclusion, as a well-established exchange, its technological strength is relatively high, and if it can be more operational and more widespread, for example by opening up domestic markets, there should still be a good development as a sound trading platform.



It is currently the most advanced and largest specialized Bitcoin derivatives exchange, established in 2014 in the Republic of Seychelles.

其团队成员都非常的专业和出色,都是来自世界一流顶级名校和专业金融方面的人才,开发团队来自世界顶级机构,其顾问是倍称之为比特币的传奇投资人jeffrey wernick、同时该交易所也获得了币圈知名机构的投资,如比特大陆,丹华资本等。

All of its team members were very professional and excellent, both from the world's leading schools of excellence and professional finance, and its development team came from the world's top institutions, and its consultants were the legendary investor Jeffrey Warnick, known as Bitcoin, and the exchange received investment from leading institutions in the currency circle, such as Bitcoin, Danhua Capital, etc.


Taken together, the top team, the big players, a pure derivatives exchange, though fast-growing, is really not fit for ordinary investors. The deal is huge, and the users are all over the world, but the individual also needs to be rational.





For answers and feedback, send an e-mail. Please provide 24/7 support in several languages.


8. Red rice


The exchange was established in October 2012 as a well-established exchange. The exchange deals in the form of support for spot, futures, and French. The platform is strong, platform assets: 31.38. The platform is ranked 10th globally, with 126 currencies active, 24-hour transactions: 1,226 million, with depth.

用户体验流畅,提币和交易速度都到位。它的平台币LEO 的币价走势稳健,热度高,有兴趣的可以关注下这个项目。之前2016年的那次12万比特币被盗事件,当时是轰动整个币圈,知名度变相的也得到了一个大的提升,但目前三大剑客交易所实力已经远远超过它。但这个老牌交易所,积累的老用户还是很多的,实力还是比一般的小平台好很多。

Users have experienced fluidity, coins, and speed of transactions. Its platform, LEO, has a strong currency and high heat, and interested people can follow the project.


The Exchange claims to be the largest and most advanced Bitcoin exchange platform in the world, but, after all, technology and marketing have not kept pace with it, but it is also a powerful and trade-friendly platform.



The currency is rich, the interface is easy to understand, the Chinese, Russian and English languages are supported, and the fees are 0.2 per cent.


It is the top 50 international stations in the world, offering a wide variety of currency transactions, with a super-simplified interface with Russian, Chinese, and English. The Yobit international station is located in Russia, and the platform is not only a tradable currency, but also a chat room that allows easy access to current hot spots and investment directions.



The currency circle’s largest compliance platform, and with its strong sponsorship properties, basically xxxxxxx projects, usually move out of a wave of double-digit increases, even several times more common, and are not IEOs, but some of the dominant currencies that have been on the line for some time, with strong upper currency effects. The platform also supports poss mining, with higher returns for users preparing long-term troupes.


The greatest advantage of the platform in a transaction should be compliance, direct transactions in United States dollars in French, bank cards in which money can be bought directly, which is very convenient, unlike in our country, when it is bought, it has to be cut by a stable currency.


At the same time, the security of the platform is very strong, and there has been no money-disposal on-line (except for misoperation by users). It seems that there was only one fishing attack before, and finally, it was detected by the wind, preventing the attack, and the platform was very technical and secure.


The platform has a number of advantages and disadvantages, most notably that user censorship is very rigorous, and non-American local users are hardly involved. At the same time, the platform currently supports relatively few currencies and focuses only on spot transactions, and derivatives are being developed relatively slowly, although there is one less money-deficient way for users who like to be small and large:


Finally, it is a very safe and excellent platform, which, if registered, would certainly be the preferred option, be it asset security or the depth of the transaction, without the need to worry as much as any other platform about freezing cards, access money would be very convenient and the user experience would be excellent. This is one of the most important features of the extension of the standard for local jurisdictions. In addition to being able to trade in currency, it would also provide for stable currency USDC transactions, even in areas where French can be traded.



If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com




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